Sun Ming looked at the evil martial artist, who had a monstrous aura and clearly reached an incredible level, and he wanted to cry without tears.

"I am so special that this is a blood mold that has fallen for eight lifetimes"

Sun Ming hadn't expected it in his dreams. When he was about to flex his muscles and take a good break in the Great Tang Empire, who had expected that his thoughts would have ended before they even started.

Faced with the arrest of the evil martial artist, Sun Ming thought about avoiding it.

But unfortunately.

At this moment, under the pressure of the evil martial artist, Sun Ming seemed to be carrying a huge amount of force on his shoulders, and he couldn't even move, let alone avoid him.

As for the resistance

Sun Ming never had this idea in his mind.

Because Sun Ming knew in his heart that the strength displayed by evil martial artists was far beyond what he could handle.

"My One Hundred Origin Points"

Sun Ming's heart was dripping blood.

Although, Sun Ming knew in his heart that he would not really die.

Even in this world, he was crushed to pieces, but he still could not affect Sun Ming who was in the federal civilization.


Even so.

But if Sun Ming really died in the hands of an evil martial artist, the one hundred source points he had expended on the Farmer's Three Forms just now would be really wasted.

The source points are extremely precious, if it is not a last resort, Sun Ming does not want any waste.


No matter how unwilling Sun Ming is.

But under the absolute power gap, it is useless.

Evil Dao martial artist is at least a great master of innate extreme, even if he is seriously injured, it is just a matter of thinking to deal with ants of the acquired state like Sun Ming.

Had it not been for the evil spirit martial artist to peep into Sun Ming's body and blood, and wanted to capture Sun Ming alive, but did not make a ruthless hand, Sun Ming would have been photographed into a pool of flesh at this moment.

Above the sky.

Li Si looked at the evil martial artist who was grabbing at Sun Ming, his eyes thoughtful.

"Have you been targeted by heaven and earth?" Li Si thought slowly.

Nowadays, in the Datang Empire, the world will suppress the martial arts in the rivers and lakes, the Zhenwu Division will manage all warriors involved in the case, and the East Factory will monitor the world.

Under this heavy suppression, there is almost no room for evil martial artists.

In the entire Datang Empire, there are probably no more than five evil martial artists alive

But at this time, a person appeared here.

Moreover, this evil martial artist is interested in Sun Ming and is preparing to take action against him.

If this is a coincidence, Li Si is the first to believe it.

Since it was not a coincidence, there was only one thing Li Si could think of.

All this happened to Sun Ming was targeted by the world.

No matter how much Sun Ming pretends, he is not essentially a person in the Datang world, and there is a natural repulsion between him and the Datang world.

If Li Si didn't open up the fortune, it might not matter.

After all, relative to the world, even if a few people from outside worlds are mixed in, they can't do much.

but now.

With the opening of the Yun Dynasty, the Tang Empire ruled everything.

Li Si's will has replaced the will of Datang World.

The power of the world has been unparalleled, and the situation shown by this is aimed at all creatures outside the world.

simply put.

In the Datang world at this time, visitors from other worlds are extremely unwelcome.

Any visitor from another world who enters the Datang world without permission without Li Si's permission is bound to be bad luck and natural and man-made disasters.

The evil martial artist Sun Ming encountered at this moment was one of man-made disasters.

"Forget it, I'll take action, otherwise, this person will probably be played by the world."

Li Si looked down at Sun Ming, who was waiting to die with his eyes closed, and his heart moved.


The evil martial artist with a grinning face seemed to have noticed something, and his expression flashed with horror.

next moment.

The evil spirit martial artist disappeared completely, as if being erased abruptly.

After a long time.

Sun Ming opened his eyes.

"I'm not dead"

Sun Ming opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

"What about people"

"Why disappeared?"

Sun Ming looked around and found that the evil martial artist with a monstrous aura had long been gone.


While Sun Ming was relieved, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Where did people go

"Could it be that all I just encountered were hallucinations"

Sun Ming couldn't help thinking.

This is the only reason Sun Ming can think of.

Otherwise, how to explain why the evil martial artist suddenly disappeared



Sun Ming looked around his eyes, suddenly noticed something, his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw that a book full of blood fell from the place where the evil martial artist was standing just now.

"this is"

Before Sun Ming walked to the book, he carefully held the book in his hand.

Bloodthirsty Dafa.

On the surface of the book, four big characters appeared as if written in blood.

"This is some kind of exercise"

Just when Sun Ming guessed.

A screen once again appeared in Sun Ming's field of vision.

Discovered the second-order high-level bloodthirsty method, whether it consumes 800 points of origin, and directly cultivate to great success

"Second-order advanced"

"Bloodthirsty Dafa"

Sun Ming took a breath.

Sun Ming never expected that in a short period of time, he would obtain two consecutive exercises, a first-order perfect farmer's three styles, and a second-order advanced bloodthirsty law.


Sun Ming clenched his fists.

Even in other worlds connected by meteorites, second-order exercises are extremely difficult to obtain, and they are often searched by those first few people at the beginning.

"Eight Hundred Origin Points"

Sun Ming was in pain.

Although he was very eager for the second-order exercises, the amount of original points needed to cultivate the second-order exercises left Sun Ming's heart cold.

You know, Sun Ming also accumulated a total of 920 origin points.

Excluding the one hundred points deducted by practicing the farmer's three formulas just now.

Eight hundred and twenty points are left.

If Sun Ming practiced this bloodthirsty Dafa again, he would only have twenty original points left.

In the unlikely event that Sun Ming encounters any trouble during the next turmoil, which leads to his death, the 900 primordial points invested will probably be lost.

"do not care."

"If there is risk, there will be rewards"

"This world is obviously not simple. If I don't improve my strength as soon as possible, I am afraid that anyone I encounter may be shot to death by the opponent."

Sun Ming gritted his teeth and made a decision immediately.

The next moment Sun Ming spent 800 source points to directly practice the bloodthirsty Dafa.


The direct force of horror was born in Sun Ming's body. As soon as this force appeared, it penetrated Sun Ming's eight channels of odd meridians, transforming the weak internal force into internal force.

In an instant, Sun Ming's aura skyrocketed, soaring directly to the late congenital stage.


"Is this power"

Intoxicated color appeared on Sun Ming's face.


Sun Ming raised his hand slightly, his internal force separated, and a giant tree tens of meters away was directly shattered.

"This kind of destructive power is enough to apply for the qualification of a legendary mecha in the federal civilization."

Sun Ming flicked across his eyes, and muttered to himself.

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