Shortly after.

   The world is shaking.

   Because of a news from the court.

   From now on, the Datang Empire will once again open up a world channel and conquer the world!

   And this time, His Majesty will mobilize 90% of his troops and the rumored army of thousands of black armors.

   Just when the people of Datang were shocked by this news.

   African continent.

   Li Si has already appeared in front of the huge and towering world gate.

   Behind Li Si, there stood Yan Ling Ji and other summoned gods and demons.

   In order to be foolproof, Li Si not only mobilized 90% of the world's troops and Zerg warriors, but also summoned all the gods and demons under his command.

  Except for Cao Zhengchun and Zhang Juzheng who need to sit in Chang'an to ensure the stability of the rear, even Zhuge Kongming, the current prime minister, was pulled over by Li Si to deal with the Federal Ming.

   Zhuge Kongming, as Li Si's current strongest combat power, certainly cannot be left unused.

   "Your Majesty."

   "The army has gathered, and only wait for your majesty's order to invade another world."

   Hebu Shangshu approached quickly and said respectfully.

   Tens of millions of troops are densely packed, like an endless black ocean, all gathered not far away.

   "I see."

   Li Si put his hands on his back and said calmly.

   "Your Majesty, the second gate of the world has been completed," the Mayan leader also bowed.

   Compared with the care when building the first world gate.

   The second gate of the world, the Maya people are completely familiar with the road. With sufficient resources, it took less than ten days to complete the project.

   "Not bad."

   Li Si nodded slightly, turned his gaze, looked at Zhuge Kongming, and said faintly: "I need Kong Ming to do something for this battle."

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   Zhuge Kongming immediately bowed and said in horror: "The minister does not dare, just tell me what your Majesty has."

   Li Si smiled slightly, and continued: "When the world gate penetrates the two realms, I need you to take action to protect the world gate on the other side from being broken by the Federation Ming!"

  Federation is not better than the world of **** carving.

   At the level of the strong in the world of the **** carving, it is impossible to touch the door of the world at all.

   But the federation is different.

   As the Ming who has reached the peak of technological development, there is also a world-individual force comparable to the Datang gods and monsters such as mecha divisions. Once the Federation Ming discovers the world's door, I am afraid it will use all means to destroy the world's door.

   After all, as long as the gate of the world collapses, the Datang Empire cannot invade the Federation Ming on a large scale.


   Keeping the gate of the world is Li Si's first consideration.

   And this task can only be assured by handing it over to Zhuge Kongming and Li Si.

   One is because Zhuge Kongming has the highest realm, and he is good at guarding.

   There is Zhuge Kongming.

   Even if the top ten mythical mecha divisions of the Federation Ming come out, I am afraid that they will not be able to shake the door of the world.

   "Chen Zunzhi!!!"

   Zhuge Kongming said with firm eyes.

   "Black inflammation."

   Li Si looked away from Zhuge Kongming, and fell on a young girl with a pair of delicate dragon horns on her forehead.

   "The subordinate is here."

   Hei Yan immediately stood out and said crisply.

   "You have only one mission."

   Li Si looked at Hei Yan and calmly said: "When the world gate penetrates, you will enter the Union Ming world and use all the magical talents to defeat the first wave of the Union Ming's offensive!"

   The part of the real dragon blood flowing in Hei Yan's body is suitable for Hei Yan to play the forward.

   Moreover, the supernatural talents controlled in the blood of Heiyan, especially the supreme dragon power from the blood of real dragons, are extremely suitable for suppressing the mecha masters of the federation.

   without defense.

   Even a mythical mecha division, under Longwei, the horror of strength will be suppressed by half.

   As for the legend and ordinary mecha division, I am afraid it is even more unbearable.

   This is the drawback of the mecha division.

   Mecha division is taking the path of foreign objects, facing the spiritual coercion of Long Wei, and being caught off guard, he will definitely suffer a big loss.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Hei Yan said without hesitation.

   As the **** and demon summoned by Li Si, Hei Yan is totally obedient to Li Si, let alone being the first to enter the Union Ming world, even if Li Si wants Hei Yan to die, Hei Yan will die without hesitation.

   "Very good."

   Li Si looked at Hei Yan with satisfaction.

   With the strength of Black Flame and some of the supernatural powers talents belonging to the Dragon Race, under the full explosion, I am afraid that he will be close to Zhuge Kongming, a terrifying **** and demon who may enter the realm of the seventh heaven at any time.

   "White up."

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   "The end will be."

   Bai Qi walked out of the column and arched his hands.

   Li Si stared at Bai Qi, and said solemnly: "Your mission is very simple."


   "Kill all those who resist."

   Although Li Si's tone was calm, he revealed the chill that penetrated into the bone marrow.

   Many courtiers only felt a cold air rising from their spine and exploded fiercely in their minds.

  The name of King Wuan, that was all killed.

   There is no courtier on the field that is not clear and terrible.

   And your Majesty let Bai Qi go to kill, go to kill without scruples, it is simply heart-shaking.

   "The last general will lead."

   A killing machine flashed deep in Bai Qi's eyes.

  Different from other gods and demons, Bai Qi's increase in strength requires endless killing.

   Whether it is the Killing God Technique or the Killing God Domain, it is all born for killing.

   "As for you"

Li Si once again looked at Zhang Jiao, Yan Ling Ji, Dugu Sword Demon and others, and said: "The highest combat power in the Federation Ming is the mythical mecha division. These mythical mecha divisions will be handed over to ~Federation Ming has ten mythical mecha divisions.

   And the strength of the ten mythical mecha divisions is strong or weak. The weak ones are comparable to the four heavenly gods and demons in the Datang world, and the strong ones are comparable to the six heavenly ones.

   And with the strength of Zhang Jiao, Yan Ling Ji and other gods and demons, with the other four heavenly gods and demons, there is no problem at all to deal with these mythical mecha masters.

   And as long as there is no mythical mecha division, the federation will be like a tiger without its claws, still slaughtered by Li Si.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Zhang Jiao, Yan Ling Ji and other gods and demons looked at each other, and bowed together.

   Each of them has been given the next rank of God by Li Si, and under the blessing of God's position, their strength is increasing.

   Especially the five heavenly gods and demons like Zhang Jiao are about to enter the sixth heavenly realm. With all sorts of fairy skills, they are completely comparable to the ordinary six heavenly gods and demons.

"All right."

   "Next, I will begin to penetrate the door of the world."

   Li Si glanced at the crowd at last, slightly raised his right hand, and pressed it towards the huge gate of the world.


   The meritorious artifact tripod appeared on Li Si's head, ticking around, and a hill-like space stone vacated into the sky, providing a large amount of space power as the gate of the world to penetrate the two worlds.

   hum! ! !

   Li Si looked towards the door of the world, and huge spatial fluctuations spread slowly in all directions.

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