Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 627: Pinched to death!

"The Great Tribulation?"

"What is this catastrophe?"

Below Tianjizi, the pupils of the three "Shushan" Taishang shrank and immediately asked.

Even the Supreme Treasure Viewing the Heaven Realm can only reveal that the "Shu Mountain" Immortal Sect will face a catastrophe.

But in what way this catastrophe unfolded, as well as when and where, nothing is known.

This is the horror of the Great Destruction of the World.

The great calamities experienced by the Immortal Sect of'Shushan' in the past were able to infer some information by relying on the view of heaven.

However, the "Shushan" fairy sect laid out these information.

For example, the Blood Demon Tribulation three thousand years ago.

Before the Blood Demon Tribulation began, Guantian Realm had already known the location of the Blood Demon Tribulation and the origin of the protagonist in the Blood Demon Tribulation.

In this situation.

No matter how stupid the "Shu Mountain" is, you should know what to do.

This greatly increases the possibility of getting through the catastrophe.

But the Great Tribulation is different.

When the Great Tribulation of World Destruction occurred, it was impossible for the Immortal Sect of Shushan to get any information related to the Great Tribulation of World Destruction.


This is the most terrifying place in the Great Tribulation of World Destruction.

Because the unknown means that the Immortal Sect of Shushan cannot be arranged as calmly as before.


Tianjizi looked solemn.

I saw a light curtain hung down in the Guantian realm, and a picture emerged, exactly where the gate of the world appeared.

"this is?"

"This is the breath of another world?"

"Cross-border teleportation array?"

"This catastrophe is a world invasion?"

One of them looked too serious.

"Not bad."

Tianjizi nodded slightly: "It is the world invasion."

Tianjizi's voice just fell.

The three are too ugly.

The world invasion can be big or small.

If it is an invasion of the ordinary small world, or even the weaker Hengsha world, then the "Shushan" Xianzong will naturally rise without fear and be easily suppressed.

But if the Zhongqian World, or even the eternal immortal world, invades, what else will the'Shushan' Immortal Sect resist?

Just surrender directly.

Regardless of whether it is the Middle Thousand World or the Great Thousand World, it is far from being able to resist the ‘Shushan’ Immortal Sect.

Even the few true ancestors who are far away in the upper realm, I am afraid they have to flee as far as possible.

After all, the so-called upper bound is nothing but a middle-thousand world.

"It should not be the Great Thousand World, nor the Middle Thousand World."

Tianjizi passed through the Heaven Realm, felt it carefully, and said.

Although the Guantian Realm cannot penetrate the transboundary teleportation array, revealing the information of invading the world.

However, it is not difficult to deduce the general level of the world with the cross-border teleportation array.

"It's so good."

The three Taishang heard the words and heaved a sigh of relief.

"what should I do now?"

Tai Shang Fu Hengzi whispered.

"What can I do?"

"Of course it's war."

"My'Shushan' immortal sect has been established for 90,000 years, and has countless backgrounds. As long as the other party is not in the world of Zhongqian and Daqian, I shall be fearless."

The second Taishang said very domineeringly.

"Get ready for war."

Tianjizi was silent for a moment, and said the same.

"Comply with the instruction."

The three Taishang glanced at each other and walked straight back.


After the three masters left, they went to three places.

Fu Hengzi took a step forward and appeared on a sword blade that stood in the sky.

"I am the "Shu Mountain" of this generation."

Fu Hengzi raised his right hand, and the two characters "Shushan" appeared in his palm.


It seems to have touched a certain rule.

Above this sword's edge that stood in the sky, suddenly began to tremble.

Two dazzling divine swords, one purple and one green, rose into the sky, and the horrible sword intent spread wildly around.

Under the sword intent, even a Mahayana immortal like Fu Hengzi's breath has been suppressed for the most part.

"What's the matter."

In the sword body of the purple and green double swords, there is a huge will in the transmission.

