Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 306: Tear open the cracks in the sky

"here is?"

   "Unparalleled in the world outside?"

   The golden light in the depths of Li Si's eyes is getting brighter and brighter, representing the most noble golden light almost bursting out.

   Outside the shackles that stood in front of Li Si, there was an endless sky.

   At this moment, there is a huge crack in the middle of the sky.

   This crack almost penetrates the entire sky!

   Li Si just took a look, then quickly withdrew his gaze, and even the rising national fortune began to calm down.

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si's face was uncertain.

   "This is the truth?"

   "Is this the truth of Jue Tian Di Tong?"

   Li Si got up and walked slowly in the hall.

   Li Si kept coming up in his mind, the crack that penetrated the whole sky.

   In the cracks, there is vaguely grey gas flowing.

   At the moment he saw the gray gas, Li Si suddenly felt a kind of creepy feeling.

   "Unparalleled in the world, it is a shackle, but also a protective layer."

   "The Jue Tian Di Tong replaced the original sky curtain, barely blocking the gray gas inside the crack."

   "If there is no perfect connection between the world and the earth, I am afraid that 90% of the creatures in this world will be buried under the gray air current."

   Li Si's expression was filled with doubt and solemnity.

   "Devil outside the sky?"

   "The crack that runs through the sky?"

   Li Si walked out of the Hall of Longevity and looked up at the blue sky.

   Li Si knew in his heart that the sky in his sight was just an illusion formed under the unparalleled connection between heaven and earth.

   The real sky has long been torn open a huge crack.

   "This crack is caused by a demon outside the sky?"

   Li Si carried his hands on his back, his thoughts fluctuating.

   The crack that almost penetrates the sky, although I don’t know how long it took.

   But according to the time when Jue Tian Di Tong existed, Li Si could more or less guess the formation of the crack, probably a thousand years ago.

   Who else tore open the sky?

  The demon outside the sky?

  What is the strength of the demon from the outside world that can do this?

   Li Si is not clear.

   But Li Si was sure that the four heavens and five heavens and demons could never do it.

   It's not even possible for the six heavens.

   I am afraid that only the invincible gods and demons who have begun to control the rules and regulations above the seventh heaven can cause such incredible destruction.

   "Go to the crack and take a look?"

   A terrible thought suddenly arisen in Li Si's heart, that is, to truly break through the shackles of the world, and take a look through the crack.

   may be able to find clues to the so-called demon outside the sky.

   It's just that this idea just flashed in Li Si's mind, and was thrown away by Li Si.

   Li Si believes that he has unlimited potential. As long as he is given time, all the heavens and the world will be stepped under Li Si in the future.

   But that crack...

  Since the grayish gas gave Li Si the creepy feeling, it proved that it was very dangerous inside.

   In this case, Li Si certainly wouldn't take the risk.

   "Give me time."

   "I need time!"

   Although Li Si wanted to go into the crack and see, he was not dazzled by curiosity.

   The existence of tearing through the crack is obviously an enemy that Li Si cannot deal with at this stage.

   If he breaks in rashly, he is very likely to fall into trouble.

   "Tomorrow we can summon new gods and demons."

   "I need to wait, wait for a stronger **** and demon to be summoned, preferably the peak **** and demon of Nineth Heaven, then go to that crack."

   Li Si narrowed his eyes and made a decision in his heart.

   Although there are nine heavens in the Divine Demon Realm.

   But in general, it is divided into three major levels.

   One to three heavens, four to six heavens, and seven to nine heavens.

   Although the one to three heavenly gods and demons are strong, they only cultivate their physical body and true essence.

   The fourth to sixth heavenly gods and demons have begun to set foot in the power of heaven and earth.

   As for the gods and demons of the seventh to ninth heavens, they began to study the power of the rules.

   Even the weakest Seventh Heaven God and Demon can sink a continent with a full blow!

   And the peak **** and demon of the Nine Heavens, not to mention the world is destroyed, but it is not far away.

   In the world of'Sword of Immortal', the strength of the so-called ancient divine residence is probably from the seventh heaven to the eighth heaven.

   If Li Si can summon a nine-layer **** and demon, he will have enough confidence to deal with the existence behind the crack.

   "It seems that we have to speed up the pace of the Tang Empire."

   Li Si suddenly felt a touch of eagerness.



   Since Li Si ordered King Liang to lead an army of 800,000, and defeated the Tubo army of one million in World War I, it was called stepping over the capital of Tubo in half a month. With the fermentation of time, this matter has completely spread.

   Those dependent countries of Datang, such as Goryeo, have become more awed by the Datang Empire and secretly increased the amount of broken silver each year by several times, but nothing has happened.

   But other countries, such as Tianzhu, Dashi, and Nanzhao, have felt a deep crisis.

   The Datang Empire destroyed Tubo today. Will the knife rest on their necks tomorrow?

   For a time, the undercurrents raged within the countries.

  大食, Wang Court.

   The King of Food is a very young man with deep eyes and a high nose, with a special temperament.

   But at this moment, the King of Food is gloomy.

   The Great Food King summoned his most important confidant, Luz.

   "I have seen the king."

   As soon as Lu Si finished speaking, the Food King impatiently threw a piece of information in front of Lu Si.

   "Look at this news."

   The King of Food said something very heavy.

   The attitude of the big food king surprised Lu Si slightly.

   In Lus's heart, the Big Food King has always been a strategizing posture, which is why the Big Food King is so young but sitting on the throne.

   But at this moment, the food king gave Lus the feeling that he was a condemned prisoner who was about to die.




   Lusi suppressed the shock in his heart and quickly glanced at the information that the food king had given him.


   "Half a month to destroy the country?"

   Luce took a only felt the scalp numb.

  Russ heard of the country of Tubo.

   Among the information of Da Shi, Tubo is a great country not inferior to Da Shi.

   In Tubo, the strong are like clouds, and they are also known as an army of one million.

but now......

   Tubo was actually destroyed.

   and still within half a month.

How can this be? !

   Lusi couldn't believe it, and quickly scanned the information below.

   after a moment.

   Luce raised his head with a heavy face.

   The intelligence is very brief, but there is a crucial battle between Tubo and the Tang Empire.

   In that battle, a powerful man who shocked the world emerged from the Tang Empire.

   The strong man turned the sun and the moon upside down, turning the world upside down.

   is no different from the legendary divine residence.

   Facing such a powerful person, it is normal for Tubo to subdue the country in half a month.

   Even, Lus felt that if it were not for the casualties of the soldiers in the Datang Empire, this time could be shortened.

   "Ai Qing, this king called you over to hear you, if I have a war with the Tang Empire, what is the chance of winning?"

   Big Food King's eyes flashed with expectation.


   Lusi hesitated slightly.

   Lusi wanted to say something to the big food king. .

   Lord, let’s wash our necks clean.

   Then wait for death.

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