Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 201: Bat of justice

Amidst the creepy laughter of the clown, ten bombs ambushed under the police car were instantly detonated.


Deafening explosions sounded one after another!

Debris flew horizontally, soil was flying, thick smoke rolled, screaming again and again!

Eight police vehicles and forty police officers were killed in a series of violent explosions. More than half of the police officers died on the spot.

The remaining police officers, without exception, were all seriously injured, or had broken legs or arms, or were bloody, or severely burned. The casualties were terrible.

Dozens of Gotham citizens who were closest to the police car, certainly belonged to the best view of the bustle, were generally within the scope of the explosion because they were close to the explosion center, and they suffered minor or severe injuries.

The clown is a cruel guy, he has always been.

These poor policemen really shouldn't irritate him, even if they don't irritate him, he will detonate the bomb sooner or later.

The surrounding citizens could not take care of themselves, so they did not pay attention to the situation on the police side.

After all, compared with my own life, even if the sky falls, it can only be regarded as a second-class thing.

At this time, they suddenly understood a truth, that is, in front of crazy super criminals, even if there are a large number of police forces and Batman guarding justice in front of them, it may not be how safe.

As a result, after the explosion sounded, they ran around without exception, and soon left the crime scene like purgatory on earth.

Looking back, I saw that the police officers at the scene suffered heavy casualties, and even dozens of citizens were injured by the explosion; when I looked back, I saw ten immature little girls who were imprisoned in iron cages like livestock. , The furious Batman clenched his fists, accumulated full strength in his legs, and rushed at the frenzied clown a few meters away at lightning speed.

The Joker knows that he should not be as fast as Batman, and should slowly dodge Batman’s attack, but this body is too powerful, if it moves, it may expose himself far beyond Batman’s strength, so he simply chooses to stand. Waiting in place to be beaten.

Immediately, a powerful iron fist slammed into the clown's cheek.

The well-informed clown is obviously aware of the terrible power hidden in Batman’s punch. If he lets the opponent’s fist hit his cheek, the most important thing that should happen is that losing a few teeth is considered a blessing. If you are not careful, maybe the entire jaw will be beaten out.

Can the clown’s current body strength? If Batman hits the clown’s face with this punch, the clown may not even lose his hair.

So the clown seized the opportunity, quickly raised his arms, and guarded his head tightly, for fear that Batman would discover his physical strength.

Hearing a crisp "bang", Batman's clank fist slammed into the clown's metal wrist.

The metal wrist was under the force, and the remaining strength was not eliminated. The clown was taken a few steps back, and finally his body was unstable, and he almost fell into a big somersault.

Just as the clown was holding on to the knots of his figure, the rushing Batman was another thunderous punch that hit the clown's abdomen fiercely.

After the clown, who was wise but ‘medium physique’, was beaten into the air after being hit by the punch, he flew back three to five meters before landing on the ground.

The hard rocky ground was directly smashed to pieces.

Of course, the clown’s ‘mortal womb’ body does not produce such destructive power. The fundamental reason is that the clown wears a high-strength bulletproof vest.

The bulletproof vest is a high-tech product he spent five million dollars on the black market. It can not only withstand the bullets of pistols, rifles and submachine guns, but even the armor-piercing bullets of heavy sniper rifles may not be able to break them all at once.

Otherwise, Batman's heavy punch just now might be enough to punch a blood hole in his stomach.


Anyway, the clown is still very satisfied with his acting skills, perfectly showing everything that a fragile clown should show.

Seeing that the boss was knocked to the ground, the eight younger brothers rushed forward and engaged in a fierce fight with Batman.

The Joker smiled and peeked at these randomly gathered idiots fighting with his friend Batman. For some reason, his heart was full of joy.

As expected, the eight guys who acted as cannon fodder were all beaten up with a bruised face and **** head by Batman, who had superb fighting skills.

Some have lost teeth, some have broken ribs, and some have broken hands or legs. In short, no one is lying on the ground and wailing.

After solving these little girls, Batman walked quickly to the iron cage where the ten little girls were imprisoned, raised two powerful arms, and tightly grasped the two adjacent iron pillars on the iron cage.

Instilling strength to break to the left and right, the two steel bars were immediately broken and distorted greatly, creating an opening enough for the little girls trapped in it to escape.

"Saved, children." Batman stood in front of the mouth and extended his right arm to the little girls so that they could keep their balance and not fall. "Don't be afraid, the bad guys have been knocked down."

The little girls sobbed, with a pitiful grievance on their faces, and stretched their arms to Uncle Batman, holding Uncle Batman's hand tremblingly, and then cautiously walked out from the opening of the iron cage.

Everything seemed so normal, everything seemed so harmonious, everything seemed so warm.

Until the tenth girl came out, her lips trembled slightly, and Shui Lingling's big eyes couldn't help but shed tears like a spring.

She threw herself into Uncle Batman's and buried her head in the other's arms and wept bitterly.

The kind Batman just stroked the little girl's soft blond hair and offered gentle comfort.

Adam, who was still in a stalemate with Superman, set his sights on Gotham City, quietly enjoying the good show.

The clown is now Adam’s clone, so Adam naturally knows what the clown is thinking in his mind, and also knows what the clown has done.

Adam became more and more satisfied with the clown clone, and admired the arrangement made by the clown in his heart.

Although Adam is strong and proud, he has always known that his strategy is not very good. The clown's clone can be said to make up for his shortcomings.

"human nature…"

Adam glanced at the Superman who closed his eyes and thought before him, and couldn't help muttering.

"Really a topic worth pondering..."

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