Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 146: Waiting for opportunity

"Professor Nasser, as a teacher, he behaves like a beast, and he is respectful as a teacher. You...need to pay for what you did!" said the puppet coldly.

Adrian couldn't stop shaking and trembling suddenly, and there was a deep chill in his heart.

At some point, another light came on silently behind him.

The dim yellow light dispelled the darkness, and then shone on...a half-person-high silver-white balance!

Adrian turned around, and saw the balance facing him upright, one end facing him was tilted high, while the other end was tilted downward, obviously there was something inside.

"As you can see, there is a balance behind you. I personally like to call it a fairness scale. A time bomb has been placed on one end of it, and it is powerful enough to blow you into froth!"

The puppet continued to speak in an indifferent voice that made Adrian's face look earthy: "As you think, it is this balance that can help you escape from here. All you have to do is to restore the balance to the balance and the bomb will stop. Timing, you will regain freedom, nothing more... But remember, you only have three minutes!"

"The meat-eater will eventually become a meat-donor! Now, the game begins—"

As soon as the voice fell, the TV turned into a snow again, and then turned off automatically.

"It seems...a bit familiar... The **** rules are suppressed, and even the memory is not complete!" The shadow floating in the air had some bad premonitions.

"You lunatic! I curse you to hell!" Adrian was stunned, and immediately yelled frantically, but the next moment, he couldn't help but lose his color!


There was an electronic sound, and obviously, the time bomb was activated...

Adrian suddenly flies away!

How to do? !

He looked around anxiously for something that could be used. When he inadvertently swept his gaze over the TV, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he was instantly excited. Right, wouldn't it be enough as long as he moved the TV over by himself?

After you go out, you can bring this person to justice through your own relationship, so no one knows what you did!

Thinking of this, Adrian secretly delighted, and immediately walked towards the TV.

However, when he tried desperately to stretch his hand out of the cage to reach the TV, he realized that no matter how hard he tried, he was a little short of distance. He almost stuck his shoulders in the gap and it still didn't help.

damn it!

He suddenly cursed, and seeing the time passing by, Adrian couldn't help but become panicked and impatient.

At this moment, the light turned on again!

What is reflected is a table with an electronic alarm clock on it, and the displayed time is a countdown of 2 minutes. There was also a dagger and a sharp machete beside, and the distance was enough for him to reach.

Adrian seemed to realize something and couldn't help but start yelling, "No, you can't do this! Bastard! If I come out, I must cut you up, chop up the meat, and feed it to the wild dogs on the side of the road. eat!"

However, no matter how he scolded, the response to him was still a palpable silence.

Adrian looked at the dagger and machete on the table, very sharp, he couldn't help but feel angry and scared, and there was a chill that swept through his body.

This pervert actually wants to cut his own meat!

He trembled all over.

Seeing the elapsed time on the electronic alarm clock next to him, the fear in his heart rose to the apex. Finally, the survivorship overwhelmed everything, and slowly stretched out a trembling hand...

Holding the cold dagger and looking at the shimmering blade, Adrian hesitated, but when he saw that there was only one and a half minutes left on the alarm clock, he was flustered, and a fierce flash of eyes flashed in his eyes. Raised the dagger and aimed it at his left arm----

Choppy! I must escape, I will smash you into pieces!

After calming his breath for a while, Adrian had a grim face, roared, and suddenly stabbed the dagger!

In an instant, blood splashed, and many more splashed directly on his face. Adrian suddenly wailed in pain.

The clock is ticking,

The blood is flowing.

Adrian was still immersed in pain, but when he looked back at the numbers on the electronic alarm clock, his pupils shrank sharply.

Only 1 minute left!

He gritted his teeth, threw away the dagger cruelly, and grabbed the huge machete.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and chop down fiercely!



With a heart-piercing wailing, a chubby arm fell to the ground!

For the first time, Adrien, with a pale face and a cold sweat, felt that his fat body was so useful. Holding back the pain, picked up the broken arm, and then panted and walked slowly towards the balance.

Adrian felt that his body no longer belonged to him. It was so powerless and so desperate. He had never pursued his life in this way.

"Come on! Come on! As long as you can survive, you are qualified to be the carrier of this king! Come on, brother!" The shadow invisible in the middle of the sky seemed to be more excited, and shouted, "As long as you survive, That old guy shouldn't continue to do it, come on!"

Step by step, step by step, step on his own survival road!

However, when he put his "bargaining chip" on the balance with the pain, he saw that the balance facing him only sank a little, obviously the weight was far from enough!

"Do not!!!"

This is the last word and the last word that Adrian left in the world.

He finally fell into this unknowing basement forever with his own sins!

In the early morning of the next day, the sun rose as usual, and the warm sunlight dispelled the early morning mist.

However, it did not shine in the dark basement...

The shadow of nothingness continued to hover in the sky, although his target was dead, but he did not leave here. He knows how miserable the lives of several predecessors are. Not to mention the hundreds of unsuccessful ones, and none of the dozen or so successful ones survived seven days.

This nihilistic shadow is Adam's clone of Numerous clones of consciousness have been projected, but Adam still hasn't figured out what kind of universe this universe is. I only know that the suppression of the rules of this universe is so powerful that I can only seize those guys who are about to die or have collapsed consciousness.

The consciousness clone originally didn't carry any power, and Adam's other methods were really not good except for those external powers. In addition, those who rob homes are all the old, weak, sick and disabled, making it even more difficult to survive.

Adam has an inexplicable sense of familiarity with what has just happened, and always feels that if he continues to stay here, he may get the results he wants.

A day later, Adam waited for the result he wanted.

The man behind the creation of this game really came to the scene to take a look at his masterpiece.

Adam was attached to the belongings of the black hand behind the scenes. Adam believed that following this guy would definitely find a chance to win a mental breakdown, but the guy with no major problems.

As time went by, Adam felt that he was getting weaker and weaker.

Adam felt that he had failed again this time, but the black hand behind Ke gave Adam a surprise.

A new game comes as scheduled, and with it comes a carrier that satisfies Adam...

This is an excessively beautiful universe, and the chainsaw panic is only excessive in excessive...

(End of this chapter)

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