Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 192: The emperor's 0-year plan!

  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si dismissed Cihang Jingzhai.

   The so-called leader of the righteous path, the so-called Emperor Tianxuan, is nothing more than the self-appointment of Ci Hang Jingzhai.

   If it wasn't for Jianghu martial arts, it would still be useful, Li Si had already started with Cihang Jingzhai.

   At this point, Li Si continued to look down.

   "Lingnan Song Family?"

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, lost in thought.

   The secret report from the Xiongba said that Cihang Jingzhai and the Lingnan Song family had an old relationship.

   The disciple of Ci Hang Jing Zhai captured by Xiong Ba this time was ordered by the master of Ci Hang Jing Zhai to go to Lingnan Song's home for help.

   Li Si looked at the secret report, thinking slowly in his heart

   Lingnan Song Family was one of the top celebrities at the time.

  In the Lingnan generation, the influence of the Song family was extremely terrifying.

   Two hundred years ago, before Datang was founded, there were four gates.

   These four gate valves separatize the Central Plains and fight each other.

   Among them, the Song family is one of the four main gates.

   In addition, the current royal family of Li is also the four main gates...


   The Li family’s celebrity aspired to the world, and the founding title was "Tang".

   The forces of the Song family retreated to the Lingnan generation and could not get out.

   The remaining two gate valves, the Yuwen clan often haunted the southern generation, and the water of the Song Jiajing did not violate the river.

   Dugu sect is active in the north, and is the first of many families in the north.

   Li Si closed the secret report and placed it on the dragon case.

   If the Song family in Lingnan is acquainted and stays in Lingnan obediently, Li Si will not bother to do anything with the Song family.

   After all, no matter how brilliant the Song family was two hundred years ago, it is now only an aristocratic family in the Tang Empire.

   Li Si reformed the land system and collected taxes per mu. The Song family did not resist much...

   Li Si is still somewhat tolerant of the abiding family.

   Li Si looked at Cao Zhengchun, and said, "I know about this. I will pass on a word to Xiongba for me. He can't interfere with the Song family in Lingnan, and I will deal with it."

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Cao Zhengchun led the order to resign.

   After Cao Zhengchun left.

   Li Si got up and walked out of the Hall of Longevity.

   Outside the Hall of Longevity.


   Li Si also feels better.

   "Calculating the time, it has been almost a month since the last time the gods and demons were summoned, right?"

   Li Si put his hands on his back, thinking slowly.

   The call of the system, once a month, will not increase or decrease.

   Li Si only needs to wait at ease.



   The Turkic national division walked out of the Turkic royal court.

   Beside the Turkic State Division, standing next to the Turkic King Shuye.

   "It's almost time."

   "Today, let's set off for the Tang Empire."

   The Turkic State Master looked at the sky and said to his brother Shuye.

"National Division."

   Ge Shu Ye shrank his head and couldn't help asking: "Just the two of us?"

"of course!"

   The Turkic State Master slowly said: "A lot of people is also a burden."


  Brother Shu Ye swallowed and said, "If only I and the national teacher are the two, after arriving in the Tang Empire, if there is danger..."

   Brother Shu Ye’s implied meaning, if they don’t bring some people, if the emperor of Tang has a murderous intent on them...

   At that time, they had at least a chance to resist...

   "Brother Shuhan."

   The Turkic State Master asked his brother Shuhan, and shook his head slightly: "If the emperor of Tang Dynasty wants to kill us, even if we bring thousands of troops, we still have to die."

   "The Emperor Datang wants us to die, we can't live at all."

   "Brother Shuye, if you really see the emperor of Tang Dynasty, don't be clever."

   "In the face of the emperor of Tang Dynasty, you only need to show your surrender."

   The Turkic State Master said seriously.

   The Turkic State Teacher is telling Ge Shuye not to do some meaningless resistance.

   The Tang Empire is invincible.

   If Ge Shuye made the Emperor of Tang dissatisfied, the Turks would destroy the country soon.

   "Guoji, I know I was wrong."

   Ge Shu Ye shrank his head and whispered.


   The Turkic State Master gave a light sigh and looked towards the direction of the Tang Empire.

   "The Emperor of Tang Dynasty."

   In the mind of the Turkic national teacher, the man wearing a dragon robe, who decided the fate of the Turkic with one word.

