Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 619: The Great Tribulation of the Xianzong of "Shu Mountain" (4,000 words, 2 in 1

What a fairy!

The two immortals of the "Shushan" Immortal Sect during the Tribulation Period never dreamed that they would encounter a true immortal outside of a newly promoted little thousand world!

You know, although the period of crossing the catastrophe and the Mahayana period can be called ‘immortals’.

But in fact, the ‘immortals’ here are nothing but celestial beings in the world of ‘Shushan’, belonging to the imaginary and pseudo-celestial category.

Once ascending to the upper realm, what are the so-called tribulation periods and Mahayana periods?

In front of a true immortal, I am afraid that even the dust is worse.

The reason why the Immortal Sect of'Shushan' can dominate the world of'Shushan' has survived many catastrophes and relied on several true ancestors who soared to the upper realm.

In the records of the Immortal Sect of "Shu Mountain", the true immortal can already incarnate in the cave sky, the cave sky is immortal, and the true immortal does not die.

Although after the Mahayana period is the true immortal period, it seems that there is only one level difference, but in front of a true immortal, even tens of millions of Mahayana periods are a matter of one thought.

Even in the upper realm of the Immortal Sect of'Shushan', a true immortal ancestor is enough to suppress one party and dominate the ups and downs of trillions of creatures.

From the essence of life, the True Immortal Stage has completely transitioned into another life form, equivalent to those invincible heavens and beasts.

Although in terms of combat power, the gods and beasts may have an absolute advantage, they are indeed equal in terms of life level.

With his hands on his back, Li Si calmly looked at the two immortals in the tribulation period of the "Shu Mountain" Xianzong.

Through the induction of the Four Elephant Sword Array, Li Si easily found two ants peeping at the Datang World from a distance.

The two immortals during the Tribulation Period probably didn't expect that it would be the normal Sixiang Sword Formation they wanted to betray them.

"Sure enough, a member of the Immortal Sect of'Shushan'?"

Li Si glanced at the opponent faintly, his eyes stopped for a moment on the faintly glowing Shuiyunpa.

With Li Si's eyesight, it is natural to see that it is precisely with this treasure that two immortals, who are equivalent to the seven heavenly gods and demons of the Great Tang world, cross the void and find the Great Tang world.

Moreover, if there was no Shuiyunpa concealment, the two of them would have been noticed by Li Si when they looked at the Datang World, and they would not need the Sixiang Sword Array induction.

"True fairy?"

"How could it be a real fairy?!"

"How can a real fairy be born in a small thousand world?"

One of the immortals during the Tribulation Period was unbelievable and murmured to himself in horror.

At this time, Li Si was behind the Datang World. If he had not realized that Li Si came from the Datang World, he would be really stupid.

But precisely because I realize this.

The immortal talent who crossed the catastrophe period felt a real shock.

Because of the upper limit of the world of Little Thousand World, it is impossible to be born a true fairy.

Not to mention a small thousand world that has just been promoted.

The true ancestors of the Immortal Sect of "Shushan" also took advantage of many adventures to enter the true celestial stage after they soared to the upper realm.

"True fairy?"

Li Si's expression remained unchanged.

The true celestial beings of the cultivating system should correspond to the gods and monsters of the Heavenly Caverns realm of the gods and demons system.

Although the two are called differently, they are essentially the same.

The gods and demons of the cave sky opened up the cave sky in the body.

The strong man in the true immortal period is transformed into the cave sky, and both symbolize the same height.

There are thousands of avenues, and different routes lead to the same goal.

Below the real celestial and cave heaven realms, the immortal cultivation system and the gods and demons system are infinitely different, with different methods.

But once they stepped into the real immortal or cave sky realm, they began to slowly become consistent.

of course.

Li Si is not a true celestial being, nor is he a **** or demon in the cave world.

The path that Li Si took, even if placed in the heavens and the multiverse, is unique and cannot be copied.

The emperor's refining technique, as a fundamental technique that directly refers to the great root, possesses the unique characteristics of all realms.

In other words.

As long as Li Si does not fall, there will be no second person from the heavens and the multiverse who can learn the Qi refining technique of the emperor.

Even if the emperor's refining technique is placed in front of the opponent, it is useless.

Although Li Si was not a true celestial being or being promoted to a **** and demon, Li Si was not much inferior to the ordinary true gods and gods and devil in the battle of the sky.


If within the Tang world, relying on the power of the world, Li Si would be able to grind to death a true immortal or a **** demon in the Heavenly Caverns as long as he was willing to pay the price.


There is nothing wrong with the two who believe that Li Si is a true immortal during the tribulation period.

"How is Fu Hengzi?"

Li Si said with a calm look.

"Fu Hengzi..."

The two immortals during the Tribulation Period glanced at each other with tragic expressions.

Fu Hengzi is the contemporary Taishang of the "Shushan" Immortal Sect, a Mahayana immortal.

