Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 317: The world is shocked

Tai Chi Hall.

More than Yuan Zai looked dazed.

The other courtiers were equally stunned.

Although Yuan Zai is the former prime minister, in terms of investigating...


Find a catcher on the side of the road, and they are better than Yuan Zai on a few streets.

Let Yuan Zai investigate this **** case involving the entire Jiangnan, I am afraid that this case will never be clear...

Li Si glanced at the officials and said lightly: "My will has been decided, Yuan Zai, you must not let me down..."

When Yuan Zai heard the emperor's words, he was suddenly excited.

Subconsciously, Yuan Zai wanted to refuse.

Are you kidding me? !

Don't refuse at this time, waiting to be executed for ineffectiveness?

Although Yuan Zai wanted to impress the emperor, he knew his abilities.

In dealing with government affairs, if the emperor asks him about some state affairs, he may answer well.

But investigating...

Yuan Zai didn't even know the specific process of investigating the case, how to investigate?

Besides, even if Yuan Zai knew everything, he didn't dare to check.

The force that can punish the Jiangnan aristocratic family, is it that Yuan Zai's small arms and thin legs can provoke him?

However, just when Yuan Zai was about to bite the bullet and speak, he stopped suddenly.

Yuan Zai suddenly thought that from beginning to end, His Majesty had not given him a specific time limit for investigating the case.

Moreover, His Majesty didn't give him any manpower, as if he was leaving Yuan Zai alone to investigate.

This is unreasonable!

You know, if your Majesty really wants to thoroughly investigate Jiangnan as soon as possible, he will definitely let Dongchang investigate.

The result fell on Yuan Zai, not to mention, there was no guarantee.

as if......

A thought flashed through Yuan Zai's mind between the lightning and flint.

Your Majesty is unwilling to investigate Jiangnan.

Wanting to understand this, Yuan Zai knelt on the ground with a thud, and said loudly, "Zunzhi."

If the emperor lets Yuan Zai find out the truth, Yuan Zai will never do it.

But if you just let Yuan Zai do something, it means that the emperor has cared about it, and Yuan Zai thinks it's all right.

As for why the emperor is not willing to thoroughly investigate the Jiangnan case...

Yuan Zai didn't want to think about it, nor dared to think about it.

After so many years in the court, Yuan Zai understood a truth.

The more you know, the faster you die.

Especially this kind of thing involving the emperor...

"Okay, get up."

Li Si looked at Yuan Zai who was kneeling on the ground, nodding slightly.

The bloodbath of Jiangnan was done secretly by Li Si and was not very glorious.

Although Li Si didn't care much about his reputation, he didn't want this matter to be known to passers-by.

Yuan Zai stood up respectfully.

Li Si glanced at the official letter: "I am also very heartbroken when something like this happened in Jiangnan, but since the bloodbath of the aristocratic family has already occurred, there can be no problems with the stability of the Jiangnan area.

"The official secretary, during this period, you need to pay more attention to the situation on the Jiangnan side and communicate with the local government in time."

"Do a good job in the transfer and arrangement of officials."

The official secretary immediately went out and bowed toward the emperor: "The minister abides by the decree."

Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair and looked at the other courtiers: "Anything else for Aiqing?"

"His Majesty."

Hearing the words, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette stepped out and said, "Goryeo sent a batch of silver. In addition, the King of Goryeo also sent a daughter of hers, who is currently waiting outside the palace."

"Goryeo?" Li Si frowned.

Since the Datang Empire stepped down in Tubo, some vassal countries have continuously sent silver to offer more treasures to the Datang Empire.

But like the King of Goryeo, after sending a daughter, sending another one is not much.

Li Si suddenly remembered the Goryeo princess who had been fortunate before.

Li Si still remembers the taste of the Korean princess.

It's just that Li Si has been busy with state affairs for a long time and hasn't summoned him again.

"Let's put it in the Korea Pavilion."

Li Si waved his hand and said casually.

Since the King of Korea dared to send it, Li Si dared to ask for it.

A Korean princess can make Li Si's memory still fresh, if the two are together...

"According to the purpose."

The Book of Etiquette is arched.



Lingnan Song Family.

The aristocratic clan in the south of the Yangtze River was bloodbathed. Soon after this happened, the Song family received news.

In the main hall of Song Mansion.

Song Kun, the lord of the Song family, got together again with several elders.

"Patriarch, who is responsible for the Jiangnan incident?" An elder said in a deep voice.

The Jiangnan clan was bloodbathed, which made the elders feel a deep crisis.

Today is the family of Jiangnan, will it be the Song family of Lingnan tomorrow?

Although the Song family has a profound background, there are strong people in the gods and demons, but still have to guard...

"The aristocratic families in Jiangnan were bloodbathed because they were looking for death. My Song family is different from them." Song Kun said with a calm expression.

"court death?"

"What do you mean?"

An elder looked at Song Kun and asked tentatively, "Does the Patriarch know any inside information?"

"do not know."

Song Kun shook his head.

"Why did the Patriarch say that the Jiangnan family is looking for death..." The other elders were puzzled.

"Very simple."

"Your Majesty will take back the land of the world."

"But these Jiangnan aristocratic families secretly obstructed and even put pressure on your Majesty in the court."

"You said, are they looking for death?"

There was a mockery in Song Kun's words.

Put pressure on the emperor?

What courage is this group of Jiangnan aristocratic families to dare to do such a stupid thing?

At that time, Song Kun was shocked in a cold sweat when he learned about this.

Song Kun's words just fell.

The elders on the field were suddenly shocked.

"Patriarch, do you mean that the Jiangnan family was bloodbathed because of the instruction in the palace?"

The elder who had just started talking bit the bullet and asked.

Although he asked so, he was already sure in his heart.

Not only him, but also the other elders.

After Song Kun reminded them, these elders suddenly realized that the Jiangnan family was bloodbathed, who would be the biggest beneficiary?



After losing the family and clan, the emperor's will to reclaim the land under the sky will be fully implemented in Jiangnan!

Thinking of this, several elders of the Song family turned pale.

Before Song Kun decided to let the Song family surrender the land, their elders were still unwilling.

But now?

If it weren't for Song Kun's arbitrariness, their Song family would be in danger at this moment...


Yuwen's house.

Originally hesitated whether according to the imperial decree, Patriarch Yuwen, who surrendered his land, sighed deeply after hearing the bloodbath of the Jiangnan family.

Shortly after.

A message from Yuwen's family.

The Yuwen family is willing to cooperate fully with the Tang Empire and hand over all the land owned by the family.

As one of the four main gates of Yuwen's family two hundred years ago, his bowing of his head is tantamount to sending a signal to the world's family.

For a time, the local families did not dare to continue to delay and contacted the local government to hand over the land.

The Jiangnan family was bloodbathed, although there is no clear evidence that it was the emperor.

But these families can't afford to gamble.

Even if there is only one in ten thousand possibility, they can't afford to gamble.

Because, if they lose the bet, the next bloodshed is probably their own family.

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