Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 153: Gotham New Life


The sound of the water reverberated in the bathroom, and under the dim light, a strong man leaned on the edge of the sink and stared at himself in the mirror.

"It's quite strong."

Adam took a towel and dried his hair.

It has been three months since Adam arrived in Gotham City. After Hallie rescued Adam, he disappeared that night.

Although Adam is only a clone of a ray of consciousness, he can also borrow the power of his body, but the world has been suppressing him too severely, making him unable to do anything.

Adam needs a lot of time to integrate into this universe, or do other things to gain the favor of this universe.

Adam came to Gotham City, slowly regaining his strength, and was also thinking about ways to speed up his recovery.

After three months of recuperation, Adam finally recovered some divine powers and used these divine powers to make contact with the ontology.

In the brief contact process, Adam got a solution based on the analysis and help of the system. That is to obtain a treasure that can change the world, just like the infinite gem in the Marvel world, so that nature can exert a powerful force in this universe.

According to Adam's investigation, this universe is also a relatively weak single universe, and it is developing very fast. Even Superman, the son of Krypton, has died.

Adam knew that this universe might usher in a big change in the near future. A guy who called himself Steppenwolf would come to this universe to look for something called a mother box.

The mother box can trace the source of energy and change the gravitational constant of a region; transfer energy from one place to another; perceive danger and life; create a force field; rearrange the molecular structure of matter; attract or project powerful shock bursts ; Create electronic networks, control the subject of mental state, and communicate with other life forms through the subject; take over and control unconscious and conscious machines; maintain the subject’s life form in harsh environments.

But for Adam, the mother box can help him open the space door and welcome the arrival of the body.

The current Adam does not have the slightest super power, but the ** is stronger than ordinary people, so he can only quietly wait for the opportunity.

Perhaps Adam can plan something with wisdom, but it is a pity that Adam’s wisdom is at the level of ordinary people. Even Yaden, who is accustomed to using force, is not as good as ordinary people in strategy, not to mention that there are wise men at the level of Batman. Up.

Out of the bathroom, Adam prepared a not-so-rich breakfast for himself in the kitchen, a piece of bread and half a cup of milk.

In this somewhat run-down house, this is already the best food, and there is a pile of dirty and moldy items left.

Adam has no money anymore, and even the house he lives in was snatched. The original owner of this house was a gang member. For Adam's arrival, he was not very welcome, so he is still buried in the backyard.

Adam, who has always been good at using force, can't find a way to make money. Like the people who live here, Adam doesn't have a good life, and he can't even find a job.

The original Adam in this world was a private investigator. Although the tracking technology is not top-notch, he can also secretly photograph some things.

But for Adam, these are too difficult. Isn't it the best way to track down all witnesses?

It's a pity that there is no shortage of killers in this world, and Adam can't become a qualified private investigator. Maybe soon, he will feel hungry for the first time.

Adam, who has always been ‘favored’ by the will of the world, dare not even do some illegal acts, because the world will ‘prefer’ him more, and he may encounter Batman in the night at any time.

Adam once thought about doing something to make a lot of money, which would be more helpful to his plan.

It's a pity that all his money was earned by the Terminator for him, and he still didn't know what he could do.

Many people have thought about the industries that make money. There are electronic technology, the Internet, or real estate... all kinds of them, but these are not the most profitable industries.

The most profitable industries are always written in the law. The ruling class must protect its own interests. Everyone knows this well.

But no one will object, after all, "the most united people in the world are the people whose interests have been violated.

In the same way, the people who have not been violated by their interests are the least united. "People seek good fortune and avoid harm."

Most people in the news will silently mourn when they see that others have suffered misfortune, but if these things happen to themselves, they will be afraid, and when these things happen to their neighbors, they will feel angry.

When a person encounters an emergency, the way to deal with it is to first ask about his own worldview, then his own values, and finally take action. This is what a person considers to be the "best behavior" in a specific situation.

As the former king of God, Adam did not allow himself to be hungry. Perhaps he was desperate to integrate into the essence of Gotham City.

Adam's cell phone rang, and he took out his cell phone to get the call.


Questions came from the other side of the phone.

"it's me."

Adam answered coldly.

"Okay, to make a long story short, we are ready, get ready to act."



In the dim room, there was only Adam's low voice, maybe he was not so unlucky.


Time is approaching noon, but due to the cold in there are not many people on the street, everyone still likes the warmth of hiding by the stove.

"Put on your hoods, we are about to start!" The fat middle-aged man driving the car pulled off his hood to cover his face, making it impossible to see his expression.

Adam shook a certain brand of m780 shotgun in the handshake, which relaxed his heart, and then pulled down his hood.

There were still three people traveling with Adam, and there were five of them in this black car without a license plate.

Their goal is the bank, Gotham Bank, they need a lot of money, preferably money that can't be spent in a lifetime.

The van steadily parked near the gate of Gotham Bank to ensure that Adam and the others could escape the scene as quickly as possible...

There was a little excitement in Adam's heart, he hadn't experienced such a thing yet. Adam opened the door of the car and stepped out in one step, walked straight to the Gotham Bank, pulled the bolt of the gun and loaded the bullet.

The security guard at the door held the gun on his belt with his palm and stopped Adam and his group. Adam could not see what gun the security guard was holding, but this did not prevent him from blasting the security guard's head with a gun.

Along the way, people who met Adam either fell to the ground in fear, with documents flying around in their hands, or fled the scene in a panic.

For a time, the entire Gotham Bank was covered by a bunch of chaotic sounds, which was the best cover for Adam and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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