Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 559: The No. 1 Mythical Mecha Division

"this is?"

   Oliver's expression revealed extreme amazement.

   He never expected that the'Sun Ming' just now didn't use all his strength?

"do not care!"

   Oliver gritted his teeth as if he had made a decision.

   Keep going like this.

   He might become the first mythical mecha division to fall in the federal civilization.


   Oliver roared.


   The light blue mecha bursts with strong energy fluctuations.

   For a time, Oliver's power in his gestures suddenly increased again.

   By burning the energy source, Oliver gained strength far beyond his peak state.

   But at the same time, what Oliver needs to pay is the consumption of energy several times, and it will cause irreparable loss to the mythical mech itself.

   If it weren't for being driven to a dead end, Oliver would never have made such a choice.

after all.

   Mecha is no different from the second life for mecha division.

   Especially for the mythical mecha division.

   is different from ordinary and legendary mecha divisions.

   Ordinary, legendary mecha division, if the mecha is broken, it is a big deal to replace it with another one.

   But the mythical mechanic...

   Mythical Mecha Division has long been integrated with mechas. It is impossible to change like ordinary and legendary Mecha Divisions.

   Also, the damage of the mythical mecha will be transferred to the mythical mecha division simultaneously.

   "Damn it."

   "After burning the energy source, I can only hold on for half an hour at most!"

   Oliver felt his surge of power, heartache.


   "Did it inspire the secret forbidden spell?"

   Li Si stood in the starry sky with his hands down, and looked at Oliver whose eyes soared in surprise.

   Oliver's performance is no different from the endless troublesome secret forbidden spells in Datang World.

   Sacrifice the future in exchange for a short-term increase in strength.


   Li Si shook his head slightly, a trace of contempt under his eyes.

  "The demon disintegration method!!!"

   Li Si said softly.


   Li Si's eyes are filled with endless scarlet!


   Li Si's breath also began to soar.



   Five times.


   ten times.

   After a short while, Li Si's strength has soared ten times.

   The demon disintegration method is a forbidden technique in the 【Heaven Demon Strategy】.

   Burn true essence, life, longevity, potential, etc., to obtain the only strength.

   Generally speaking, no matter how brutal a man in the magic way, he is unwilling to use the great law of the disintegration of the demon.

  Because this is basically the same end.

  Once the demon disintegration method is used, even if the powerful enemy is finally killed, he will not survive many times.

  The person in the magic way is at the expense of others and selfish.

   Unless it's that kind of **** enmity, it's absolutely impossible to do this.

   But this time.

   Li Si didn't even think about it, so he directly used the demon disintegration method.

   This physical body does not belong to Li Si.

   Li Si will naturally not cherish that much.

   "Now, I am afraid that I am very close to the five heavenly gods and demons, right?"

   Li Si thought, his black hair turned from black to white, and an old and decadent aura filled him.

   On the battlefield.

   Oliver, who had burned the energy source, stared dumbly at'Sun Ming' whose breath soared again.

   "You lunatic!!!"

   Oliver naturally saw the changes in the breath of'Sun Ming'.

   Although Oliver didn't know why Sun Ming's strength soared so much again, it was obvious that the opponent used a similar method to him.


   Oliver burns the energy source.

   And the burning of "Sun Ming" is probably the vitality.

   This can be seen from the fact that the hair of'Sun Ming' changed from black to white in an instant.


   hasn't waited for Oliver to react.

   The blood red that spread to every corner suddenly turned into a blood dragon, swallowing it towards Oliver.

   this time.

   Oliver fell into an absolute disadvantage.

   If it encounters a ship in a twelfth storm.

   If you are not careful, you may be driven into the abyss by the waves.


   Supreme House.

   The gentleman saw this scene with a worried expression on his face and said eagerly: "Leader, what should I do now?"

   "Oliver-sama's current situation seems a bit bad..."

   The gentle man looked at the silent and majestic old man.

   The other councilors looked at each other and did not speak.

   Oliver's situation is not only bad?

   None of the congressmen on the field have a vicious eye. It is natural to see that if there is no accident, Oliver will probably be removed from the top ten mythical mecha divisions in a few minutes.

  'Sun Ming' is too scary.

  Especially after the disintegration of the demons used.

   Oliver is not an opponent at all. If Oliver hadn't burned the energy source, there was a possibility of a struggle, and he would have fallen by now.

   "Leader, I suggest using space-based weapons."

   A member of the Diet said.

   Space-based weapons are one of the highest technological achievements of the federal civilization. They can easily penetrate a planet and are extremely terrifying.

"I disagree."

   "With the power and coverage of space-based weapons, Oliver cannot be spared."

   "Say it again."

   "Even if space-based weapons are used, will it be possible to kill'Sun Ming'?"

   "Although space-based weapons are strong, Sun Ming is not a fool. It is impossible to stand there to meet the bombardment of space-based weapons!"

   Another member of the Diet spoke.

   If before, they still wanted to subdue ‘Sun Ming’ and let ‘Sun Ming’ be used by the Federation, then at this moment, no one has this idea.

   Because of the horror of'Sun Ming', it has exceeded the control limit of the federal civilization.

  Only the physical body can suppress the mythical mecha division. This kind of strength may only be achieved by the cultivators in the world of'Shushan'.

   "Space-based weapons can't work, so let other mythical mecha divisions support it?"

   "No way."

   "Near the sky blue star, there is no mythical mechanic."

   "Yes, if I wait for the mythical mecha divisions from other places to arrive, I'm afraid Oliver will not even have ashes left."

   "This is not okay, that is not okay, do we just watch, this'Sun Ming' killed Oliver and trampled on the majesty of my federation?"

   A certain congressman ranted very violently.

"All right."

   "Don't talk anymore."


   The majestic old man slowly spoke.

   The voice of the majestic old man just fell off.

   The court suddenly became quiet.

   The eyes of many congressmen focused on the dignified old man.

   Relative to the many MPs on the court, the majestic old man is definitely the one who cares about Oliver's life and death most.

  Because Oliver is one of the three mythical mechas standing behind the majestic old If the majestic old man ignores Oliver's life and death, I am afraid it will make the other two mythical mechas chill.

   At that time, the position of the leader of the majestic old man will not be as stable as before.

   "I have decided on this matter."

   "I will ask Jiang Chen to let him take action."

   The words of the majestic old man resounded in the ears of every congressman.

   Especially when the word ‘Jiang Chen’ was uttered, the whole chamber fell into a strange silence.

   Jiang Chen.

  The mythical mecha division ranked first in the federal civilization.

   is also the most mysterious mythical mecha division in the federal civilization.




   on a snow-capped mountain.

   The sky is cold and the ground is freezing, and the snow is fluttering.

   A young man sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

   The man wore short sleeves and exposed his skin, regardless of the surrounding temperature.


at this time.

   The young men around opened his eyes.

next moment.

   A light curtain appeared in front of the young man.

  On the light curtain is the majestic old man, the supreme leader of federal civilization.

   "Jiang Chen, it's me..."

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