Beijiao campus.

Li Si used the beans in the silver bowl to conjure an army of four million in front of the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty, and all the courtiers were dumbfounded.

Before coming to the Beijiao campus, they had wondered why his Majesty asked them to come.

But at the moment.

The ministers looked at the dense ‘black ocean’ above the school grounds, and there was a storm in their hearts.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, even if you killed them, you wouldn't believe that there would be such an incredible thing in the world.

With so many troops, just come out after you say it?

It's ridiculous!

That's ridiculous!

But at this time, this scene happened before our eyes.

No matter how unbelievable they are, they can only accept this fact.


The cabinet's second assistant Yang Qinglin took a deep breath.

Just now, the idea of ​​‘Can your majesty conjure an army of four million’ flashed in his mind.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, it was thrown away by the cabinet's second assistant Yang Qinglin.

Are you kidding me? !

Yang Qinglin admitted that His Majesty's methods are beyond reach.

But no matter what, there must be a limit.



Yang Qinglin found out that he was wrong.


"His Majesty."

"The minister wants to go down and take a look in person."

When the civil servants were still in horror, the generals on the field could not bear it.

There was a look of desire in the eyes of these military commanders. They wanted to verify for themselves whether the army standing on the Beijiao campus at this moment was an illusion.

"Go down."

Li Si waved his hand and said casually.

The four million Zerg warriors are the fruits of the mother emperor Irina's training on Dongying Island for nearly half a month.

Truth is true.

Except that they are not human in nature, they can stand the test.

As for whether the generals could detect the details of the Zerg warriors, Li Si didn't worry at all.

Mother Irina strictly followed Li Si's instructions, using humans as a template to create Zerg warriors.

Unless the gods and demons above the four heavens carefully check, maybe you can still find something wrong with the Zerg warriors, as for other things, it's impossible to see the slightest horses.


All the generals, including Shang Shu of the Ministry of War, rushed down the high platform and looked at the Zerg warriors on the school field from close range.

It's just that the so-called close range is only relative to the high platform.

In fact, the generals were at least tens of meters away from these Zerg warriors.

The four million innate Zerg warriors gathered together is really terrifying.

Even if the generals wanted to get close, they couldn't get close.

The severe and cold aura is enough to wipe out any warrior under the gods and demons realm.

This is also the result of the Zerg warriors converging their breath with all their strength under Li Si's order.

Otherwise, once the four million Zerg warriors are released to their hearts' content, everyone present, except Li Si, may not be able to survive.

Zerg warriors are fighting for the mother emperor in the starry sky, is it a false name?

"it is true."

"My God, every soldier is real, and I can feel their cold eyes."

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!!!"

Even with a distance of tens of meters, the generals immediately came to a conclusion after looking at the Zerg warriors.

These forces are real!

Not an illusion.

Suddenly, another burst of exclamation sounded.

To the end.

Even the civil servants who had been standing honestly behind his Majesty and watching from a distance couldn't help but made the same requests to his Majesty as the generals.

Li Si naturally had no opinion.

Since he deliberately exposed the four million Zerg warriors in front of the court officials, he was not prepared to continue to cover up.

An hour has passed.

The civil and military officials returned to the high platform in despair.

In this hour, whether it was a civil servant or a military commander, it was confirmed from all angles that the authenticity of the army appeared out of thin air on the school field.

Li Si smiled slightly when he saw the expressions of his courtiers.

Whether it is the one million army that is being suppressed among the nations, or the four million army on the school grounds, or even more army created by the mother emperor Irina in the future, they all have no identity source and are equivalent to emerge out of thin air. Come.

If we say that the Million Army can be explained by the power that Li Si cultivated privately.

But how to explain the remaining four million troops?

Even if it is an army secretly cultivated by the emperor, this amount, whether it is recruited from the private sector or something else, will remain traces.

But Li Si couldn't give a trace.

Therefore, Li Si directly resolved the matter directly in front of the officials, using'throwing beans into soldiers' as a cover.

Since ancient times, the world of Datang has had the legend of'throwing beans into soldiers'.

Li Si used this as a cover, and no one dared to question it.


Not only will no one question it, but the people of the day know that the emperor will be able to cast beans into soldiers and turn into a four-million-dollar army.

of course.

Even if Li Si didn't do this, no one would dare to say anything.

But the appearance of the ‘main god’ and the traversers gave Li Si a wake-up call.

Especially the great enemy of the "Lord God", the source of the fourth natural disaster is not known if it will take action against the Tang world.

Li Si needs to ensure that his hole cards cannot be leaked out.

The Mother Empress Irina is one of Li Si's important trump cards.

Li Si would rather make people believe that he would "spread beans into a soldier", and did not want the existence of mother Irina to be exposed.

After all, the Zerg Mother Emperor can create an endless and desperate army of Zerg, but it is not without any weakness.

The mother emperor itself is the biggest weakness.

If someone can kill the mother emperor's deity, no matter how many zerg armies, they will defeat themselves.

However, it is very difficult to do this.

In the world of ‘Starry Sky’, the strongest of the mother emperor clan created various secret life-saving methods for the mother emperors.

But anyway, the weakness is the weakness after all.

The Zerg army is not afraid of death, but the mother emperor has only one life.

Li Si carried his hands on his back and looked at the four million Zerg warriors on the school field, his expression elusive.

"Bingbu should I know how to do it next?"

Li Si turned his eyes, fell on Shang Shu of the Ministry of War, and said.

"The minister is here."

The Minister of War made up his mind and relieved himself from the shock of the millions of troops on the school field. He bowed and said: "The minister will go down and prepare now, regarding all matters concerning the expedition to the ancient Luo Empire."

"In terms of food and grass, we must be adequately prepared." Li Si reminded.

Since the Zerg warriors have been created, they naturally need to eat.

What the Zerg warriors can eat is flesh and blood.

Lots of flesh and blood.

Therefore, Li Si asked the Shangshu of the Ministry of War to prepare some animal flesh and blood in advance for the Zerg warriors to consume. .

"The minister understands!" Shang Shu of the Ministry of War nodded repeatedly.

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