Hearing this, Fu Hengzi immediately opened his mouth and said: "Report to Jian Ancestor, my'Shu Mountain' Immortal Sect is facing a great catastrophe, and I hope Jian Ancestor will take action to protect my'Shu Mountain'!"

Under the terrifying purple and blue swords, Fu Hengzi put his posture very low.

Because Fu Hengzi knew exactly what position the Ziqing Swords had in the Immortal Sect of'Shushan'.

If it is said, the Guantian realm is the treasure of the ‘Shushan’ fairy sect.

Then the purple and green swords are the ultimate treasure.

Under the purple and blue swords, even Mahayana immortals would risk complete death.


time flies.

Ziqing Double Swords are no longer pure swords.

Within its sword body, a sword spirit was born.


Within the sword body of the purple and green double swords, a vast will again spread out, and it merged into the void and disappeared.

Fu Hengzi saw this scene without any surprise.

"They should be about it too."

Fu Hengzi looked in the other two directions and muttered to himself.

In order to survive the extinction of the Immortal Sect of "Shushan".

Whether it is the master of Tianji and the three primates, they have already decided to use all the secrets of the "Shushan" Immortal Sect.

At this moment.

The celestial mountain of Shushan, surrounded by clouds and mist, trembled violently.

Just when countless ‘Shushan’ disciples were panicking and wondering what happened.

The command to teach quickly spread to every ‘Shushan’ disciple.

"The war is approaching, and all'shushan' disciples have only one goal."

"Destroy the cross-border teleportation array!!!"


The towering gates of the world condense at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And under the gate of the world.

Chunyangzi and the two ‘Shushan’ disciples were surprised.

"what is this?"

"Another treasure was born?"

The two ‘Shushan’ Xianzong disciples looked at the huge ‘door’ household, and greed flashed in their eyes.

As disciples of'Shushan', they don't think that there is something that can threaten them in the world of'Shushan'.

The Immortal Sect of'Shushan' has been under the control of the world for 90 thousand years, which was killed by the lives of countless random demons.

And this ‘door’ household condensed from nothingness is so dynamic that it can only be the birth of a strange treasure.

And it's not an ordinary strange treasure.

Probably the kind of strange treasure that shocked the world.

"The great opportunity is here."

The two'Shushan' disciples glanced at each other, and a frenzy appeared in their eyes.

Although they are disciples of ‘Shushan’, there is also fierce competition within Xianzong.

Otherwise, they would not chase Chunyangzi for so many days for a mere panacea.

The disciple of'Shushan' is of course high above, but if he fails to complete the mission of Xianzong, he also risks being expelled from Xianzong.

To complete the mission of Xianzong, you must increase your strength crazily.


How can you improve your strength if you want to improve?

Qualifications and opportunities are indispensable.

The qualification is fixed and cannot be changed.

So I can only work **** opportunities.

At this time, the two ‘Shushan’ disciples looked towards the huge and majestic tower. If the ‘men’ households like the heavenly palace in the myths and legends, they would immediately associate it with the so-called ‘great chance.

"hurry up."

"Otherwise it's too late, let the seniors arrive, and we will have nothing to do with the chance."

The two ‘Shushan’ disciples suddenly had a decision in their hearts and began to fly towards the huge and majestic ‘gate’.

In their view, the so-called ‘great chance’ is definitely behind the ‘door’ households.

Just when the two'Shushan' disciples flew to the'men' household.

Chunyangzi stood in place hesitated.


"This opportunity has no chance with the old way."

"We still go to Wei Miao first."

Chunyangzi finally glanced deeply at the two disciples of the ‘Shushan’ Immortal Sect.

At this moment, the two are already very close to the "door" household.


next moment.

Under Junyangko's incredible eyes.

From inside the ‘door’, a slender hand suddenly stretched out.

Yushou seemed weak and weak, but directly pinched the two horrified'Shushan' disciples into nothingness.

"Where did the little bug come from?"

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