Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 116: Odin burst (2 in 1)

"What else did Gu Yi say?" Adam was very interested. "What's so special about that strange child?"

"He can control others." Heimdall said: "Morton, the head of the New York Temple, was controlled by the kid. Morton is not weak anymore."

"Can you find that kid?" Adam stared at Heimdall.

"Yes." Heimdall nodded. "He's still in New York, mixing with a lizardman."

"Notify Bald to go to the Rainbow Bridge. I need him to accompany me to the earth." Adam told a soldier.

"Let's go to the Rainbow Bridge and wait for Bald." Adam stood up, and the Supreme Throne turned into a tattoo on Adam's back.

With the flash of colorful light, two figures appeared on the streets of New York.

"No damage was caused, and there was no obvious mark on the ground." Adam looked around and said, "I said the Rainbow Bridge can't be so rough, and it won't mess around every time it transmits."

"Your Majesty, do we have anything to do when we come to the atrium this time?" Bald's eyes were a little blurred, he was just pulled up from the wine table, and he hasn't sobered up yet.

"Adam, it's been a long time."

The golden magical brilliance formed a circular portal in mid-air, and the supreme mage wearing a white monk's clothes slowly walked out, snapped his fingers, and the surrounding scenery became a little blurred.

Adam hadn't changed much, but Bald's body was slightly lit up with white light, and the whole figure became a little translucent.

"Gu Yi, why do you always like to pull people's souls out for chat?" Adam didn't put on a fighting posture, as if seeing an old friend, he said flatly: "Fortunately, I am more special."

"Bald has seen the Supreme Mage." Bald saluted the Supreme Mage.

"I have heard of the name of the God of Light, pure and brave, just and kind, and countless words of praise have been placed on you." The Supreme Mage nodded gently to Bald.

"Gu Yi, where is that funny kid?" Adam was not interested in talking to the Supreme Mage. "Resolve him as soon as possible, and I have to rush back to the palace."

Adam was unwilling to leave the palace of Asgard to live on the earth. The threat of the Supreme Mage was only one aspect of the reason, and the deeper reason was because the premonition in Adam's heart told him that he should not leave the palace.

"I won't tell you anything, what you want, you have to find it by yourself." The Supreme Mage didn't show Adam a good face either. "I'm just here to warn you that you are not allowed to cause too much damage to the earth, if you don't know it."

After the Supreme Master finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace, and the surrounding environment became the streets of New York before. Although it was daytime, the sky was densely covered with dark clouds, the surroundings were a little hazy, and the sky was still dripping light rain.

Fortunately, this light rain drove people back to their homes, and the pedestrians on the road only held umbrellas or headed down on the road. No one noticed Adam and Bald.

"It's so shameless." Adam rubbed his nose and walked to the villa of the Terminator in his memory. "Let's go, the great God of Light."

Bald looked at the surrounding environment with drunken eyes, as if he hadn't realized that the Supreme Mage had disappeared, and walked behind Adam.

As Adam's most loyal servant, the Terminator fully obeyed Adam's orders and bought real estate all over the world.

Adam took Bald to the front of a luxurious villa, took out a key from under the carpet, opened the door of the villa, looked at the brilliant decoration inside, nodded in satisfaction.

"So, what's the task?" Bald had already woken up most of his wine, looking at Adam in a daze.

"I want to take a good rest, and wait until it gets dark." Adam threw a word to Barr, then ran to the study, turned on the computer, and couldn't wait to get in touch with the goddess of death.

For some unknown reason, Adam was unable to contact the goddess of death. According to the situation displayed on the computer, it should be that the goddess of death was disconnected from the Internet.

Depressed Adam picked up the phone that had been prepared in the study and dialed a number.


"John, where are you?"

"Master, I'm in Washington."

"I'm in New York, come see me as soon as possible."

"Observe the master."

After hanging up the phone, Adam walked to the window and stared at the misty streets outside.

