The breeze blew on his face, with a touch of warmth, blowing on Wang's body.

But Wang Lao's body is cold, like falling into the abyss.

Jin Yao is the last hope of the Cui clan, and the hope that the Cui clan leader would rather sacrifice the entire Cui family and keep it.

The elder Wang still remembers a word the Cui clan chief said to him.

Others can die, Jin Yao cannot die!

Wang Lao originally thought that with the entire Cui family as a cover, he took Cui Jinyao with him, and he had a good chance to escape.

After arriving at the Cui clan’s ‘Caibei’ and taking over the Cui clan’s business in the ‘Caibei’, and then taking advantage of the power of some powerful tribes in the Cui clan, there may be real hope of revenge after decades.

At that time, rebuilding the Jiangnan Cui clan would be a breeze.

Wang Lao has planned everything for the future.

But Wang Lao never expected that everything would end before it started.

Cui Jinyao, regarded as the hope of the Cui family, was slapped to death!


"who are you?"

"My Cui family, what hatred do I have with you?!"

"Why do you want to do something with a teenager!!"

Elder Wang trembled all over, and the true energy in his body was running wildly. At this moment, Elder Wang urged several forbidden techniques at all costs.

An unprecedented powerful force flooded into the elder's internal organs as if blowing air.

Continuously using several forbidden techniques, the huge backlash produced by the elders is not something Wang and Lao can bear.

But at the same time.

The forbidden technique has indeed promoted the strength of the king to the extreme.

The aura of gods and demons rose in the old man's body.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Wang Lao's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, the bones all over his body creaked, and large blue veins bulged on Wang Lao's skin.

At this moment, Wang Lao had only one thought in his mind.

Kill the man in front of him.

Cui Jinyao is the only hope of the Cui family.

Now that Cui Jinyao is dead, the hope of the Cui clan is cut off.

Wang Lao never thought of leaving alive!

"Kill the old man?"

Xiongba carried his hands on his back and sneered: "Only you, an ant, dare to have this idea? The old man originally planned to keep a whole body of you, but now it seems that it is unnecessary."

Wang Lao was originally very close to the Divine and Demon Realm, and now he has used several forbidden techniques without his life, and his strength has skyrocketed.

However, even if the elder Wang was ten times stronger than a hundred times, he did not put him in the eyes of the tyrant.


The elder Wang has completely lost his mind, and the whole person is like a madman, rushing towards the domineering.


next moment.

Before Wang Lao even had time to scream, he was photographed into a pool of flesh.

Xiongba turned and left.

Regardless of whether it is Wang Lao or Cui Jinyao, it is an insignificant ant to Xiong Ba.

If it weren't for your majesty's order, this kind of ant would not even bother to take a look at it.


Cui's Mansion.

At this time, countless children of the Cui family were slaughtered by the World Association.

In the face of the desperadoes in the world, how can the Cui family's children, who have always been drunk and dreamy, resist?

Cui's back door.

Several Cui family elders came here cautiously.

They prepared to escape from Cui's house through the small gate as ordered by the Cui clan chief.

The small gate of the Cui Mansion is usually used by the slaves, but at this moment, it has become the last straw for the elders of the Cui family.

"Go, go!"

"Hurry up, otherwise the demons will catch up."

Several clan elders opened the small door with trembling hands, but they hadn't waited for them to go out.

A group of people surrounded the door.

Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun walked out of the crowd slowly, looked at the elders of the Cui family, and sarcastically said, "Several people, where are you going?"


"We surrender..."

"We surrender and spare our lives..."

Several Cui clan elders knelt on the ground without hesitation, pleading again and again.

"Kill it."

Zhou Yun's expression was cold and he turned and left after saying this.

Several people in the world will help the crowd pounce on like wolves, and directly kill these old Cui family who tried to escape from the small door.


Cui House Hall.

Zhou Feng Zhou Yun sat in a chair.

The entire Cui family had been slaughtered in less than half a time.

In a corner of the hall, Clan Chief Cui was left there like a dead dog.

"Brother, would you like to kill him?" Zhou Feng glanced at Zhou Yun and whispered.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Let's wait for Master to come back."

If it is the other Cui family's children, kill them if they are killed, there is no problem.

But Chief Cui...

For the sake of safety, Zhou Yun saved the other's life.

Anyway, Clan Chief Cui had already fallen into the hands of the Tianxiahui, whether life or death was between Zhou Yun's thoughts.


Clan Chief Cui looked at everything in front of him coldly.

Although the Cui clan was slaughtered, although it was extremely tragic, the Cui clan chief had already prepared.

At this moment, what Cui clan chief didn't understand the most was, who did it?

Although the Cui family erected many enemies on weekdays, the Cui clan chief had never seen the group of people who slaughtered the Cui family.

"Who is it?"

Chief Cui thought hard.

Other aristocratic clans in Jiangnan?


If these aristocratic clans had this kind of strength, how could they hold back until now?

Who could it be?

Clan Chief Cui frowned.

By now, the patriarch Cui knew that he was inevitable, so he looked away.

"What have my Cui family done recently..."

As soon as Cui Clan Zhang had this idea in his mind, he was stunned.

A terrifying thought appeared in the heart of Clan Chief Cui between the lightning and flint.


at this time.

Zhou Feng Zhou Yun's expression changed, stopped the discussion, and bowed slightly toward the entrance of the hall: "Master."

Zhou Feng Zhou Yun's voice just fell.

The figure of the tyrant appeared silently.

"Who is he?"

Xiong Ba glanced at Cui Clan Chief and frowned.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Feng immediately replied: Master, he is the patriarch of the Cui family. "


Xiongba waved his hand and said, "Kill."

"and many more!"

At this moment, Cui clan chief stood up struggling and looked at Xiongba: "Before I die, I want to know who my Cui family has offended!"

Although Clan Chief Cui had guesses in his heart, he still wanted to hear Xiongba say it in person.

"Who offends?"

Xiongba shook his head and glanced slightly in the direction of Chang'an, and said, "Don't worry, not only your Cui family, but all the families in Jiangnan related to your Cui family will go down to accompany you after tonight. "

When Patriarch Cui glanced at Xiongba towards Chang'an, he had already determined that the reason why his Cui clan destroyed the door was because of the majesty in the palace.

"That's it!"

"That's it!"

Clan Chief Cui smiled miserably.

Until now, Cui clan chief did not realize how ridiculous he really is.

The emperor wants to reclaim the land. If his Cui family honestly followed the emperor's instructions, would this end?

But his Cui family wanted to play with the emperor and force the emperor to regress.

The results of it?

The whole Cui family was destroyed because of one of his thoughts.

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