How many 14 million troops are there?

Even if the Datang Empire devotes all the power of the whole country to collect the power of the ten major military envoys and bring all the army together, it will only be millions, far from reaching the ten million threshold.

King Liang's dream has always been to fight on the battlefield.

But no matter how much King Liang fantasizes, he just thinks that one day he can command an army of hundreds of thousands or even a million.

As for the tens of millions of troops, King Liang did not even have a clear concept about this.

But at the moment.

King Liang finally understood what an army of tens of millions was like.

Outside the Tubo city.

The densely packed army, like locusts, is endless, filling every place of vision.

If you look down from a high place, you will find that the dense army resembles a black ocean, and the city guarded by the Tang Empire is like an isolated island in the ocean, which may be overturned by waves of waves at any time.

"My God, with so many troops attacking the city, can I still hold on?"

"Can you keep it? Even if you can't keep it, you have to keep it for me. Your wives and children, your friends, are all behind you. If you can't keep it, they will all die!"

"Datang Wansheng!"

"Datang Wansheng!!"


Although the 14 million armies of the Alliance of Nations came from dozens of small countries, and each soldier did not have the ability to cooperate, when the 14 million armies came together, it looked like a black ocean. The momentum is still daunting and creepy.

Fourteen million army?

Even if it is 14 million pigs, under one charge, this border has to be shaky.

What's more, the 14 million army with commander?

Above the city gate, all the soldiers looked at the tens of thousands of soldiers who could not see the end, swallowing fiercely.

However, no matter how heart trembling these soldiers, none of them flinched.

One is that Liang Wang is very strict in his rule.

The second is that these soldiers have wives and children, all have friends, and their wives, children and friends all live in the empire.

If they retreat, and if these alien armies invade the Tang Empire, their wives, children and friends will definitely be slaughtered!

The soldiers not only fight for themselves, but also fight for the Tang Empire and their wives and children!

"Is it possible that these countries are crazy? All the power of the whole country is thrown at once. Even if they win, what if their country loses the suppression of the army, various problems will inevitably arise."

"This is nothing but the same end?!"

"I'm afraid, in the eyes of the opponent, if you don't send troops at this time, you won't have the qualifications to die."


The faces of many generals were ugly. When witnessing the 14 million army, the suffocation brought about by this overwhelming pressure was shocking and even terrifying.

"His Royal Highness, what should I do now?"

A lieutenant walked to the side of King Liang and asked in a low voice.

"How to do?"

After the initial shock, King Liang's face still returned to calm.

For King Liang, since the 14 million army is already under the city, no matter how scared it is at this moment, it doesn't make any sense.

Therefore, when he confirmed that the war was unavoidable, King Liang quickly calmed down and began to think about how to defend the city.

Although there were a large army of 14 million, the Datang Empire was not without hope that was blocked.

At the very least, if the gods and demons next to your Majesty make a move, at least the situation can be restored, especially the black-robed man who turned the sun and the moon upside down during the battle between Datang and Tubo.

If it is this shot, not only can the situation be restored, it can even severely damage the alliance of nations.

Once the alliance of nations is hit hard, there will definitely be disputes between countries. By then, the so-called tens of millions of troops will inevitably be collapsed.

The 14 million armies seem invincible, but these armies come from various countries after all, and there is no cooperation and trust between each other. If the war situation is stuck in a stalemate, the countries must be unable to sustain it.

Of course, King Liang had also considered that since the nations dared to join forces and want to fight the Datang Empire, they must have more than just these tens of millions of troops.

Maybe, in the alliance of nations, there are methods that can block the moon worshiper.

But at this time, King Liang had no choice!

His King Liang is a prince of Datang, even if he died in battle, he couldn't take a step back!


The depths of the tens of millions of army.

The monarchs of all countries gathered here, looking at the distant city.

Although the army of the Datang Empire is far inferior to the alliance of nations in number.

However, the level of the army of the Datang Empire is not comparable to that of the Alliance of Nations, and the top combat power of the Datang Empire has not yet been shot.

Although the alliance of nations occupies a huge advantage, no one knows what the final result will be.

But whether it is the King of Food, the Lord of Tianzhu, and even the monarchs of other countries, they firmly believe that when the quantity is incomparably suppressed, no matter how high the quality is, it is meaningless.

What if the gods and demons of the Datang Empire all shot together?

How long will it take to kill all the 14 million army?

one day?

Two days?

Three days?

Ten days?

With this time, the nations had already invaded the Datang Empire, captured the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and won the war.

The King of Food looked at the endless coalition forces, and his confidence once again rose in his heart: "The gods and demons of the Tang Dynasty are powerful, but only the four heavenly gods and demons can really affect the tens of millions of troops."

"As for the gods and demons under the four heavens, they cannot shake the foundation of the tens of millions of troops."

"And according to the current intelligence, there is only one Four Heaven God and Demon in Datang."

The self-confidence in the words of the big food king is getting stronger and stronger, as if the winner is in hand.

"Even if the four heavenly gods and demons act, this king is not without any means."

"During this time, this king has deployed the ancient battle formations among tens of millions of troops. There are ancient battle formations, and the strength of the tens of millions of troops is condensed together. Even if the four heavenly gods and demons act, they can't shake the tens of millions of troops. "

"A tens of thousands of troops can't kill the four-tier gods and but the four-tiered gods and devil can't help the tens of thousands of troops."

The Big Food King gazes swiftly, looking at the distant city gate, as if he has it in his hands.

The Great Food King joined forces vertically and horizontally, raising the soldiers of the various countries and wielding tens of thousands of troops. At the beginning, it was only to resist the Tianwei of the Tang Empire.

But at this moment, with the support of the tens of thousands of troops, the food king has an unprecedented ambition in his heart.

The Great Tang Empire, the heavenly kingdom, slammed underfoot.

If there is no strength, of course the Big Eater would never dare to give birth to this idea.

But what if it has strength?

The Great Tang Empire occupies the Central Plains, occupying the richest place in the world, and the King of Food has long been jealous.

If the Great Food Nation can take its place, wouldn't the Great Food Nation also become a heavenly country and be congratulated by all nations?

At this point, the food king seemed to ignite a fierce flame in his heart.

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