Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 190: The layout of the emperor

   The world will meet.

   Xiongba carried his hands on his back, looking down at the disciple Jingyue of Cihang Jingzhai.

   "My Ci Hang Jing Zhai..."

   "My Ci Hang Jing Zhai..."

   Jingyue is in a mess.

   Jingyue knew in her heart that if she answered the question of Xiongba, it would be tantamount to betraying Cihang Jingzhai.

   Cihang Jingzhai, as the leader of the right path, although he can't escape from the world, no one can influence his influence in the whole martial arts.

   Once Cihang Jingzhai is informed of her betrayal, she may not escape her death in the future.


   If Jingyue didn't cooperate with Xiongba, she would have to die now!

   One is to die later.

   One is dead now.

   Jingyue bit her lip lightly, panicking in her heart.

   As for deceiving Xiongba, deliberately telling Xiongba false information...

   Jingyue didn't even think about it.

   Xiongba is a **** and demon.

  The external control of the gods and demons is extremely terrifying.

   If there is a lie in Jingyue, Xiongba may directly detect it through Jingyue's heartbeat and expression.

   At that time, Jingyue might not even die.

   Jingyue wants to live.

   She did not dare to take this risk.

   "Don't worry, if you answer the old man's question truthfully, the old man may not be able to save your life."

   Xiongba said lightly.

   Jingyue gritted her teeth when she heard Xiongba's words, and made a decision in her heart.

   "My Ci Hang Jing Zhai..."

   Jingyue settled down and said quickly.



   half an hour later.

   Xiong Ba summoned the disciples of the Tianxiahui, and put Jingyue in the jail of the Tianxiahui.

   Xiongba only said that Rao Jingyue was killed.

   But whether to let Jingyue go back, Xiongba has no guarantee.



   Xiongba murmured in a low voice.

   According to the information provided by Jingyue, there were two gods and demons in Cihang Jingzhai.

   One is the master of Ci Hang Jing Zhai.

   One is the protector of Cihang Jingzhai.

   As for whether there are other gods and demons level combat power, Jingyue herself doesn't know.

   Jingyue is a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, but a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai is not qualified to know many secrets of Cihang Jingzhai.

   "Also, Cihang Jingzhai colluded with the Lingnan Song family!"

   Xiongba's expression suddenly became gloomy.

   Although the Lingnan Song family did not immediately agree to Ci Hang Jingzhai's request.

   But Xiongba had to consider, if Lingnan Song Family really stood on the side of Cihang Jingzhai, it would have an impact on the world situation.

   "No way."

   "This matter must be told to your majesty immediately!"

   Xiongba realizes the seriousness of the matter.

   If it's just a matter in the world, Xiongba thinks he can handle it properly.

   But the Lingnan Song family is not just a family of Jianghu.

  Lingnan Song Family is one of the top gatekeepers today.

   If the Lingnan Song family is worthy of the plot, it will have a huge impact!

   Thinking of this, Xiongba immediately took out a piece of white paper and wrote the information about Cihang Jingzhai and Lingnan Song Family on the white paper without missing a word.



   Tai Chi Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair and looked at the court officials: "What else is Aiqing?"

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty no longer stood up: "The ministers wait for nothing."

   Going up early, the courtiers have already said what they should say.


   Li Si whispered a few words in the ear of the nearby eunuch, got up and walked out of the Taiji Hall.

   After Li Si left the Taiji Hall, the officials dared to get up.

   "Your Majesty is diligent, I am looking forward to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty!"

   A minister was full of excitement.

   Although Li Si has been the most murderous since he became the throne, among the emperors of the Tang Dynasty, I am afraid that there is no one who can compare with Li Si.

   But I have to say that after Li Si's killing, Datang began to improve in all aspects.

  Manchu officials killed by the emperor dare not embezzle!

  The world where the emperor killed was terrified!

  The neighboring countries killed by the emperor no longer have any idea of ​​independence!

   Did the emperor kill the wrong thing?

   Did the emperor kill too many?

   The Tang Dynasty was founded for two hundred years, and after experiencing the Anshi Rebellion, it has long been decayed to its roots.

   If you don't kill and kill, how can you save Datang's Jiangshan community from danger?

   Civil and military officials are excited!

  With this sage's assistant, how lucky are they as courtiers?

  The chief assistant of the cabinet Zhang Juzheng and Taiwei Yang Qinglin glanced at each other, and after preparing to leave the early court, they returned to the cabinet to help the emperor handle government affairs.


at this time.

   The attendant **** stopped Zhang Juzheng and Yang Qinglin with a smile on his face.

   In addition to the two, Hube Shangshu was among them.

   "Three adults."

   "Your Majesty, please."

   The attendant **** showed a very humble look.

   For other courtiers, the **** may not fake colors.

   But the three ministers in front of him can now be trusted by the emperor.

   Needless to say, Zhang Juzheng, as the chief assistant of the cabinet, he holds the power of the cabinet and can replace the imperial power and handle the affairs of the world!

   As for Yang Qinglin and Hubu Shangshu.

   One is Cabinet Cisuke, and the other is in charge of Datang Treasury.

   is also highly regarded!

   "Your Majesty is looking for us?"

   Hube Shangshu was slightly surprised.

   If your Majesty finds something to do with them, just say so directly from the early morning.

  Why do you invite them over?

   Hubu Shangshu was a little worried.

   Taiwei Yang Qinglin was not as excited as Hubu Shangshu.

   Yang Qinglin knows his majesty's methods.

   If your Majesty wants to do something to them, just make a will.

   Why bother?


   A few people followed the **** and came to the Palace of Longevity.

   "Several adults, your majesty is inside."

   The voice of the attendant **** just fell, and Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, walked in first.

   followed by Taiwei Yang Qinglin.

   Hube Shangshu saw this scene, so he could only bite the bullet and follow up.

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   "The ministers have seen your majesty."

   Zhang Juzheng and the other three bowed their respects.

   Li Si waved his hand: "The three Aiqings get up."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   Tobe Shangshu said respectfully.

   Li Si glanced at the three of them, did not obscure, and said bluntly: "I am going to open the world school ~ within a year, and expand to every county of Datang for local students to study."

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the three people on the court were slightly surprised.

   They never expected that the emperor would open the school to various counties?

   This is not necessary at all!

   You must know that since the founding of Datang, the world has been divided into counties, states, and counties.

   As for the villages under the county...

   These villages are not counted.

   Because there are so many villages.

   Some villages were merged into other counties within a few days of establishment.

   The village is too unstable.

   Datang can count the county level.

   Even so, Datang still owns at least two thousand counties!

   Some of the rich counties, of course, have their own schools.

   But most counties do not have this condition.

   There are two ways for students who want to read and read.

   One is to go to the nearest state city.

   The second is to study at a local private school.

   The former is far away.

  The latter cost a lot.

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, watching the reaction of the three courtiers.

   In Li Si's view, in any dynasty, talent is the top priority! !

   The establishment of Datang Academy can add a lot of talents to Datang.

   Moreover, the school that Li Si is going to set up is not the kind of school that reads only the four books and five classics and is full of benevolence and morality...

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