And this unfamiliar true immortal, who was able to name Fu Hengzi, obviously knew Fu Hengzi.

Even Fu Hengzi's Dharma Body was very likely to be planted in the hands of this true ancestor.

When I thought that because of Fu Hengzi, the "Shu Mountain" Xianzong offended a terrifying true immortal, these two immortals only felt their scalp exploded.


"This, this is a misunderstanding......"

The second immortal during the Tribulation Period squeezed out a smile and said with a trembling voice.


Li Si smiled, and a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

These two immortals of the ‘Shushan’ Immortal Sect crossed the tribulation period and crossed the void to arrive in the world of Datang. Are they just visiting?

The next moment.

Li Si was vague and disappeared in place.

When the two immortals during the Tribulation Period saw this scene, ecstasy appeared on their faces.

To be able to escape a life from a true immortal is simply a great luck and opportunity.


Before they could react.

I felt the circle of heaven and earth, and everything around me lost its luster.


Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Si is back here.

As for the two immortals of the "Shushan" Immortal Sect during the Tribulation Period, Li Si did not kill them either, but enslaved them to the main temple.


These two immortals during the Tribulation Period are equivalent to the seven heavenly gods and demons of the Datang World, and they are of a bit of value.

Coupled with the restoration of the ‘enslavement’ function of the main temple, Li Si did not worry about the rebellion of the two.

Under this circumstance, even treating the opponent as cannon fodder can add a point to the Tang Empire.

If the "Shu Mountain" Immortal Sect knew that the immortals they had worked so hard to cultivate would have only the value of "cannon fodder" in Li Si's eyes, I am afraid they would cry without tears.

Although the immortal during the tribulation period is not the top combat power of the ‘Shushan’ immortal school.

But it can be regarded as a high-level powerhouse, far from having anything to do with cannon fodder.

"This thing is interesting?"

Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair casually, playing with the Shuiyunpa from the two immortals during the Tribulation Period.

Shuiyunpa, as a treasure bestowed by the real ancestor of the "Shushan" fairy sect, is naturally extraordinary.

Especially Li Si faintly sensed the breath of space and heaven from the water cloud pavilion...

Space cave.....

You know, every true immortal, **** and demon of the cave world is different.

For example, the cave of the gods and demons of the cave world who understand the law of flame is the flame cave.

The cave sky of the gods and devils of the cave sky realm who comprehend the law of lunar yin is the cave sky.

On the other hand, the sky cave is the **** and demon of the cave realm who understands the laws of space, or the cave sky opened by the true immortal.

The law of space, even if it is only part of the supreme law of time and space, is not something that anyone can understand.

Although space is ubiquitous, it is still difficult to reach the sky if you want to understand it concretely.

"'Shushan' Immortal Sect..."

Li Si threw the Shuiyun Pa into the immeasurable time and space in the main temple, and there was a chill across his eyes.

Since this ‘Shushan’ Xianzong is rushing to deliver it to the door, if Li Si doesn’t make a move, wouldn’t he be sorry for their ‘good intentions’?

"Come on!"

Li Si's heart moved.

In an instant.

Li Si's voice rang in Bai Qi, Zhuge Kongming and Delin's ears.

These gods and demons are all summoned by Li Si, and they are objects that Li Si can absolutely trust.

Since Li Si is preparing to fight in the world of'Shushan', he naturally needs to improve the inner strength of the Tang Dynasty.

"His Majesty."

Suddenly, Delin's figure appeared outside the Hall of Longevity, and with Li Si's permission, he walked into the bowed road.

"Not bad."

"Did you break through?"

Li Si glanced at Delin and found that Delin's system was circulating, and the vague rules and rules appeared, and he nodded slightly.

Delin came from the world of'Panlong', originally was the pinnacle of the sanctuary, equivalent to the **** demon of the sixth heaven peak.

Now that he breaks through, he will naturally enter the Seventh Heaven Realm, which is the **** level of the "Panlong" world.

"Return to your Majesty."

"Since your Majesty transformed the world into an immortal world, his subordinates have realized a little bit, and after retreating, they have made breakthroughs."

Derrin said respectfully.

Even though Delin now has become a god-level powerhouse in the world of "Panlong", in front of Li Si, Delin still felt that he was facing an endless void, and he didn't even have the qualification to look up.

"It's so good."

Li Si nodded in satisfaction.

Not long after Delin arrived, Bai Qi, Yan Ling Ji and many other gods and demons also appeared in the Hall of Longevity.

Whether it is Bai Qi or other gods and demons, they are all sitting around the world of Datang, and some gods and demons are even patrolling the world such as Federal Civilization.

But under Li Si's order, there was no hesitation to gather here.

"It's all here."

Li Si glanced and waved his hand directly.


Everyone can only feel the spinning of the sky and the earth, appearing in a misty space.