In a void in Norway, Odin is confronting the goddess of death.

"You look dying." The goddess of death wore a red windbreaker bought online, with a pair of pink sunglasses on her face.

"Hela, I'm sorry to you." Odin looked old and wrinkled.

"If it weren't for you to see me again, I really might not have discovered your conspiracy." The Death Goddess' tone was full of surprise. "I didn't expect you to cut off most of the connection with Asgard, I said how you will get weaker and weaker."

"Didn't you cut it off too?" Odin managed to squeeze a smile. "My plan seems to have failed, but I don't want to be misunderstood by my daughter after I die."

"So are you here to explain to me?" The Death Goddess looked disdainful. "I always thought you wanted to protect Asgard. I didn't expect you to be the one who wanted to destroy Asgard the most."

"You have also broken through to the level of the **** king, and you must have learned it too."

Odin took a deep breath.

"The universe we are in is just a small single universe, and at the level of the king, we can already break through the universe and travel to other single universes."

"But in the end we are still bound in this small universe!"

Odin's expression was a bit hideous, and he said loudly, "I obviously have the opportunity to ascend to the multiverse! But the Asi family restrained me!"

"Only by destroying Asgard, you can ascend to the multiverse." The goddess of death said lightly: "So you designed everything and placed the eternal fire in the treasure house, waiting for the flame giant's gods to destroy Asc Gad."

"But I never thought of hurting you, my daughter." Odin said affectionately: "I sealed you on the earth, just because I was afraid of Sgard's destruction and implicated you."

"Come on, how strict Asgard's defenses are. The flame giants can't touch the eternal fire at all. Unless someone slaughters Asgard's guards, I must be the executioner in your plan, right?" The death goddess will be pink. The glasses were taken off and crushed. "Then your next design will let Asgard and I go to destruction together."

"Without checks and balances, you can naturally ascend to the multiverse, and when did my life be in your eyes?" A black long sword appeared in the hands of the goddess of death. "It's a pity that you never had my Adam in your plan. Your plan has failed. Go back to Asgard and pretend to be dead, or I will kill you myself."

"You really don't miss old feelings at all?" Odin looked sad. "If it weren't for your inexplicable son who left the palace, I would not even be able to leave my bedroom. Anyway, I am your father, and I gave you life."

"What do you want me to do?" Although the death goddess was expressionless, the pain in her heart became more intense.

Yes, anyway, Odin is her father and gave her life.

"Anyway, you don't care about Asgard's survival anymore, destroy it!" Odin's expression was a little crazy, the kind of madness that fell into desperate hysteria. "I have given up everything about me, the position of God King, and the power that Asgard has given me. I have no option to retreat!"

"That won't work." Jia Li walked out of the dark shadow. "Adam really likes the feeling of being a king. Now Asgard belongs to Adam."

"Yes." The Death Goddess glanced at Jiali. "Although you are my father, Adam is everything to me."

"Would you bear to watch me lying on the bed waiting to die?" Odin's only remaining eye shed tears. "Hela, Thor is dead, and your brother Thor is dead."

"It's really annoying!" Jia Li's eyes turned pure black. "I hate conspiracy as much as Adam, and I hate someone like you who is full of conspiracies. I especially hate your family relationship as a bargaining chip for conspiracies!"

"what are you going to do!"

Odin felt a fatal threat from Carrie.

"Mom, can I eat him?" Jiali looked at the goddess of death expectantly. "I know you can't do it, but it's all for Adam."

The goddess of death gritted her teeth and looked at the aging Odin, thinking in her heart that all this was for Adam.

The death goddess made a cruel decision, nodded slightly to Jiali, turned and closed her eyes.

Jia Li showed a sweet smile to Odin, opened her small mouth gently, and a miniature black hole appeared in front of Odin.

"This..." Odin's remaining eye widened, as if he didn't believe everything he saw.

