Rainbow Butterfly is not like Luo Zhen did when he conquered Caidie. It is normal for Luo Zhen to pounce into his arms after breaking the chain and be conquered on his own initiative.

After all, even if you overcome the problem of not being able to kill the Rainbow Butterfly, you still subdue it and help it break the chain, but that is only one of the conditions for conquering Rainbow Butterfly.

If you want to subdue Rainbow Butterfly, besides breaking the chain, you must also have no weapon equipped, let alone kill any butterfly monster.

If all three conditions are not met, even if Rainbow Butterfly breaks the chain, Rainbow Butterfly will not take the initiative to be subdued.

And Luo Zhen naturally can’t meet all the conditions.

Although, because of the consideration of the need to subdue the second Rainbow Butterfly in the future, Luo Zhen has always restrained himself and has not killed any butterfly monsters so far, but this condition of having not equipped weapons, Luo Zhen can’t be satisfied no matter what.

Let’s say, this condition should not be met by a few people on the whole server?

Even if you go to Town of Beginnings and find players who dare not walk out of the town to kill monsters, those players may not have been equipped with weapons.

Therefore, most players cannot satisfy Rainbow Butterfly if they cannot meet this condition.

Now, Luo Zhen is also facing this problem.


“Nothing is impossible, in this world there is no condition for no reason.”

Why do you have to meet the three conditions to subdue Rainbow Butterfly What?

Maybe, other players will not consider such a problem, but Luo Zhen is not.

“Even though I am reluctant to admit it, this World has always been very reasonable in structure, and there will be no blank settings.”

For example, Luo Zhen originally completed ” Secret Medicine of the Forest” The reward for this mission-“Anneal Blade”-is set as the long sword of the NPC woman’s ancestral long sword. This is also explained by the other party, otherwise it will appear “Obviously just ordinary Why do private women have high-performance weapons as rewards?”

This World named SAO takes into account the setting, background and structure in all aspects, so that people will not feel inconsistent.

In other words, the appearance of the three conditions of acceptance of Rainbow Butterfly is also justified.

For example, if you have not killed any butterfly monsters, it can be understood that Rainbow Butterfly cannot identify with players who will slaughter their own same race monsters.

For another example, breaking the chain on its neck is the shadow of Rainbow Butterfly. If it is solved, the other party will be happy.

The condition of “cannot equip weapons” also has a reason for its existence.

What is the reason?

Luo Zhen has a guess.

So, looking at the Rainbow Butterfly, which showed a vigilant look at him and showed no signs of being subdued, Luo Zhen opened the main menu, clicked on Inventory, and selected two items from them to materialize them.

The next second, two flags appeared in Rozen’s hand.


Originally, he looked at Rozen’s Rainbow Butterfly with a vigilant look and his gaze froze.

Seeing this scene, Rozen’s heart secretly rejoices.

(Sure enough!)

Thinking so, Luo Zhen recalled the background setting of Rainbow Butterfly.

Being raised by Princess of the kingdom, she put a chain around her neck and was not allowed to escape. Until the kingdom’s extinction and Princess flew far away, Rainbow Butterfly was released a long time later.

In this context, where exactly led to the acceptance of Rainbow Butterfly “cannot equip weapons”?

(The answer is “Demise of the Kingdom”!)

Why did the kingdom perish?

Undoubtedly, it must have been overthrown by a hostile country.

precisely because thinking of this, Luo Zhen would think that……

(The reason why there is such a condition as “cannot equip weapons” must be because Rainbow Butterfly saw the empire The soldiers invaded the palace and killed them in the palace.)

Therefore, after witnessing the brutal battle between the soldiers of the country, the Rainbow Butterfly will resist being subdued by players with weapons. .

In this case…

(As long as the source of this condition is eliminated, then even if have equipped weapons, there should be a probability of acceptance.)

Then , How to eliminate this source?

Luo Zhen, who had considered conquering the second Rainbow Butterfly, thought for a long time before and finally decided to use this method.

(Burn down the flags of the two hostile countries at the time!)

In this way, Rainbow Butterfly will realize that war and fighting have passed and let go of this heart. Knot.

This is a way of using AI programs that has a relatively high level of intelligence, can think, and can also provide players with convincing so that the Rubik’s Cube can be used.

For ordinary monsters and NPCs, because the behavior patterns are all fixed, the settings will not change naturally. Individuals who can be given a certain degree of AI program can have intelligence and thinking, so in SAO All servitors are given AI programs higher than ordinary monsters, and only then can they improve the favorability based on the player’s behavior, and thus have the probability of being subdued and following instructions.

Luo Zhen delved into the characteristics of Familiar monster in Dissection, and found out this method in another way.

For this reason, Luo Zhen originally spent a whole half a month running the mission, and finally found the two flags separately.

(It depends on whether you can succeed!)

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen threw the two flags together on the ground, and took out the “Oil That Can Burn” from his pocket. The props with subtle names, after removing the cork, pour the oil on the two flags, then take out the “Torch” props, rub it on the ground, and after lighting it, throw it on the flag full of oil.


The two flags immediately flared up under the explosion-like movement.


Rainbow Butterfly stared at this scene blankly, but didn’t react for a long time.


Even Caidie watched this scene and made a cry that she didn’t know whether it was sadness or joy.

The two beautiful swallowtail butterflies looked at the two burning flags one after another, as if they saw the two countries that had fought against each other turned into ashes in the fire, and they would never come back again. It’s sad.

I don’t know how long it has been since the two flags were burned to death in the fire.


Only then did Caidie plunged into Luo Zhen’s arms, bursting into tears like tears in her eyes.

“Gū! Gūwū!”

At the same time, the Rainbow Butterfly flying in front of Luo Zhen also watched this scene. After complex emotions flashed in his eyes, he called two The sound, as if saying goodbye to the past, threw into Luo Zhen’s arms.

At this brief moment, Luo Zhen style conquered the second Rainbow Butterfly.

The prompt window appears in front of Rozen.

“Congratulations on getting the envoy-“Rainbow Butterfly”-do you want to name it?”

Seeing this prompt window, Luo Zhen filled in a name without thinking too much.


It means————『Hanachou (Flower Butterfly)』.

『Saichou 』———— 『Saichou (Colorful Butterfly)』.

『Hanachou 』———— 『Hanachou (Flower Butterfly)』.

From now on, these two beautiful swallowtail butterflies are Rozen’s Familiar.

Of course, compared to the well-trained colorful butterfly, Huadie is still far behind. It is only Level 1 now, and there is only one “Paralyzing Dust” skill, which is not in handy.

But I believe that after being cultivated by Rozen’s, the flower butterfly will definitely release the rays of light in this World just like the colorful butterfly.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Luo Zhen said to the two envoys.



Naidi and Huadi responded with exactly the same voice, followed Rozen behind and left. This flower field.

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