The space here seems to be immense, and there are faintly colorful lights flashing away in the distance, mysterious.

"here is?"

Zhuge Kongming's pupils shrank.

Because the moment he came here, Zhuge Kongming felt the infinite rules and laws rushing toward his face.

It seems that in this place, there is no rule or manifestation.

As if all the rules and laws are in front of them, let them comprehend.

Hum! ! !

The aura in Zhuge Kongming's body circulated, and in a flash, he jumped to another level.

Seventh Heaven!

The realm of the seven heavens.

Just when he first came here, Zhuge Kongming had already broken through the shackles and stepped from the sixth heaven to the seventh heaven.

It's not just Zhuge Kongming.

Many other gods and demons, such as Flame Ling Ji, Moon Worship Master, etc., have also begun to soar, and may break through at any time.

"This is the origin space, the core origin space in the Datang world."

When Li Si said this, he paused for a moment and continued: "Here, the rules and regulations are completely exposed. If you wait here to comprehend, it is far better than the outside world."

Li said lightly.

Ever since Datang World was promoted to Small Thousand World, Li Si has discovered that an inexplicable space has been born at the core of Datang World.

Li Si named this space the original space.

Because you want to enter this space, you must consume the power of the source.

of course.

In the original space, all the laws and rules of the Datang world are gathered, which is a bit similar to the unopened environment of heaven and earth.

It has great benefits for comprehending the rules of the law.

The only drawback is that it consumes a bit of the power of the source.

For every more person in the original space, the burden on the original space is increased by one point, and more original power is needed to maintain it.

If it weren't for the Datang World, there are more than 20 Hengsha worlds ‘provided’, and the world of ‘Shushan’ is about to fight in the small thousand worlds.

Li Si was not willing to bring Bai Qi and other gods and demons here.

After all, Li Si still has two major powerhouses, the main temple and the source of the fourth natural disaster, to repair.

But now.

Li Si didn't care about these consumption.

The soldiers are fast, and since Li Si decides to take action on the world of'Shushan', there can be no delay.

You must know that the world of'Shushan' is not a mere small world.

It is even more connected to the so-called "Upper Realm", and in the upper realm, there are several true ancestors of the "Shushan" Immortal Sect.

Under this circumstance, every time one point is delayed, there will be one more variable for Datang World to fight the "Shushan" world.

Although Li Si learned from the memories of the two immortal sects of the ‘Shushan’ that during the tribulation period, it is almost impossible for the true ancestors to descend to the lower realm again.

But Li Si would not put hope on this.

Since he wants to conquer the world of'Shushan', Li Si must have full confidence.

Therefore, Li Si urgently needs to improve the strength of Yan Ling Ji and many other gods and demons.

Not to mention raising them directly to the ninth heaven, but at least reaching the seventh and eighth heavens is still very necessary.

In this way, with the endless zerg army, what will the ‘Shushan’ Immortal Sect resist?


Yan Lingji and other gods and demons looked excited, Qi Qi said.

In Ten Thousand Realms, even if the Datang World has just been promoted, the rules and regulations are obvious. It is very difficult for them to understand the rules and regulations.

After all, the rules of the law are visible, only showing a slight trace.

But whether they can seize it depends on their respective chances.

But here, the rule of law is no longer explicit, but completely exposed.

In this environment, even a pig can enter the Seventh Heaven Realm when it grows up.



at the same time.

Xianzong of ‘Shushan’.

The fairy mountain is ethereal, the beast is flying, and the image of the fairy family.

Tianjizi, the head teacher of Immortal Sect of Shushan, sat cross-legged, in front of him, a stone mirror was suspended.

The stone mirror is simple, with faint cracks, but it exudes the supreme, countless aura.

This stone mirror is the treasure of the "Shushan" fairy sect, the heavenly mirror!

The immortal ancestor of "Shushan" has existed for an unknown number of years, and has been immortal after catastrophes. The Heavenly Mirror of the Supreme Treasure Guan plays a pivotal role.

For the ‘Shu Mountain’ fairy sect, as long as the supreme view mirror is present, the fairy sect can live forever.

Guantianjing can calculate part of the future of the ‘Shushan’ and even change the fate of the ‘Shushan’ Xianzong.


Zhangjiao Tianjizi opened his eyes and looked at Shi Jing.

I saw a huge world faintly reflected on the mirror surface of the stone mirror.

It is the world of ‘Shushan’.

"this is?"

Tianjizi's pupils shrank slightly.

Because, the world of'Shushan' above the mirror surface began to be filled with black robbery silently.

The black catastrophe is mighty and endless, covering the entire ‘Shushan’ world.

"Great disaster!"

"My'Shushan' Immortal Sect is about to usher in a great catastrophe!!"

The ultimate fear was revealed in Tianjizi's calm and indifferent eyes!

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