   "Perhaps, my Turkic state surrendered, may it not be a good thing?"

   A thought flashed through the mind of the Turkic National Teacher.




  East Factory Dungeon.

   Nangong sat blankly in the cell.

   Nangong Qing, as the successor of Cihang Jingzhai, the next master of Cihang Jingzhai, the future powerhouse of the gods and demons, is full of arrogance.

   Even if Nangongqing was broken by Jianxin, she was very confident that she must occupy a certain position in the eyes of the emperor.

  Because she Nangongqing represents Cihang Jingzhai.

   The righteous leader of the Jianghu martial arts.

   Therefore, when Nangongqing asked to see the emperor, he almost assumed that the emperor would meet her.


   One month passed.

  The emperor didn't even say to see her, he didn't even reply.

   Nangongqing sat in the dungeon, her eyes blank.

   Could it be that in the eyes of the emperor, her Nangong halal is worthless?

   Nangongqing is unbelievable.

  Just, the facts are right in front of you.

   Tianzi really didn't even have the interest to see her.

  Perhaps, not just her Nangongqing, even the entire Ci Hang Jing Zhai, in the heart of the emperor, is as light as a feather...

   Regret suddenly appeared on Nangongqing's face.

   If she was, when the emperor saw her, she didn't think about doing it, maybe the result would be different...



   Hexi Border Pass.

   Wang Mu has been in the post of Hexi General Soldier for some time.

   During this period, Wang Mu had a detailed understanding of the current situation in Hexi Border Pass.

   In addition, Wang Mu also received an order.

   Every once in a while, it is necessary to open the border and let some Confucian caravans into the depths of the grassland.

   At first, Wang Mu was puzzled by this.

  Because, even if the Tang Empire defeated the Turkic Empire, the Turkic people were unruly and lawless. Those Confucian scholars and caravans might be intercepted by the Turkic people when they first entered the grassland.

   Say it again.

   Sending a caravan into the grassland, Wang Mu can still understand a little bit.

   is nothing more than exchanging some materials on the grassland.

   Some things on the grassland are indeed quite lacking in the Datang Empire.

   But let the scholars go deep into the grassland...

   Wang Mu thought for a long time, but didn't understand.

   Wang Mu entered the court relatively late, so he didn’t know the colonial plan...

   Until today, Wang Mu took advantage of the Confucian scholar who entered the grassland to rest at the border, and talked with him.

   At that time, Wang Mu asked the scholars what they did in the grassland.

   Confucian students answered truthfully, they were ordered by the court to teach in the depths of the grassland and spread the Tang culture...


   "Spread the Tang culture?"

   Wang Mu's mind suddenly roared.

   Between the electric light and the flint, Wang Mu's thoughts fluctuated, and he understood everything.

   Your Majesty, this is trying to hide the blood The Turkic grassland will be completely assimilated into the realm of the Tang Dynasty...

   Wang Mu suddenly understood, after the great victory of the Tang Empire, why didn't the Turkic kingdom be completely destroyed.

  Because what if the Turkic kingdom is destroyed?

   What about Turkic people?

   The Turkic grasslands are vast, and the Datang Empire is located in the Central Plains. It is difficult to completely incorporate the Turkic grasslands into the territory.

  Because the people of Datang, they are used to living on the plain after all.

   Therefore, after the Turkic Kingdom was destroyed, the only option for the Tang Empire was to withdraw its troops.

   However, Datang retreated, but the Turkic grassland was still there.

   After dozens of hundreds of years, a new country will be born on the grassland.

   This country may have nothing to do with the Turkic State, but like the Turkic State, they must still be eyeing the Datang Empire and want to invade the rich areas of the Central Plains.

   In this way, the only effect of the Datang Empire's annihilation of the Turkic state was to exchange for decades of peace.


   Today, your Majesty’s approach is equivalent to using Turks to manage Turkic grasslands, and then assimilating Turks into Han.

   Doing so will not only completely solve the crisis on the grassland, but also permanently add a piece of Datang's territory...

   Wang Mu walked out of the commander's mansion and looked towards Chang'an, admiring from the bottom of his heart.

   When others are arguing about a little bit of petty gains, the emperor has set his sights on for decades...

   The layout of the emperor is really scary...

   Wang Mu was filled with awe.

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