Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 195: Hulk got it

"Forgot to ask him how to seal it back..."

Adam suddenly slapped his head, a little distressed.

Adam has already smashed the Steppenwolves, but fortunately, Steppenwolf’s spacecraft is still above the earth. According to Steppenwolf just now, the instructions are on the spacecraft.

"Hey? Where's the sealing device?"

Adam just beat the body of the Steppenwolf into fly ash, and the axe and armor of the Steppenwolf were still on the ground, but there was no sealing device in the armor.

Shaking his head, Adam did not continue to search, the throne flashed blue light, and he appeared on the battlefield between Superman and the Hulk with Adam.

The battle situation at this time was very stalemate. Superman and the Hulk said that they were evenly matched. Originally, Superman had some advantages because he could fly, but as the fighting time became longer and longer, the anger in the Hulk's heart became stronger and stronger. The straight-line increase in strength reached the limit of the main god.

The Hulk's body was larger than when he was seen by the avatar in the light, the heartbeat like a drum, giving people a very powerful feeling, but it was a pity that the green blood on his body made him look a bit tragic.

Although Superman didn't suffer any damage, his battle suit had already appeared some damage and was stained with a lot of dirt. It seemed that his fight was not easy.

Superman's own strength is the pinnacle of the main god, which is still a bit short of the limit of the main god. In the essence of strength, it is worse than the Hulk. Because the means are much more than the Hulk, the two are considered to be half a cat.

Originally, Superman could suppress the Hulk, but the more injured the Hulk became, the more angry he became. The more angry he became, the stronger his strength, the stronger his strength, and the superb recovery ability. The injuries he suffered would have been healed long ago. .

So the Hulk has gradually begun to suppress Superman in the opposite direction. If it weren't for Superman's ability to fly, he might have begun to be injured now.

The Hulk relied on anger to increase his strength. After reaching the limit of the main god, it seemed to be stuck, and he could no longer gain the slightest increase in strength.

Adam saw the situation in the field and understood the potential of the Hulk. The Hulk relied on anger to increase his strength. Basically, he had unlimited potential. As long as he kept getting angry, he could always increase his strength, but the reality was not a fantasy after all.

To enter the Heavenly Father level, one must master a cosmic rule. The Hulk obviously cannot control any rule unless his anger has been elevated to a rule of anger on its own.

The Hulk has many forms, and the Hulk in front of him is the same form as the Hulk in Adam’s universe, which is a relatively primitive savage Hulk.

The savage Hulk is the "classic" Hulk, with very limited intelligence. The combat power is unlimited, and it has something to do with your own anger. The more angry the stronger the combat power!

So the limit that the Hulk can reach in front of him is the limit that the Hulk in the universe where Adam is located.

Adam actually has some ideas about the Hulk. I want Bruce Banner to become his subordinate, but now seeing the Hulk in front of him, Adam gave up this idea.

The limit is just the barbaric Hulk of the main **** level, which is of no help to Adam's power, because Adam's subordinates are not lacking in the peak level of fighting power of the main god.

Bald, the **** of light, was a resurrected person that Adam encountered unexpectedly. Through the contract, Adam controlled Bald and became his own subordinate. Bald is good at using double swords, he can control energy, and now his strength has reached the peak of the main god, even better than Superman.

Thor, Chris, is a thunder-attributed Asgardian fighter discovered by Adam. Although he is much worse in power than the original Thor, he is definitely stronger in strength. Now Chris has reached the level of the main god. Coupled with the assistance of Thor's Hammer, it also has the peak combat power of the main god.

Chris' younger brother Kai, an Asgardian warrior with amazing physical talents, has stagnated at the legendary level because he has no talent for energy. Because after Adam’s men, he received the eight-door Dunjia that Adam gave him. In the normal form of Kay, his strength is not too strong, only stronger than the ordinary legendary powerhouse, just like Wonder Woman, but if he opens the eight-door Dun Jia's combat power even surpassed the level of the main **** and reached the level of the heavenly father. Kai Cai is the strongest person under Adam.

Adam appeared on the battlefield, causing the two who were fighting to temporarily stop fighting.

Superman looked at Adam with no expression on his face, but there was a great shock in his heart. His super hearing could not hear Adam's heartbeat, and his super power could not see through Adam's body, and his super perception was coming. There is a lot of danger.

For Superman, the Hulk's performance is more like a beast. The Hulk, who is angered to the limit, has gained the greatest increase in strength and his sanity has been completely lost.

His arrival gave the Hulk a fatal sense of threat, and the Hulk launched an attack without hesitation.

The burly green figure rushed directly to Adam.


As the speed of the fist surpassed the speed of sound instantly, a harsh sonic boom sounded immediately, and then, ruthlessly slammed on the ugly face of the Hulk, and suddenly there was a stench of green blood sprayed out, and the Hulk whole People have been blasted out of nearly a hundred meters by this violent force!

Adam slowly retracted his fist, his heart full of disappointment in the beast of the Hulk.

Adam thought that the Hulk incarnate as a beast or possessed the instinct of a beast. Not only was he instinct in battle, but he also had the instinct to avoid good luck, but he did not expect that the Hulk was like a fool, he didn't know that he could just wave his hand Pinched him to but still rushed forward.

"Who are you?" Superman floated in the air, with the red cloak flying in the wind behind him, glanced at the Hulk who had fainted on the ground, and looked at Adam solemnly.

Adam suddenly noticed something very interesting. The Hulk had been knocked out with a punch by himself, but the huge green body was lying on the ground, without any intention of turning back into a human form.

Adam directly used the power of the Supreme Throne to send the Hulk to Jotunheim in the Marvel Universe, and ordered Chris, the **** of Thor, and Bald, the **** of light, to guard the Hulk together.

Bald and Chris are stronger than the Hulk. Together, they can completely suppress the Hulk and trap him without hurting him.

Adam is going to solve the matter in this universe first, and then go back to study the Hulk and see if he can find the coordinates of the Dojano universe in the steppe wolf from the Hulk.

After Adam got the Hulk he wanted to capture, he set his sights on Superman, the strongest man in this universe, the **** of earth, the son of Krypton.

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