Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 197: Summon, the 7th God and Demon!

   Outside Nanting Pass.

   A fierce war is going on.

   Nanting border guard Dong Zhengqing dispatched well and directly poured hot oil on the heads of the rebels who had climbed up the siege ladder.

  The hot oil is rolling.

  Countless rebels fell from the siege ladder.

   But then.

   More rebels continue to climb the siege ladder.

   Outside the border.

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong clenched his fists.

   Zhao Gong is distressed and wants to kill people at this moment. Zhao Gong has decided that once Nanting Pass is breached, he will definitely order the Tucheng to vent his anger!

   The other four Jidu Envoys also came to Zhao Gong.


   The four Jidu made a gloomy look.

  Although, it was the rebels in Beiting who attacked the city at this moment.

   But if their five major ambassadors join forces and are stopped outside a mere Nanting Pass with an army of 1.5 million, where will they put their face?

   Even Nanting Pass can't be breached, they still try to break through Chang'an City?


   half an hour later.

   The hot oil in Nanting Pass ran out.

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Yun a sigh of relief.

  Nanting Pass has no hot oil, how can I stop the soldiers who climbed the siege ladder?


   after a moment.

   One after another huge stones fell from Nanting Gate.


   "Where did you get these rocks at Nanting Pass?"

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong unrevealed.


   The stones fell, and the wailing was everywhere.

   Beiting Jiedu caused the army under his siege to lose a large amount again.

   Zhao Gong's lungs almost exploded.

   If you continue to fight in this situation, I am afraid that he will lose a half of the soldiers in the northern court before he reaches Chang'an City.

   Zhao Gong turned his eyes and looked at the other Jidu Envoys.

   "Several generals, this Nanting Pass and my son Lang are deadlocked."

   "If several generals make a move, they will surely be able to break through..."

   Zhao Gong's voice just fell.

   The other four Jidu looked at each other and did not speak.

   At this moment, the four Jidu Envoys also realized that Nanting Gatekeeper was not easy.

   In this case, they naturally don't want to make a move.

   It would be better for Beiting Jiedu to make Zhao Gong conquer Nanting Pass alone.

   In this way, their losses can be minimized.

   For a while, the atmosphere on the court became more subtle.

   Zhao Gong immediately knew what the other officers were thinking about.

   In fact, Zhao Yu didn't expect that Nanting Pass would be so difficult to eat.

   In the case of losing so many soldiers, he didn't even climb the opponent's gate.

   "If you continue to do this, I am sorry to order to retreat."

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong take a deep breath and said each word.

   As soon as Zhao Gong's voice fell, the other four digits changed their faces slightly.

   "General Zhao, don't worry about this!"

   Hedong Jiedu finally spoke and said with a smile.

   "Nanting Pass has only one hundred thousand defenders, we don't need to break it directly."

   "As long as we attack a few more times, the defenders in the pass will definitely not be able to hold it."

   "By then, breaking into Nanting Pass, only in an instant."

   Hedong Jiedushi said slowly.

   Zhao Gong frowned slightly.

  Hedong Jiedu is indeed right.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

   The reason why the Nanting Pass Defender was able to block the current offensive.

   is nothing more than because at the moment the defenders in Nanting Pass are vigorous.

   The soldiers are not afraid of death.

   But as long as you attack a few more times, the momentum of Nanting Pass will inevitably drop.

   At that time, just as Hedong Jiedu said, the entry into Nanting Pass was only an instant.

  Of course, Zhao Gong knew in his heart that the main purpose of Hedong Jiedu's statement was that he was unwilling to send troops.


   Zhao Gong sighed lightly.

   If the five major knots make a concerted effort to break through the district Nanting Pass, only between turning the palms.

   But including Zhao Gong himself, the five junctures made their minds different, and they began to shirk each other, causing even a Nanting Pass with only one hundred thousand defenders to be helpless.

   It's just that, in Zhao Gong's view, what Hedong Jiedushi said is not unreasonable.

   As long as he takes his time and attacks the city several times, Nanting Pass will definitely not be able to defend.

   At this point, Zhao Gong settled down, looked on the battlefield, and ordered a temporary retreat.


   The edge of the battlefield.

   Cihang Jingzhai Taoist protector stood quietly with his hands.

   "A million-level war is really terrifying."

  The Taoist guardian looked towards the **** battlefield, feeling slightly in his heart.

   "Also, are there gods and demons among the rebels?"

  The guardian turned his eyes slightly and looked into the depths of the army.

   In that area, the Taoist protector faintly felt two lurking breaths.

   "Two gods and demons?"

   The Taoist guardian was slightly surprised.

   He didn't encounter, the rebels in a small area were able to invite the strong from the gods and demons to sit down.

   "But that's right, if there is no support, how can these rebels dare to rebel?"

   Taoist protector thought silently in his heart.

   He didn't mean to shoot now.

   Ci Hang Jing Zhai’s Zhai master gave the order to the protector to let him take action at a critical moment to help the rebels once.

  In the opinion of the Taoist, it is obviously far from the critical moment...


   Imperial Palace.

  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   Even if the Nanting Pass was bleeding into a river, Li Si remained steady, as if everything was under control.

   At this moment, the nearby **** walked in and bowed and said, "Your Majesty, Dongchang Governor Cao is asking for a meeting outside the hall."


   "Comply with the purpose."


   Cao Zhengchun walked quickly into the Hall of Longevity.

   "The old slave has seen your majesty."

   Cao Zhengchun bowed his respects.

   "Get up."

   Li Si looked at Cao Zhengchun and said with great interest: "How is the situation in Chang'an?"

   "Your Majesty, some people have tried to spread rumors and have been locked up in the Dongchang dungeon, ready to be interrogated by whom..."

   Cao Zhengchun arched his hands.

   "Not bad."

   Li Si nodded slightly.

   Let Dongchang be responsible for the stability of Chang'an City, Li Si is very relieved.

   Li Si knew that Dongchang’s methods were rather harsh.

   There is a taste of killing 10,000 by mistake instead of letting it go.

   But so what?

   The troubled times should be severely punished!

  At the time of If Li worships the benevolence of women, I am afraid that the rebels will open the city gates before the rebels have attacked Changan, waiting for the rebels to enter the city...

   "Okay, go down."

   Li Si waved his hand and said.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Cao Zhengchun withdrew from the Palace of Longevity.

   After Cao Zhengchun left.

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, sinking into thought.

   The five great Jiedu envoys carried 1.5 million rebels. If only the Ministry of War Shangshu and 500,000 troops were sent, Li Si was a little worried.

   "Do you want to use gods and demons?"

   Li Si thought about it.

   Today, there are three gods and demons that Li Si can directly use.

  Dugu Sword Demon, Cao Zhengchun, and Zhang Juzheng.

   In addition, Xiongba is in the martial arts of the rivers and lakes, and Baiqi sits in the Turkic royal court.

   Xiongba and Bai Qi have something Li Si ordered to do, and they can't be transferred temporarily.

   As for the Dugu Sword Demon, Cao Zhengchun and Zhang Juzheng...

   Zhang Juzheng belongs to a civil servant and should not be good at fighting. Cao Zhengchun needs to help Li Si stabilize the situation in Chang'an.

  Thinking of this, the Dugu Sword Demon is left...

   Just when Li Si was about to let Dugu Sword Demon go to Nanting Pass.

   A mechanical voice rang in Li Si's ear.


【system hint...】.

   [Detected that the host has a chance to summon. 】

【use or not? 】

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