Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 577: Jiang Chen's decision

Woo! Woo! ! Woo! ! !

The harsh police siren resounded without any warning on more than a hundred life planets near the sky blue star.

Countless federal citizens don’t even know anything, but they also realize that something bad may have happened.

As for some powerful people, they even smelled something from the secret evacuation of the federal armed forces, and wanted to escape with a private aircraft.



It's too late.

Countless soldiers of the Tang Dynasty descended from the depths of the starry sky and took over every planet with violence.

As for the gods and demons level powerhouse.

Standing outside the planet, the horrible spirit of gods and demons pervades, preventing any fish from slipping through the net.

"Well, what's the situation? Federal exercises?"

"Impossible! Although the federal lawmakers are pedantic, they are not stupid. It is impossible to make such a decision."

"If it's not a drill, what's the situation?"


Countless federal citizens panic.

Ever since the Federal Civilization stepped out into the interstellar world, and the journey went smoothly, especially after the birth of the first mythical mecha division, such a major event has never happened.

In a short period of time, almost a hundred planets of life fell.

What is this concept?

If the federal civilization is still in a period of ignorance before it has stepped out of the planet, it will be ruled by those dynasties...

It is equal to losing a small half of the country instantly.

This is almost the curse of the country!

Except for the planet of life.

Some resource stars are countless.

"What about the Star Battleship? What about the Mecha Division? We provide so many taxes to the Federation every year. How about them at critical moments?"

"It's useless. Not long ago, the Supreme Court issued an order that all the armed forces in the nearby star regions should withdraw as much as possible without defying them."

"I'm **** your uncle's Supreme House!!!"


Some federal citizens with fierce personalities directly began to swear.

At this moment, even a fool understands a truth.

These federal citizens, including more than a hundred living planets around them, have been abandoned by the Supreme House.


As long as the Supreme Court has any idea of ​​protecting them, not to mention reinforcement, at least it will not withdraw the armed forces!

The only reason for withdrawing these armed forces is that the Supreme Council decided to abandon them.

at the same time.

Hundreds of light years away.

A five-hundred-meter-high mecha was looking at the planets that were being quickly occupied by Datang Bingfeng.


"Damn **** damn!!!"

There was a wave of mental fluctuations inside this mecha, and it was extremely angry.

As a general stationed in this star field, Waiters never dreamed that one day he would watch the federal citizens being massacred, but there was nothing he could do.

"Who is it!"

"Who is it!!!"

Horrible energy fluctuations rose from Waiters' huge mecha.

In the absence of "Sun Ming", Waiters was hailed as the legendary mecha division most likely to be promoted to the myth of the federal civilization.

Whether it is combat awareness or energy intensity, Waiters is very close to the mythical mecha division.

"General, let's go!"

At this moment, a legendary mecha division stood in front of Waiters, holding him tightly.

"No! There is everything about me!!!" Waiters' eyes were blood red, staring straight into the distance.

"General, this is an order of the Supreme House!" the legendary mecha division whispered.

"The Supreme House?"

"The Supreme House again?"

"Abandoning one's own people, abandoning one's own territory, is this what the Supreme Council does?"

Waiters growled.

"General, there must be a reason for the Supreme House to do this. If we violate the order, it is very likely that the Supreme House will be delayed!"


The legendary mecha division said this, paused for a moment, and said again: "The enemy is powerful, and even several mythical mecha masters have been defeated and retreated. We stayed, but sacrificed in vain. Maybe it will expose the Federation. Secret."

"Ah ah ah!!!"

"One day, I will come back again!!!"

Waiters clenched his fists and roared frantically.


Hum! ! !

Faint spatial fluctuations emerged.

"not good!"

"General, go away!!!"

The legendary mecha division was in a hurry, with a hint of fear in his voice.

Waiters trembled all over, turned and left after all, and left instantly along the wormhole opened by the Federation.

In the next moment, the remaining wormhole collapsed and destroyed automatically.

After a while.

A space not far away was torn apart.

A soldier in silver armor walked out slowly.


Bai Qi scanned the location of the wormhole, without any expression on his face.

He didn't mean to pursue it. The most important thing now is to stabilize the more than 100 life planets captured by the Tang Empire.

As for the reaction of the federal civilization, it is not considered in vain at all.

Say it again.

Chasing the enemy deeply is a taboo.

In case this is a trap deliberately involved in federal civilization...

Although Bai Qi is confident, she is not stupid and will not deliberately jump into the trap.


Datang World.

African continent.

Li Si carried his hands on his back and listened to the report of the soldiers returning from the federal civilized world.

"Your Majesty Kai."

"Now near the gate of the world, there are 152 life planets and 263 resource planets, all of which are occupied by my Datang."

The words came out.

The civil and military officials were suddenly overjoyed.

Through this period of ‘learning’, the courtiers probably understood the concept of ‘planet’.

The fact that Datang's army can achieve such brilliant results in such a short period of time is an unprecedented victory!


Li Si raised his brows, slightly surprised.

From Li Si's point of view, although the Federal Civilization was inferior to the Datang World, it would not be defeated so quickly.

Those mecha divisions of the federal civilization, as well as the huge number of star warships, should be able to struggle a bit.

"Your Majesty Kai."

"On these hundreds of stars, only a few mecha divisions were found. As for the Star Battleship, there is not even one."

"According to the news that several adults of King Wu'an received, many mecha divisions and star warships of the Federal Civilization had secretly evacuated not long ago."

"Because of this, we can quickly occupy these planets."

Li Si nodded slightly.

"That's it."

Li Si smiled.

This federal civilization still has some truth. Knowing that the Datang Empire cannot be a positive enemy, it would rather give up so many planets and preserve its strength.

Although this approach is cruel, it is the most correct.

"Go down."

Li Si waved his hand.



Federal Civilization a wild planet in a distant star field.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged on the ground, with four huge fairy swords standing in all directions.

The blades of these four huge immortal swords were already severely broken, as if they had experienced an extremely fierce battle.

"By now."

"If you want to resist the invasion, there is only one way."

Jiang Chen's expression was gloomy and his face was cold.

As a mythical mecha division who was in direct contact with the Datang world, Jiang Chen knew exactly how terrifying the Datang world was.

The seven mythical mecha divisions of the Federal Civilization teamed up and cooperated with the Four Elephant Sword Array, and it was just enough to suppress the dragon clan.

If it weren't for Jiang Chen's rescue, I'm afraid these mythical mecha divisions would also be left behind.

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