Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 550: Federal Civilization Decision

Just when Dukang was ambitious and prepared to show his hands and feet in the world of "sculptures of gods".

   The entire world of ‘sacred carving’ has begun to fall completely. Where Datang Bingfeng passed, no one force could stop a moment.

  The army composed entirely of warriors, plus one hundred gods and demons-level Zerg warriors, has completely exceeded the limit that the many forces in the world of ‘sculpture’ can handle.

  Even if all the forces in the world of ‘Divine Carving’ are united, they will be crushed several times back and forth, without any suspense.


   Datang World.

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, casually glanced at the memorial that needed him to pass, and then began to idle.

   Since Zhuge Kongming was summoned, Li Si has completely fallen into a state of doing nothing.

  Ordinary political affairs, Li Si doesn't need to look at it at all, Zhuge Kongming has handled it almost perfectly.

   As for major events related to the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty, Zhuge Kongming also put forward specific suggestions nearby, and Li Si only needs to nod his head.

  The cabinet is matched with Zhuge Kongming, such a powerful lineup, even in the memory of Li Si, there is not much that can be compared.

   "With Zhuge Kongming and the cabinet, I am not worried about government affairs."

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, slightly lost in thought.

   "As for the military, the world's military deployment has already seen initial results, and I have asked Zhen Wusi and others to establish a popular martial arts school directly into the innate realm."

   Li Si tapped Longan lightly with his right hand, his thoughts fluctuating.

of course.

   If you want to create a popular martial arts that is straightforward, it may be difficult to achieve in a short time.

   The gap between acquired and congenital is far inferior to congenital and gods.

   But it should not be underestimated.

   It is indeed very difficult to cross this hurdle.

   "Now, the most important thing for me is to make sure that the world coordinates of that world will be connected next time."

   Li Si touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

  Through contact with the world of ‘sacred carving’, Li Si has basically judged that in the world of Hengsha, the world of Datang should be invincible.

   Because there is such an unreasonable existence as Li Si.

   The upper limit of the world of Hengsha is the six heavenly gods and demons, that is to say, even the most powerful Hengsha world, the strongest is only the sixth heavenly gods and demons.

   And the six heavenly gods and demons, in front of Li Si, although they are not ants, they are not much stronger. You can slap a group to death with a slap.

of course.

   also can not be ruled out, in some Hengsha worlds, there is a certain six heavenly gods and demons, relying on a certain heaven-defying bottom card, with seven heavenly power.

   But anyway.

   The current Datang world is enough to sweep most of the Hengsha world.

   "The next time you choose the world, you can choose a few stronger worlds."

   Li Si suddenly made a decision in his heart.

  Since passing through the world of ‘sacred carving’, Li Si’s goal of ‘training soldiers’ has been accomplished.

   Then wait for the next time to start the war between the real world and the world.

   "It's just."

   "The Federal Civilization side..."

   Li Si suddenly frowned.

   Since the will that Li Si attached to the soul of ‘Sun Ming’ replaced ‘Sun Ming’, Li Si has gained a certain understanding of the federal civilization.

Especially after'Sun Ming' made a big noise on the Sky Blue Star and killed more than a dozen mecha divisions and a legendary mecha division. Li Si has the most comprehensive understanding of the combat power level of the federal civilization. know.


   What surprised Li Si.

   Just now, the Commonwealth Civilization found ‘Sun Ming’.

   The federal civilization can find ‘Sun Ming’, and Li Si is not surprised.

   Federal civilization, as the civilization of the pinnacle of technological development, it is not too easy to find someone in the world.

   Li Si is not afraid that the federal civilization will find him.

  Because of the Federal Civilization, even if it finds him, it will be useless.

   Li Si cannot be shaken.

  Unless the federal civilization is willing to dispatch several mythical mecha divisions to encircle and suppress'Sun Ming'.

   Otherwise, the ordinary legendary mecha division would not even have the ability to delay'Sun Ming'.


   Even if the federal civilization really pays a big price, Li Si is confident that he can retreat with all his body after touching several mythical mecha divisions.

after all.

   The most suitable battlefield for mecha divisions is the starry sky of the universe.

   Mythical Mecha Division is even more so.

   If the battlefield is confined to the inside of the planet, the mythical mecha division may be at a loss.

   There are countless federal citizens living on every planet. The mythical mecha division can kill hundreds of millions of federal citizens at random.

   And even if the Federal Civilization is really cruel, willing to abandon a planet and die with "Sun Ming", it is also meaningless.

   Li Si asked ‘Sun Ming’ to practice 【Tian Mo Ce】 to prevent this.

   One of the four wonders in the world that has been handed down in the Tang world since ancient times, 【Tian Mo Ce】 is famous for its weirdness.

  Especially the ‘Tao Heart Seed Demon Dafa’ in [Tian Mo Strategy], it has the terrifying effect of being able to win others with a little magic seed.

   Citizens of federal civilization rely on powerful mechas. As for their own cultivation, they have hardly paid much attention to it.

   It is impossible to resist the magic seed of the Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa.

   And since ‘Sun Ming’ cultivated [Tian Mo Ce] to the realm of the triple heavenly gods and devils, tens of thousands of demon seeds have been scattered directly.

   These tens of thousands of demons silently lurk in the bodies of tens of thousands of federal citizens.

   And these tens of thousands of federal citizens, a large part of them are tourists from other planets, who have returned to their own planet not long ago.

   As long as one of these tens of thousands of demon species exists,'Sun Ming' will return again in the form of rebirth.

   If the Federal Civilization is to abandon a planet and completely solve the'Sun Ming', it is tantamount to a, it's just that.

   After the Federal Civilization found ‘Sun Ming’, it showed kindness and prepared to negotiate with ‘Sun Ming’?

   This is why Li Si was surprised.

   Li Si thought he had completely offended the federal civilization.

   In this case, the federal civilization can show kindness to Sun Ming?

   "Is it because of strength?"

   Between the electric light and the flint, Li Si quickly figured out why the federal civilization did this.

   It is very likely that the physical strength of the mecha displayed by ‘Sun Ming’ is highly valued by the federal civilization.

  According to the information that Li Si has learned, the strength demonstrated by'Sun Ming' is enough to control the mythical mecha.

   That is to say.

   As long as he can subdue ‘Sun Ming’, it is equivalent to one more mythical mecha division in the federal civilization.

  Under such circumstances, the Federal Civilization will value ‘Sun Ming’ very much.

of course.

   Li Si is also very clear.

   The premise that federal civilization values ​​is that ‘Sun Ming’ is indeed a citizen of federal civilization.

   Otherwise. .

  If the federal civilization knows, the "Sun Ming" at this time is no longer the original him, but has been replaced by the most powerful of other worlds...

   I am afraid that the Federal Civilization will immediately take action, even if it pays a high price, it will not let'Sun Ming' continue to live.

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