Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 592: The fairy fell!

The sacred instrument of merit swells infinitely, lowering the power of ten thousand merits, and oppressing the federal universe.

As an artifact of the Tang Empire's merits, it has absorbed Li Si's merits of making up the heavens and opening up the dynasty. This half-person-tall small tripod is changing almost every moment.

Constantly swallowing the mysterious power in the void, as if it was endless.

According to the records in the Law of Fortune [Cast Heaven], whether it is an artifact of merit or an artifact of Saji, it is the essence of the fortune and the master of the fortune.

"That is?"

The huge immortal Fu Hengzi has a four-like sword formation in his palm, with mighty power, but when he sees the power of the merit hanging from the mouth of the sacred instrument of merit, his expression suddenly changes wildly.

"The power of merit?"

Fu Hengzi muttered to himself very solemnly.

Fu Hengzi never expected that he would see the power of merit.

The power of merit is not uncommon.

As long as you do something that contributes to the heavens and the earth, your merit will be lowered.

The monks of the Immortal Sect of ‘Shushan’ descended from the devil to defend the way, and occasionally gained the power of merit.


Such a huge amount of power of merit, Fu Hengzi is simply unheard of.

Moreover, the power of these merits was melted into a small cauldron by an extremely incredible technique.

In the world of ‘Shu Mountain’, the power of merit is too great for the monks.

If a monk wants to condense the immortal body, he must first experience the difficulty of'crossing the catastrophe'.

The calamity here may be the calamity of the heavens, the calamity of the human beings, or even the calamity of the heart demon.

Crossing the past, it is the immortal who crosses the catastrophe period high above.

If he fails, he will die and fall into reincarnation.

The power of merit can weaken these catastrophes to a great extent.

Even some good people with great merits can offset the catastrophe by virtue of their merits, and enter the period of catastrophe without suffering.

However, these kind of meritorious people generally appear in the world of "Shushan", and Mahayana immortals will inevitably take their hands and bring them into the family.

after all.

Normally, a good person with merit is equal to the seed of an immortal who crosses the catastrophe period.

Even in the "Shushan" fairy sect, the immortals in the Tribulation Period are also eligible to compete for the position of master.

In addition to the great benefits of the power of merit, it also has an incredible effect on the Mahayana period like Fu Hengzi.

During the Mahayana period, he had a deeper understanding of the laws of heaven and earth.


How vast is the law of heaven and earth?

The more you understand, the more you can feel your own ignorance and insignificance.

And the slower the speed of enlightenment.

The power of merit can help the Mahayana period increase the speed of comprehension of the rules.

Just when the huge immortal Fu Hengzi was shocked.

I saw the magical pottery cauldron, which was as big as the world, slowly fell.

Rumble! ! !

It was as if the weight of a world suddenly weighed on Fu Hengzi's shoulders.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Fu Hengzi's body jumped to a small half on the spot, if it weren't for the Sixiang sword formation at the critical moment, it bloomed with brilliance and protected Fu Hengzi.

I'm afraid that Fu Hengzi's Dharma body will completely collapse under the suppression of the Kungfu Sacred Tool.


Even with the Sixiang sword formation, Fu Hengzi's state at the moment has not improved at all.

The sacred instrument of merit, the cauldron, slowly suppressed, without stopping, without slowing down, just falling slowly.

"The spirit of the four elephants, block me!!"

The fairy body of Fu Hengzi shook constantly and shouted violently.

In an instant.

The Sixiang sword array suddenly uttered a sword sound.

I saw the four-headed divine beast phantom rushing out of the sword, and roaring towards the kungfu artifact cauldron.


When Jiang Chen Zhenling saw this scene, a trace of fear flashed across his illusory face.

Although Jiang Chen believed in his master very much, at this moment, as long as he had a little insight, he could see that Fu Hengzi was at a huge disadvantage.

If Fu Hengzi loses to Emperor Datang, his fate for Jiang Chen can be imagined.

Lost the shelter of Fu Hengzi, Jiang Chen was inferior to the dust on the ground in the eyes of Emperor Datang.

In addition to Fu Hengzi.

There was also a group of people on the court who witnessed the terrifying scene with their own eyes.


"What shall we do now?"

"Yes, leader, shall we run?"

"Yes, if it gets affected, wouldn't it be a waste of life?"

One councilor after another couldn't help but shudder in their hearts.

Hearing the words, the majestic old man remained silent and did not answer.

If possible, he doesn't mind running away.

But the problem is...

With the mighty power of the giant cauldron as big as the world, even if they flee no matter how far, what use is it?


at the same time.

The edge of the federal civilized world.

One after another huge star beasts gathered together.

These behemoths in the starry sky are extremely large, at least as large as a planet, and even larger than a few planets.

Moreover, every star beast exudes a power that far exceeds the mythical mecha division.

If the Federal Civilization observes this scene, the shocked eyes will soon fall.

Over the years, the federal civilization has fought in all directions and encountered the strongest star behemoth, which is only tens of thousands of feet.

And the strongest star behemoth, placed here, is far from even the weakest.


"In recent hundreds of years, many descendants have come to me to complain, saying that they are being slaughtered by a group of people called Federal Civilization."

A giant starry sky exudes terrifying mental fluctuations, looking at a giant starry sky full of gold.

"Federal Civilization?"

"When my clan of star beasts crossed the starry sky, I am afraid that this federal civilization was never born."

A trace of humanized contempt flashed in the huge eyes of the golden star beast.

"Destroy this federal civilization. I want all the races to know that the overlord of the universe is still my clan of giant star beasts."

The golden starry sky behemoth's words are full of gaze.


at this time.

A terrible energy fluctuation came quickly.

"This level of energy fluctuations?"

It is hard to believe that the many huge star beasts are looking in a certain direction.

In the face of this energy fluctuation, even if they belong to the clan of giant star beasts, if the candle is in the wind, they may be extinguished at any time.


"The direction of energy fluctuations is the federal civilization."

"What's going on? Could it be that all the stars in the galaxy where this federal civilization is located exploded at once?"

The star beast that had just started to talk was extremely shocked.

"It's not a star explosion."

The golden starry sky behemoth is extremely solemn.

"Not a star explosion?"

This behemoth starry sky is full of This energy fluctuation has already begun to shake the universe.

It really can't think of it, if it weren't for countless stars exploding, what else could be possible?

"Is there an incredible existence fighting?"

The golden starry sky behemoth smashed the railway.


Sky Blue Star Field.

Ding, an artifact of merit, overwhelms the universe.

Although the huge immortal Fu Hengzi is strong, but at this moment he is only a magic body with only one blow, how can he withstand the crushing of the sacred instrument of merit?

Under Fu Hengzi's unwilling gaze.

The mighty Ding, a divine instrument of merit, directly crushed Fu Hengzi completely.

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