The world of ‘Shushan’.

   One after another terrifying energy wave exploded.

   That was the aftermath of a fight between a certain Yuanshen stage monk and the Four Heavenly Gods of Tang Dynasty.

   And this kind of aftermath, seen from the entire battlefield, is really too common, and it happens almost every hundred miles.


   "I didn't expect this group of people from other worlds to be able to force the'Shushan' Immortal Sect to such an extent?"

   The scalp of many evil and evil giants hidden in the dark is numb.

   They were more or less chased by the Immortal Sect of Shushan, but it was the first time that they saw the Immortal Sect of Shushan so desperate.

   If at the beginning, they held the posture of watching the show and looked at the battle between Xianzong and these strangers.

   At this moment, there is only a deep horror in the hearts of these giants!

   Because they knew very well in their hearts that the horror of the Immortal Sect of'Shushan'

   is as powerful as the Immortal Sect of ‘Shushan’, facing this group of people from other worlds, it is so hard to imagine.

   The very west.

   The Gorefiend was silent with his hands on his back.

   The point that Zhuge Kongming pointed to the "Shushan" Xianzong was constantly echoing in his mind.

   Under one finger, yin and yang, the five elements, and the void are all messed up.

   This kind of terrifying power, even if the blood demon is immortal, he will not die, but under that finger, the blood demon has the illusion that he will die.

   "What is the origin of these strangers?"

   Gorefiend whispered.

   Even though it was the supreme leader of Xianzong of ‘Shushan’, he never gave him such a pressure.

   "Also, which world is connected by the cross-border teleportation array?"

   The Gorefiend glanced around and landed on the towering gate of the world.

   Even though they were separated by an infinite distance, the breath of the world gate still made the blood demon's heart tremble.

   "While the two sides are fighting, why not take a look at the world connected by the cross-border teleportation array?"

   This thought suddenly appeared in the blood demon's mind.

   As soon as this thought appeared, it spread wildly in the blood demon's heart.

   At this moment, the Gorefiend was very curious about what kind of world it was that could force the Immortal Sect of'Shushan' to this point.

"Have a look"

   "I just went to take a look, not the main body, there shouldn't be any danger."

   The blood demon raised his head and looked at the door of the world, the blood in his eyes continued to thicken.

   As an existence that once caused a catastrophe, the Gorefiend naturally has a way to quietly peep into the door of the world.

   If it was just now, Zhuge Kongming, Delin and many other gods and demons were there, giving the blood demons ten courage, he would not dare to do so.

   After all, Delin’s previous ‘cold snort’ also caused the Gorefiend to suffer some injuries.

   But it is different now.

   The many gods and demons of the Tang Dynasty completely fought with the army and the disciples of Xianzong.

  Even if Zhuge Kongming and Delin didn't make a move, their attention would inevitably be mostly on the battlefield.

   At this time, his blood demon is just spying on some world doors, and there should be no danger.

   Say it again.

  Even if Zhuge Kongming and Delin are aware of it, what will happen?

   is suffering some injuries at most.

   And these injuries are not worth mentioning for the blood demon's resilience.

   Thinking of this, after the blood demon was sure that he was foolproof, he finally looked at the tall and majestic world gate again.

   hum! ! !

   A whirlpool gradually appeared in the eyes of the Gorefiend.

  In the sight of the Gorefiend, the gate of the world continues to expand, and the scene inside the gate of the world is rapidly circulating.

   This is the blood demon's eyes constantly passing through the door of the world.

   After a long passage through the world.

   In the vision of the blood demon, light suddenly appeared.

   This is a vast continent.

  The gates of the world are erected one after another.

   "There is more than one cross-border teleportation array?"

   The blood demon swallowed fiercely, in disbelief.


   The Gorefiend seemed to perceive something, and his eyes fell on a man wearing a dragon robe.

   Boom! ! !

   The moment he saw the man in the dragon robe.

   Gorefiend only felt that everything in his sight had changed.

   The void was shattered in layers, and the figure of the dragon-robed man suddenly became extremely stalwart, as if he was embodied in a world, and the rules and regulations were stepped under his feet, like the creator of the world overlooking the world.


   Gorefiend was horrified.

   The blood demon's heyday is comparable to the peak of the Mahayana period, and belongs to a very special kind of Mahayana period, far more difficult to kill than the ordinary Mahayana period.

   Even now, the blood **** body is shattered under the ‘shushan’ paramount view, but the blood demon is still comparable to the ordinary Mahayana powerhouse.


   The blood demon at this moment.

   At the moment when he saw this dragon-robed man, he felt as if he was facing the vast space and time, weak and small!

   Even if the blood demon hardly shook the Immortal Sect of "Shu Mountain" three thousand years ago and faced countless powerful immortals up and down the "Shu Mountain", he was far less desperate and powerless at this time.


   Even if all the people of the Immortal Sect of'Shushan' are added together, the Mahayana and Tribulation celestial beings together can not compare to one thousandth or one ten thousandth of the man in the dragon robe.

   Just when the Gorefiend was horrified and shocked.

   A soft ‘huh’ sound sounded.

  In an instant.

   The blood demon directly collapsed through the world gate.

Not only that.

   A terrifying wave followed this gaze and directly led the blood demon to the body of the West in the extreme.

"Do not!!!"

   Gorefiend opened his eyes in horror.

next moment.

   The blood demon's body collapsed directly.


   The blood pool symbolizing the origin of the blood demon, the mighty blood in it instantly evaporated ninety-nine percent.

   Only the remaining bits are still dissipating.

   Datang World.

   Following Li Si's surprise, the sand fox standing beside him respectfully said: "Your Majesty"

   "It's Li Si waved his hand slightly and smiled: "It's just a little bug peeking at me. "

   Shahu's pupils shrank upon hearing the words, and his expression became cold: "The subordinates will kill him?"

   For Shahu, any existence that dares to be rude in front of your majesty, regardless of the demon or god, can only have one result, death!

"no need."

   Li Si shook his head.

   Although Li Si didn't know the strength of the worm that was peeping.

   But at the moment when his gaze fell just now, Li Si directly hit backhand at random.

   This blow was separated by two realms, weakened by a number of times, but it was not something that the Nine Heavens God and Demon could resist.

  'Shushan' world.

   Zhuge Kongming and Delin seemed to perceive something, and looked at the far west.


   A hint of sarcasm appeared on Delin's face.

   Delin didn't know who it was just now, so he dared to peep into the gate of the world.

   But Delin knows one thing, if he and Zhuge Kongming are spied by this gaze, he may have a chance to survive.

   After all, Delin and Zhuge Kongming need to sit here, control the battlefield situation and cannot do without them.

   But the master of this gaze actually wants to peek into the most majestic majesty within the gate of the world, even Delin has only one comment on this person.

   The ants look at the sky, overpowering!

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