Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 602: Reopen the heavens! The fourth natural disaster in Li Si's hands!

"Get up."

Li Si faintly glanced at the Shangshu Book of the Ministry of Rites, and said, "I just remind you, and I don't mean to blame you."

In fact...

The proposal of the Ministry of Etiquette to popularize the three styles of farmers to the federal civilized world is not without reason.

But the prerequisite for this popularization is that the Datang Empire has thoroughly mastered the federal civilized world, and even if the other party gets the Farmer's Three Forms, there will be no waves.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

But what if federal citizens completely integrate into Datang and become citizens of Datang?

of course.

The degree of it needs to be grasped well.

Although, as long as Li Si exists for one day...

Not to mention that all federal citizens are acquired, even if everyone is born, it is useless.

But this kind of hidden danger, naturally the less the better.

"Your Majesty's teachings will be remembered by the minister throughout his life." Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites knelt down on the Tai Chi Hall and said loudly.

"All right."

"You all get up."

Li Si glanced at the other courtiers who were kneeling on the ground and said casually.

Just now Li Si suddenly got up and walked to the edge of the dragon platform, obviously frightening the courtiers on the court.

"According to the purpose."

Manchu Wenwu sighed slightly, got up slowly, and returned to their respective positions.

"Today I have one more thing to announce."

Li Si saw the courtiers calm down, and said.

"Your Majesty, please speak."

The civil and military officials immediately bowed their hands.

Li Si's eyes were calm, and he slowly said, "I want to establish the Division of Ten Thousand Realms to be specifically responsible for conquering other worlds."

"Wan...Wan Jie Division?"

The faces of many ministers including Yang Qinglin, Liubu Shangshu, the cabinet's second assistant, and Liubu Shangshu all showed shock.

What did they hear just now?


The "Division" is a unit of Datang Organization.

It is almost the same as the six ‘departments’.

For example, today's Jinwu Division is an organization of this level.

But Ten Thousand Realms...

What does Wanjie mean?

Is it in your majesty's heart that you are really ready to fight in the world?

After the Tang Empire successively conquered the world of ‘sacred carving’ and the world of federal civilization, the courts and officials had a completely new concept of the different world.

I know the difficulty of conquering the world.

It can be said.

With the current background of the Datang World, let alone conquering the Ten Realms, even fighting the Ten Realms would be enough.

If this is not what His Majesty said personally, I am afraid that the first reaction of all the courtiers is not to believe it.

"Your...Your Majesty, is this true?"

The Ministry of Industry Shangshu stood out, and his voice trembled.

"Naturally it is true."

Li Si nodded slightly.

Now the source of the fourth natural disaster has become his private property.

Li Si has the confidence to do so.

Although the source of the fourth natural disaster was hit hard, since the federal civilization can use the source of the fourth natural disaster to explore the alien world, Li Si can naturally do it.

It is even better than the federal civilization.

After all, the federal civilization was only groping, and Li Si directly became the master of the source of the fourth natural disaster.

The difference between the two is as big as the sky!

As for which worlds to conquer.

Both the'main god' and the source of the fourth natural disaster have specifically recorded some world coordinates.

Li Si could choose some of them, and then hand them over to the people of Wan Jiesi.

after all.

With the strength of Li Si.

Unless some extremely powerful or special Hengsha world, the ordinary Hengsha world, it is no longer in Li Si's eyes.

Say it again.

If every conquest of a world requires Li Si to take action, then the heavens, the multiverse, the endless world like Hengsha, would Li Si be exhausted?

the most important is.

Now Datang World has begun to fully control the federal civilization.

At every moment, a large number of federal civilizations merged into the Tang Empire.

Following this, Datang Guoyun began to skyrocket at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this case.

Li Si must devote most of his energy to grasp the rapidly increasing national fortune in order to be promoted in the next Datang World.


It is imperative to establish the Wanjie Division to deal specifically with the foreign wars of Datang World.

Li Si turned his eyes, looked at Zhuge Kongming, and said, "You will be responsible for the establishment of the Division of Ten Thousand Realms."

"The minister follows the decree."

Zhuge Kongming arched his hands.

When the other officials heard the words, they were suddenly awe-inspiring.

Zhuge Kongming was the prime minister, one of the few ministers who valued most in His Majesty's heart.

Zhuge Kongming is solely responsible for the matter of Wanjiesi, which shows that His Majesty attaches great importance to this matter.

"There is one more thing I need to remind you."

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Si said leisurely, looking at the many ministers who were still shocked by the incident.

Li Si's voice just fell.

The civil and military of the Manchu dynasty suddenly woke up and listened attentively.

"In a period of time, our Datang world will usher in great changes."

"You guys are ready, don't panic at that time."

Li Si said lightly.

"Dare to ask your Majesty, what are the changes?"

Some ministers couldn't help but speak, bit the bullet and asked.

"Specifically, you don't understand after I said it."

Li Si shook his head slightly.

The promotion of the world involves the fundamental rules of the heavens, the universe, and the multiverse. Not to mention the ministers in the court, even Li Si, the lord of the world, did not fully understand it.

"Simply put, it means that the world of Datang has turned into an immortal world."

Li Si pondered for a while, and tried to speak in simple language.

The promotion of Hengsha World to Little Thousand World is an essential leap. It is more appropriate to describe the world as a fairyland.


"I, Datang, become a fairy world?"

Li Si said this.

All the courtiers were shocked and almost lost their attitude on the spot.

It's not that their temperament is not good, but what Li Si said is too earth-shattering.

Since ancient times.

The world of the Tang Dynasty has spread the theory of immortal world.

In myths and legends, the world of immortals is supreme and is the home of many immortals.

And now.

Li Si told them that the world of Tang Dynasty would become a fairyland in myths and legends?

How did this make the Manchu civil and military people not shocked? How not to be shocked?

"His Majesty......"

The Tai Chi Hall suddenly exploded.


Before the ministers could talk to each other for a few words, Li Si got up again and waved his sleeves: "Retreat."

"The minister is waiting to send your majesty..."

The civil and military officials bowed down immediately.

It was not until Li Si's completely walked out of the Taiji Hall that some officials raised their heads and discussed with his colleagues next to him about what his Majesty just said.


Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Si tapped the handrail lightly with his right hand, looking at the misty light group that only Li Si could see suspended above the dragon First set a batch of worlds. "

"Wait until tomorrow and then give it to the Wanjie Division..."

Li Si's gaze fell on the light ball formed by the source of the fourth natural disaster, and the depths of his gaze seemed to flash one world after another.


Li Si's heart moved.

The misty light group merged into Li Si's body.

In Li Si's mind, dozens of world coordinates appeared silently.

"Unexpectedly, these worlds turned out to be?"

Unlike the ‘main god’, which only records world coordinates.

The source of the fourth natural disaster explored a certain degree of each world coordinate.

Therefore Li Si can directly obtain general information about these worlds.

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