Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 143: status quo

The Death Goddess stood barefoot on the branches of the World Tree, with a trace of confusion in her sharp eyes.

"Mom, you don't seem to be in the right state?" Adam frowned.

The first reaction of the goddess of death when she opened her eyes turned out to be observing the surrounding environment instead of looking at Adam, which is an incomprehensible thing for Adam.

"Baby, the force of rules suppressed my emotions." The Death Goddess looked at Adam, her eyes fluctuating violently. "Gather faith as soon as possible."

After the death goddess finished speaking, her whole body sank into the world tree.

"Uktra Hill, I need you to give me an explanation." The Twilight Sword appeared in Adam's hand, the sharp blade facing the World Tree.

"This is normal." World Tree swayed the branch and replied: "So I said I need to temporarily manage the kingdom of God for her. She just forcibly merged the godhead into a god, not a godhead cultivated by herself, so there was a certain degree of rejection. ."

"As long as the name of the goddess of death is promoted, can faith be spread?" Adam didn't know about faith.

"Almost, her priesthood is death. As long as someone in this universe dies, she can get gifts such as rules." World Tree explained: "This universe recognizes her existence. The more people who believe in her, the more the universe is right. The greater her recognition."

"What do you mean?" Adam was a little puzzled.

"Uktra Hill probably meant to develop beliefs from other universes, right?" Carrie suddenly said, "Listening to the world tree, beliefs in this universe have little effect, as long as there is death in this universe. ?"

"Completely correct." Sekaiju said: "Faith is nothing more than everyone's knowledge of gods. The more famous a **** is, the stronger this recognition will be, and the more faith he will gain."

"As long as you know the name of a god, you are his believer to him. The stronger your recognition of him, the stronger your so-called belief."

"Then what am I going to do now?" Adam felt a little troublesome.

"Baby, find other universes and spread my reputation." The voice of the goddess of death came from the world tree. "Or create a feast of killing in this universe."

"Hela's current state is not suitable for communication. He needs more time to sort out the newly acquired power of rules." World Tree said: "The power of rules is different from other powers. The more you get, the easier you can control. "

"Okay, I know what to do." Adam waved goodbye to the World Tree, holding Jiali and leaving the center of the earth.

Asgard's sky was filled with gray fog, the visibility of Asgard was extremely low, all life was destroyed, and Asgard appeared unusually silent.

"So this is the Twilight of the Gods..."

Heimdall knelt on the Rainbow Bridge, looking bored.

"I don't have time to continue to indulge you, sign this contract." Adam embraced Jiali, appeared directly in front of Heimdall, and threw a roll of magic parchment.

"All of this is caused by you, don't you have the slightest regret?" Heimdall looked at Adam blankly. "Odin must have a reason for sealing the goddess of death. Now that you know the reason, don't you regret it?"

"I'm tolerant enough to you." Adam lifted the power of his whole body. "Either sign this contract or kill you."

"Don't repent, you will regret it." Heimdall suddenly showed a weird smile. After a while, the whole body turned into fly ash, leaving only a big sword underground.

Committed suicide!


Adam had expected this day for a long time, and Heimdall had always been at odds with him.

Adam called, and Bald's figure appeared on the Rainbow Bridge.

"Bald, you will be in charge of the Rainbow Bridge from now on." Adam waved his hand at the big sword on the ground, and the big sword flew up and fell in front of Barr.

Bald picked up the sword in front of him and walked to the center of the Rainbow Bridge, inserted the sword in, and nothing happened after twisting the sword.

"The Rainbow Bridge has lost its function." Bard showed an expression like that. "The whole Asgard is closed to the surroundings. I tried it before, and I couldn't even leave Asgard."

"Wait a minute." Adam closed his eyes and called in his heart: "Uktra Hill gave me an explanation."

"Adam, the goddess of death does not fully control the power of death, so the rules of the kingdom of death are not perfect. It is now in a completely closed state, no one can leave, and no one can come in." The voice of the World Tree sounded directly in Adam's heart. "I have certain authority to allow you to leave the Kingdom of Death temporarily, but you can't take away everything on the Kingdom of God, including the death legions."

"Before the rules of the Kingdom of God are completely perfected, the Rainbow Bridge can't be used, right?" Adam felt a bit pitted. "Give me a specific standard, my mind is a bit messy now."

"Completely occupy a single universe, let the name of the goddess of death resound through the development of the universe or slaughter half of the creatures in the universe.

When Adam heard these words, he couldn't help but think of a person, the director of the Universe Family Planning Office.

Adam gradually understood that what he had to do was to learn to destroy the director, collect six infinite gems, and then snap his fingers.

"Send all the living creatures to me." Adam unceremoniously instructed the World Tree: "I will take them away for a while. If there is any problem, please notify me in Because the godhead of the goddess of death was integrated with the world tree, there was also a contractual connection between Adam and the world tree. Therefore, Adam would trust the world tree and regard it as his own tree.

All of Adam's men appeared by his side, and the world tree sent Asgard, which had become the kingdom of death.

A group of people floated in the universe, and Jiali looked at the beautiful stars in the universe, and somewhat happily hugged Adam beside her.

"It's so beautiful."


Adam nodded, mobilizing the power of the space gem through the Supreme Throne, and appeared in Yodonheim with the people around him.

The endless glacier is the only sight in Jotunheim.

"She's back." Lauphy looked at Adam with fear in her eyes. "I felt everything that happened in Asgard, and the Asi family was destroyed!"

"It's not that serious. Asgard just got a new life in another way." Adam smiled gently. "How about the army you train?"

"The 200,000 ice giants have been trained and can rush to the battlefield at any time." Lao Fei obediently lowered his head in front of Adam. "The overall combat effectiveness is good. Taking the atrium as an example, if you don't count the so-called superheroes, the Ice Legion can conquer the entire atrium within 15 days."

(End of this chapter)

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