Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 194: 800 miles urgent report! !

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, lost in thought.

   If according to Cao Zhengchun's words, on the way back, several Jiedu envoys would arrange for a manual interception in advance.

   I am afraid that there is nowhere to escape from these few knots...

   If the Tang Empire makes a move, Jiedu will make it difficult to fly!

   But what about after seizing the Jade?

   Beiting, Youzhou and other places will fall into Li Si's hands?

   This is impossible.

   These few Jade Envoys did not commit any major mistakes.

   Even if they have the intention to rebel, it is not as hard to prove that after all.

   What reason did Li Si use to mobilize troops against them?

   Therefore, if you catch it, you will catch it.

   Beiting, Youzhou and other places, there will soon be a second Jiedushi, and a third Jiedushi.

   The problem is not solved at all.

   To truly abolish the Jidu Shi system, Li Si needs a practical reason.

   This reason must be convinced by the world.

   Li Si turned his eyes and fell on Cao Zhengchun: "This matter is not in a hurry."

   For Li Si, these sects are life or death, not in his heart.

   Li Si only needs to wait for these junctures to join forces to rebel.

   Only then can Li Si have an excuse to completely include Beiting and Youzhou in his pocket.

   "According to the purpose..."

   Cao Zhengchun bowed and said when he heard his majesty's decision.

   Since the emperor said so, of course Cao Zhengchun has no opinion.

  In the view of Cao Zhengchun, the emperor has the emperor’s consideration. Although Cao Zhengchun is the governor of the East Factory, he only has the power to make suggestions...

   The final decision is still in Li Si's hands.

   "Get out."

   "Monitor the movements of these festivals all the time."

   Li Si waved his hand and said.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Cao Zhengchun ordered to withdraw.

   After Cao Zhengchun left the Palace of Longevity.

   Li Si once again opened the memorial to the dragon case.

   The memorial was submitted by the Hube Shangshu, and it wrote about how much money is in the treasury today.

  According to the memorial, there are 120 taels of silver in the national treasury. In addition, there are gold and jewelry...

   Among the one hundred and two thousand taels of silver, most of them are the treasure that Yuan Zai dug up.

   In addition, there is money from various officials in Li Si's family.

   The money is placed in the treasury, waiting for Li Si to use it at any time.

   "More than 100 million taels of silver..."

   Li Si was slightly emotional.

   After Datang established itself as a country, I am afraid that the treasury has not saved so much money.

   But Li Si has only reached the throne for more than four months, and he has achieved a goal that the emperors of the Tang Dynasty could not even imagine.

Not only that.

  With the implementation of commercial tax reform and land reform, since then, a steady stream of money will flow into the Datang Treasury...

   Li Si looked at the memorial in his hand, thinking in his heart.

   It would be a pity to keep these money in the treasury.

  Open a bank? Let Datang's economy flow?

   Li Si suddenly had this idea in his heart.

   In the Datang Treasury, enough money needs to be kept in case of emergency.

   But if there is too much money, it will be a little wasted.

   If so much money is transferred to the private sector, wouldn’t it be able to stimulate Datang’s rapid economic development?

   There are already banks and other institutions in Datang.

   But the role of the bank is very single, nothing more than the exchange of bank notes.

   It’s just that if it is to establish a bank, there are too many aspects involved.

   Li Si needs to formulate specific steps and discuss with the ministers in the DPRK and China.

   Banks are related to the lifeblood of the country’s economy. If it is careless, the entire Datang economy may collapse.

   Must be cautious.

   The thoughts in Li Si's mind fluctuated.


   In the next few days, after Li Si opened the morning dynasty every day, he focused on the emperor's Qi refining technique.

  The emperor's refining technique is a root-level exercise that points to the great road. Li Si has never discovered many magical uses.

   There is a cabinet to help Li Si handle government affairs, and Li Si does not need to worry about affecting state affairs.

  The ability of the cabinet chief assistant Zhang Juzheng made Li Si a lot easier.


   Imperial Palace.

   Early morning.

   The civil and military officials entered the Taiji Hall in turn.

   Li Si stepped on the golden imperial road and ascended to the court.

   "Long live your majesty, long live long live."

   The court officials bowed their respects to the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

   Li Sixiong looked at the civil and military of Manchu and waved his hand: "Flat body."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   approached the **** and walked out and said loudly: "If there is something to tell, there is nothing to leave the court."

   As soon as the voice of attending the **** fell, Tai Wei Yang Qinglin stood up and said, "My Majesty, the world scholars and scholars will play together, Yan Ming went to the grassland, even if you can't get more, it can't be reduced..."

   "Grab all the Confucian scholars in the joint name and go to the Dongchang Dungeon."

   Li Si didn't even bother to listen to the following words.

   These Confucian scholars, thinking about the benevolent political country every day, feel that the emperor should have the world in his heart and should not commit more killings...

   In Li Si's eyes, this is extremely stupid.

   If there were no Li Si's iron-blooded killing, now that Datang might not be far from the extinction of the country, how could it defeat the Turks?

   There was a trace of murder in Li Si's heart.

   His tolerance for those scholars has limits.

   Above the court, when the courtiers heard the emperor's decision, they bowed their heads, not daring to say a word.

   The emperor's killing intention is too heavy.

   Yang Qinglin just said the beginning, but the emperor didn't check it, and directly ordered all the co-named scholars to be locked into the Dongchang dungeon.

   In the eyes of hundreds of officials, the dungeon of the East Factory is easy to get in, but difficult to get out.

  The emperor let those co-branded scholars enter the Dongchang dungeon, I'm afraid he didn't expect them to survive...

   "If those Confucian students dare to play any joint concert, don't report it to me, just go get it!"

   Li Si's tone was calm, but what he said made all the courtiers feel trembling.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Taiwei Yang Qinglin bowed and said.

   After Taiwei Yang Qinglin retired, another minister walked out of the queue and said, "Tell your majesty, the minister has something to play..."


   just as the early morning was slowly proceeding.

   Outside Chang'an City.

   A war horse galloped up.

   "Urgent report!"

   "Eight hundred miles urgent report!!"

  On the war a soldier held up the blood-colored battle flag, and shouted loudly.

   The guard of Chang'an City saw this scene, his pupils tightened, and he did not hesitate to open the gate to let this soldier enter the city.

   Eight hundred miles emergency report, this is the most urgent emergency report of the Datang Empire.

   Not to be used when it is not alive or dead.

   Five months ago, the Turks invaded southward and used this emergency report.

   In the entire city of Chang'an, the people who are a little bit eye-catching are all panicked.


   Tai Chi Hall.

   Li Si is dealing with government affairs and state affairs.


at this time.

   An urgent voice came from outside the Tai Chi Hall.

   "Urgent report!"

   "Eight hundred miles urgent report!!"

  In an instant, the expressions of all court officials changed slightly.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair with a calm expression and said lightly: "Let him in."


A soldier walked quickly into the Tai Chi Hall, took out a battle report, and held it on his hands: "Your Majesty, the five Jiedu, Jiannan and Hedong, Beiting, Youzhou, Pinglu, Jiannan, and Hedong envoys rebelled and brought one hundred and five A hundred thousand army, soldiers are coming to Nanting Pass!"

   "Nanting Pass is very urgent!!"

   As soon as the voice of the soldiers fell, the expressions of everyone in the hall changed wildly.

   The five major rebellions?

   An army of 1.5 million? ?

   "Come up."

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, his expression unchanged, as if he had already expected it.

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