Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 198: The game of the clown clone

The moment the clown clone descended into the DC universe, Adam found him.

However, Adam did not pay attention to the clown clone. For him, as long as the task of the clown clone was completed well in the future, Adam didn't care that he did some other things.

Adam's gaze stayed in Gotham City for a moment, then he took it back, looking at Superman who was still thinking, Adam was not in a hurry.

Adam will show some patience for a superman who possesses great power and more potential.

Here, the clown avatar, hundreds of mediocre and cowardly citizens gathered in front of the criminals casually, watching the live broadcast case that is about to be on the news channel.

Even a considerable number of people have quickly uploaded the real-time case in front of them to the Internet across the United States through the use of mobile phone shooting and networking functions, with the help of social software such as Facebook.

The lives of ten innocent little girls are in danger. In today's information society with a well-developed media industry, it can be regarded as a large-scale case from any point of view.

A young female reporter in her twenties saw that the clown had been slowly pacing back and forth, while the other eight minions were standing on the spot holding guns in a soldier-like posture. She immediately inferred that he was obviously there. What special plan.

In fact, anyone with a little clearer analytical ability can infer this.

The only difference is that after inferring this point, whether the inferder has any follow-up actual actions.

Although this female reporter is eager for quick success, she is really courageous.

She gritted her teeth fiercely, held the microphone tightly, and walked towards the clown a few meters away.

When she first started to take the first step, her heartbeat accelerated and the frequency was surprisingly high. Fortunately, slowly, the heart rate decreases by one point for each meter approached.

When she came to the clown face to face, she suddenly realized that things were not so difficult, not as bad as she had imagined.

"Mr. Clown, what do you want to do?"

The female reporter took a deep breath, stimulated by adrenaline, and mustered the courage to ask such a question that all reporters present wanted to ask.

After asking, he quickly raised his right hand and raised the microphone to the clown's torn lips covered with ruddy paint.

The clown didn't answer her question directly, but first laughed, a rather weird laugh, making the creepy feeling spread across every inch of her skin instantly.

I sorted out my messy long hair to the camera, then grinned a little, and then officially started to answer.

"Before answering this question, I must first express my admiration to the female reporter next to me." With the words, the clown raised his arm and pointed the black hole pistol at the female reporter's forehead, "According to me Observation, there were more than a dozen reporters at the scene. Among these dozens of reporters, she was the only female warrior who had the courage to interview me directly."

The barrel of the gun is on his eyebrows, and the gunman is still a moody and psychopathic super criminal. No matter how strong the psychological quality of a female reporter is, at this time, big beads of sweat and bones ooze out on the temples. Vertical, the face is like ashes.

After a while, she vaguely realized that she seemed to have made a wrong decision.

"Cough cough cough," the clown cleared his throat, twisted his neck again, and finally smiled unkindly at the camera, "Batman, I'm waiting for you here."

"By the way, I have one thing to tell everyone." The clown tidyed his hair again, facing the camera and said: "Joker is just my profession, my name is Adam... well... what a beautiful and noble name!"

As the voice fell, the clown pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A metal bullet with a huge penetrating power was quickly ejected from the barrel of the gun.

Sparks flew everywhere, burning the female reporter's eyebrows.

The bullet went straight and shot through the female reporter's brain.

With a puff, the female reporter fell to the ground, and her career as a reporter has ended completely.

Hundreds of citizens gathered in the front saw a female reporter who was in her youth and was brutally shot to death by a clown in broad daylight. They no longer believed in the ridiculous common sense that many people are safe.

They were in a mess, looking for a suitable and safe escape route, hoping to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

In front of the wide aisle, it became chaotic in an instant.

About a minute later, the crowd of people who had been shouldering their shoulders just now became empty and quiet.

Apart from the sporadic bold citizens who are still at the scene, there are also a few other reporters and film crews.

Hundreds of people, within one minute of witnessing the female reporter being shot and killed, no one dared to protest openly, or express their anger and spurning.

On the contrary, he fled the scene early to defend his life value.

In an inadvertent moment, the Joker had already won the first battle.

In a very ordinary apartment, two beautiful young women are sitting on the sofa and watching TV. This happened to the news on TV.

"The clown is still alive?" the slightly taller woman said, "Harry, I remember your brother's name is Adam."

"That's my brother!" The woman with the snacks in her hand said helplessly: "It looks like he was contaminated by the clown. After he saved me, he trapped himself?"

"Are we going to save him?" Another woman snatched the snack from Harry's hand.

"No, everything in the past has nothing to do with me."

The same scene appeared on the TV of Wayne Manor. A man and a woman were standing in front of the TV, and their expressions were very ugly.

"Bruce, is that the clown?" Wonder Woman looked at the TV, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

"No, although both the style and the voice are similar, the looks are completely different, and the body is different." Batman knows the Joker, his old opponent very well. "Perhaps an imitator, but his name..."

The name Adam makes Batman and Wonder Woman a little irritable.

"Let's go now." Wonder Woman waved the long sword in her hand. "Just ask him in person."

" I will go alone." Batman shook his head. "Your task is to find Halle as soon as possible. I will ask Ah Fu to assist you and make Steel Bone speed up."


A few minutes later, the eight police cars closest to the scene of the crime finally arrived late.

Although the police team led by Chief Gordon was very efficient, it was still a step late.

The life of a young woman had already been parted on this narrow and cold road a few minutes ago.

"Hand over the hostages, disarm and surrender!!"

"Hand over the hostages, disarm and surrender!!"

"Hand over the hostages, disarm and surrender!!"

The police officers pulled out their rifles, submachine guns, and shotguns. They were attached to the police car with serious expressions, posing in a well-trained combat posture, confronting armed criminals not far away.

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