Inside the longevity hall.

Li Si's voice just fell.

A figure with a simple Eguan belt and simple clothes slowly emerged.

"I have seen your Majesty."

Zhang Jiao slightly arched his hand towards Li Si.

Zhang Jiao is the first quadruple **** and demon summoned by Li Si, and is also the disciple of the rumored "immortal". He is extremely powerful and terrifying.

Even, with all sorts of fairy skills, Zhang Jiao can easily go to the next level and fight with the body of the four heavens to fight the five heavens and demons.

Li Si looked at Zhang Jiao, with a smile on his face: "Zhang Jiao, you go to Tubo and keep all the tens of thousands of troops from the Alliance of Nations."

Today, in Tubo, there are more than one million troops of the Datang Empire.

This one million army, facing the joint forces of the tens of millions of armies from various countries, will definitely suffer heavy casualties if they do not retreat.

Therefore, in order to reduce the damage and end the war as quickly as possible, Li Si directly sent Zhang Jiao over.

With Zhang Jiao, the real four-fold **** and demon, he is foolproof!

"According to the purpose."

Zhang Jiao bowed slightly.

"Worship to the Lord of the Moon." Li Si changed the conversation and said calmly: "You also follow Zhang Jiao to Tubo."

"According to the purpose."

The Lord of Worship Moon walked out of the dark and said with his hands folded.

"Okay, let's go now."

"I only have one requirement. This battle must be won. Since all countries dared to join forces against our Great Tang, I will let them have no return."

There was a chill across Li Si's eyes.

It would be too naive if the countries were to crush the Datang Empire with numbers.

If the gods and demons under the four heavens meet a tens of thousands of troops, they will definitely run away watching the wind and dare not fall into it.

But for the true four heavenly gods and demons, the number has long lost its meaning.

The four heavenly gods and demons dabble in the power of heaven and earth, with every move, like a human-shaped natural disaster, no matter how large the army is, there is not enough for the four heavenly gods and demons to kill.

What's more, is Zhang Jiao, a terrifying existence that can fight the five heavenly gods and demons?

The gap between the four heavenly gods and demons and the five heavenly gods and demons, although not as big as between the third heaven and the fourth heaven.

However, the degree of control of the power of the heavens and the earth by the five heavenly gods and demons far exceeds that of the four heavenly gods and demons.

If the four heavenly gods and demons encounter the fifth heavenly gods and demons, they will turn around and flee, which may save their lives.

But if the four heavenly gods and demons want to challenge the five heavenly gods and demons, it is a foolish dream.

The degree of control of the power of heaven and earth is directly crushed. What qualifications do you use to challenge?

But Zhang Jiao did it.

Not only did Zhang Jiao do it, he was also able to fight the five heavens and demons!

Challenge and fight are two concepts.

Challenge is equivalent to shoulder to shoulder.

But fighting is tantamount to strong suppression.

After Zhang Jiao and the Lord of Moon Worship left.

The longevity hall fell into silence again.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, lost in thought.

"Calculating the time, Bai Qi should have led an army of 100,000 and arrived in Dongying, right?"

Li Si thought suddenly.

For the country of Dongying, Li Si didn't even bother to implement the colonial plan, so he directly ordered Bai Qi to destroy the country.

For the Dongying people, betrayal has been deeply rooted in their bones. Instead of thinking about being stabbed by Dongying in the future, it is better to be killed directly.

There is Bai Qi's shot, don't say that Dongying does not have the power of the gods and demon realm to sit in the control, even if it does, how long can it resist the Bai Qi's killing god?

It can be said that in Li Si's heart, Dongying's fate is already doomed.


"Last time the Lord of the Moon worshipped and killed a Western Holy See's'sage envoy,' I don't know how the Holy See would react?"

Li Si suddenly remembered something.

According to the Lord of the Moon Worship, that ‘saint’ envoy has no physical body, but a pure spiritual life body, not from this realm.

But with the unparalleled connection between the world and the outside world, the connection between the world and the outside world has long been cut off. In what way did this ‘saint’ come?

Li Si frowned slightly.



Just when the 100,000 troops of the Tang Empire arrived in Dongying.

Including the emperor, all the daimyo panic, only feeling that the end is coming.

"Why did the Datang Empire take action against me?"

"Yes, I have never provoke the Datang Empire at all!"

Several big names were anxious like ants on a hot pot, with cold sweats.

They still don't know that Emperor Dongying once thought he was wise to submit a letter of credence to the Tang Empire.

It was this credential that made Li Si notice Dongying, and then brought disaster to Dongying!

Therefore, for these great names, this is simply a disaster!

"Perhaps, I can surrender directly and actively become a subordinate country of the Datang Empire?"

A daimyo couldn't help but suggest.


"Do you think surrender is useful?"

"The Great Tang Empire sent 100,000 troops, so obviously it didn't give me a chance for Dongying to surrender!"

At this moment, the Emperor glanced around and sneered.

The emperor's voice just fell.

All the daimyos were silent immediately.

This is correct.

If the Datang Empire had not sent troops yet, Dong Ying voluntarily surrendered, and there might be a chance to become a subject country.

But now, do they still have a chance?

The Datang Empire didn't even discuss it, so it sent 100,000 troops directly. Does this mean to keep him Dongying?

"so what should I do now?"

"Don't I have to wait and wait?"

All the daimyo faces despair.

Among them, the most powerful daimyo and the samurai under his command are no more than 10,000.

Therefore, when facing the 100,000 army of the Tang Empire, there was no idea of ​​resistance at all.

"How to do?"

"Since the Datang Empire does not give me a way to survive in the East, I can only fight with the Datang Empire!"

The emperor looked at many big names and said every word.

The Emperor did not mention that the reason why the Tang Empire sent troops to Dongying was entirely because of his ignorant credentials.

Because the emperor knew in his heart that once he let these great names know that everything happened because of him, he would probably tear him up first, and then go to the Tang Empire to plead guilty.

The only thing the Emperor was grateful for was that the Tang Empire never passed through Dongying Valley from beginning to end.

In this case, as long as the emperor doesn't say anything, the daimyo will never know this.

"There is no way!"

The emperor sighed: "In addition to fighting the Datang Empire, we have no choice at Besides, we are not without chance."

"Even though the Datang Empire has deployed 100,000 troops, it is fighting in a remote place after all. Regardless of supplies, or other aspects, it is far inferior to my Dongying."

"As long as we can hold down this 100,000 army and fight a war of attrition, we may not be able to defeat this 100,000 army."

While the emperor was talking, there was a trace of ambition in his eyes.

Although, the Tang Empire did not agree with each other and sent troops directly to Dongying, which completely exceeded the emperor's expectations.

But at this moment, under the pressure of this 100,000 army, the major forces of the East have been forced to a line.

If the Tang Empire can be forced back this time, the chaotic situation in Dongying will be reshuffled.

At that time, the emperor can take this opportunity to completely integrate the various forces in the East and become a real emperor with real power?

At this point, a trace of heat appeared on the Emperor's face!

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