"The power of the Planet Devourer!"

"How can it exist in a single universe!"

"No, I still have a back hand!"


When the goddess of death turned her head again, Audi had disappeared without a trace, and Jiali stood there and gently wiped the corners of her mouth.

Carrie looked at the goddess of death and said embarrassedly: "Adam won't let me eat humanoid intelligent creatures, mother, you have to keep it secret for me!"

"The godhead has been cast, only the last step is left." The goddess of death pretended not to see Jiali wipe her mouth, and a mysterious hexagonal object appeared in her hand. "Complete the last step as soon as possible, so you can return to Adam to accompany him."

"Don't worry, mother, I have already figured out all the traps in the Book of Genesis." Jiali said confidently: "This book of Genesis should have been brought back by Odin from other single universes, but It is not very different from the Genesis book created by the old guy in the multiverse, as I have it in my memory."

After that, the two of them got busy, the flames of the eternal fire kept burning on the mysterious hexagon, but there was no sound, and the small space returned to silence.

No one knows what happened. In the Asgard Palace, Odin, who was sleeping, had lost his breath.

Adam, who was in the New York villa, suddenly felt a familiar force from the universe pouring into his body, and his strength improved by three points again.

"Asgard's power?"

Adam became the **** queen and felt this power. A mysterious force would form in the void of Asgard, helping the Asgardians to become stronger.

As the **** king, Adam naturally gained more power than others, but it didn't help much to the improvement of Adam's strength, but now this familiar power has suddenly increased more than a hundred times.

It must be something that happened in Asgard, otherwise this power won't grow inexplicably. How could something like this happen when Adam left Asgard?


Adam yelled to the upstairs.

"What's the matter?" Bald turned into a white light and appeared in front of Adam.

Adam asked directly: "Did you feel any strange changes?"

"Change?" Bald scratched his head. "what is it about?"

"Your body! Can it be the weather?" Adam said irritably, "Has the power passed to you by Asgard changed?"

Not all Asgardians will receive the mysterious power delivered by Asgard, and only the direct bloodline of Asgar Protoss will receive Asgard's gift.

It just so happens that Bald is the direct bloodline of the Asa Protoss.

Bald closed his eyes and felt it, and said, "It's no different?"

"But why did the power I gained increased by 100 times?" Adam didn't mean to conceal the slightest, and directly told Bald about his changes.

"The King of Gods would have gained more power than others." Bald said of course: "What's wrong with this?"

"But why didn't it happen before?"

"Because the previous **** king did not recognize your qualifications."

At this point, the two of them were stunned.

"The Asa Protoss would have been gifted by Asgard, so the powers that I thought to be the queen of gods had nothing to do with whether I was a king of gods or not. Odin never admitted my status.

Adam squinted his eyes and analyzed.

"And now it has suddenly increased by 100 times. There are only two reasons. One is that Odin has admitted my and the other is Odin is dead?"

While speaking, Adam looked at Bald.

"I think so too." Bald nodded.

"Odin recognized my status..." Adam touched his chin and said, "It looks like Odin is dead."

"Hanging on for so long, it should be dead." Bald was expressionless, without any respect for Odin.

"But he shouldn't die at this time." Adam's face was solemn. "It must be something we don't know."

"Hurry back now?" Bald also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Odin has always been in the deepest part of the Asgard Palace, and basically no one can touch Odin who is sleeping everywhere. Just after Adam left Asgard, Odin died, and the secrets in it were extremely scary.

"I'll go back, you are here waiting for my other subordinate." Adam made the decision directly. "After he comes, the two of you will catch me the strange guy the Supreme Mage said as soon as possible."

"Yes." Bald knelt on one knee as a sign of respect.

Adam walked outside the villa with a heavy heart, reached out his hand and touched the hero summoning card hidden in his chest, and called Heimdall in his heart.

I didn't stop when I wrote it, and it was no different from two more.

(End of this chapter)

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