Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 511: The perspective of the ‘Lord God’!

"This is the heavens and worlds in the eyes of the Lord God"

Li Si carried his hands on his back and stood outside the Datang world. A shining, magnificent and vast Qionglou Tiangong that could not be described in any words was suspended above Li Si's head, falling into the world.

After opening the dynasty, Li Si has completely entered the level of the seventh heavenly **** and demon, able to transcend the world's restrictions and survive independently in the void.


After dealing with the trivial matters in the court, Li Si immediately came out of the world.

If there is no main temple.

In Li Si's field of vision, the only thing he could see was the gray air current. Datang World was located in the gray air current, like a reef in the ocean, extremely inconspicuous.


After using the main temple and sharing the perspective with the main god, Li Si directly saw through the most real side of the world.

In the main god's perspective, there is no gray air.

Looking around, the void is vast and boundless, occupying most of the field of vision. In addition to the void, Li Sidao also saw several Hengsha worlds like the Datang World.

These worlds are basically similar in size and scope to the Datang world.

Even at the end of Li Si's line of sight, a magnificent world that far surpassed the Tang world appeared.

If you compare the void to the vast ocean.

Hengsha worlds like Datang World are unremarkable reefs in the ocean.

Then this magnificent world far beyond the Datang World is an isolated island in the ocean.

Although compared to the vast ocean, whether it is a reef or an isolated island, there is no difference.

But obviously.

In terms of level, the island is far beyond the reef.

"That world should be the Little Thousand World"

Li Si's eyes were calm, looking at the extremely magnificent world, inferred in his heart.

There are many heavens and worlds, multiple universes, and countless worlds. Worlds are born and destroyed at all times.

According to the energy level and size of the world, the world can be divided into four levels.

Hengsha World.

Little Thousand World.

China Thousand World.

Great world.

Whether it is Hengsha World or Zhongqian World, there will be a day of destruction.

However, the Great Thousand World is truly eternal and immortal, unless something force majeure is encountered, such as the unreasonable existence of the Lord God and the source of the fourth natural disaster.

Otherwise, the great world will always exist.

of course.

In the eyes of the main **** and the source of the fourth natural disaster, the great world is also a piece of sweet and pastry.

Compared with the small thousand worlds and the thousand worlds, the original power that the big thousand worlds can plunder is too rich.


The time and space of the Great Thousand World is extremely stable, which is of great help to existences such as the main **** and the source of the fourth natural disaster.

For example, the immeasurable time and space in the main temple was formed by the refining of hundreds of great worlds during the peak period of the main god.

The immeasurable time and space is refined by the Lord God completely imitating the heavens and the worlds, with complete rules and laws inside, and endless magical uses.


After the main **** was severely injured, Boundless Time and Space was abolished, and Li Si was basically used as a storage space, even a living person could not hold it.

"However, the void is really vast"

Li Si's eyes flashed with wonder, and he shook his head slightly.

From the perspective of the main god, Li Si roughly judged the basic distance between the world and the world.

Now Li Si's speed is the highest in the Datang world, and he can appear anywhere in the Datang world within a few breaths.


It would take at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of years for Li Si to leave the world of Datang and go to the world closest to the world of Datang.

This is the case when everything goes well.

If there is any danger on the road, such as the turbulence of time and space, the giant void

Within the Datang World, Li Si was able to smash the void and cross thousands of miles in an instant.

But in the void, crushing the void is a joke.

There are only two ways to avoid driving in the void, comprehend the law of space and the gate of the world.

"Ready to start building the world gate."

Li Si thought silently.

The gate of the world is a passage between two worlds.

In the temporal and spatial memory of the Lord God, there are detailed records about the Gate of the World.

Coupled with the world coordinates that Li Si has mastered, once the world gate is established, Li Si can penetrate the passage between the two worlds, allowing the Great Tang Empire's army to invade the other world.


At this moment, Li Si's eyes moved.

I saw a Hengsha world at the upper left of the Datang World, suddenly shattered, and endless aura of destruction spread.

These destructive auras, compared to Li Si, are almost endless and terrifying.


In the void, this aura of destruction is not even a ripple.

"The world is destroyed"

Li Si's pupils shrank.

In the void, world destruction is too common.

If it weren't for Li Si, the world of Datang would probably be ruined in a few years.

"You have to conquer other worlds as soon as possible."

A sense of urgency suddenly rose in Li Si's heart.

next moment.

With a thought, Li Si retreated into the world and appeared in the Hall of Longevity.

"His Majesty."

"Cao Zhengchun from the East Factory begs to see you outside."

The attendant **** walked in respectfully and said with his hands.

After Li Si opened up the dynasty and appointed officials and appointed gods, although these **** ladies were not eligible to enjoy the gods, the entire palace was shrouded in the power of the dynasty, and these **** ladies naturally also received some benefits.

For example, the **** who often accompanies Li Si around, directly feels that he is twenty years younger.


Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and said casually.

"According to the purpose."

The attendant **** retired.

After a while.

Cao Zhengchun strode into the Palace of Longevity.

"I have seen your Majesty."

Cao Zhengchun bowed and bowed.

Li Sice was an official named god, and he, the governor of the East Factory, was also named a first-class god.

Under the protection of the National Destiny, Cao Zhengchun stepped into the realm of the triple heaven and devil on the spot, and directly became the peak of the triple heaven.

Li Si estimated that after a few days at most, Cao Zhengchun could enter the fourth heaven.

The divine position is the manifestation of the power of the fortune. When the fundamental manifestation of the general trend of the world, if a three-dimensional peak **** and demon obtains the divine position canonization, he will conform to the general situation, break through the shackles, and step into the realm of the four heavens without any difficulty.

Ordinary three heavenly gods and demons, no matter how amazing they are ~ If you want to enter the fourth heaven, you will inevitably go through many trials and hurdles, and finally it depends on luck.

This is also the reason why there have been many gods and demons at the peak of the triple heavens, but there are very few gods and demons at the fourth heaven.

Between the third heaven and the fourth heaven, the leap of the great realm is the key to the gods and demons moving from their bodies to mastering the heavens and the earth.

To become the four heavenly gods and demons, one needs to conform to the will of heaven and earth.

Another term for the will of heaven and earth is the general trend of heaven and earth.

But now, the Datang Empire represents the general trend of the world.

To conform to the Tang Empire is to conform to the world.

Therefore, possessing the position of God is equivalent to possessing a pass to the realm of the four heavens.

"Get up."

"I have something to say."

Li Si glanced at Cao Zhengchun and said.

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