Forest House.

When the door here was opened again, it was not just Rozen and Asuna who came back. There is still one little girl lying on Rozen’s back, sleeping like death.



The colorful butterfly and the flower butterfly flew in front, as if they were leading the way, and took the lead into the living room. Shortly afterwards, he came directly to a door of the room, stopped there, and let out a urging call to Rozen and Asuna who entered the door.

Asuna took the lead and opened the door.

Although the right to use this small wood house is in Rozen’s body, Rozen has already registered Asuna as a user and can freely use all the rooms and equipment here. Asuna is naturally free to open any one The door of the room.


Asuna who opened the door spoke towards Rozen.


Luo Zhen is nodded, carrying the girl on her back, and enters the room.

The room is very simple, with only a bed and a wardrobe, and you can see that there is no one living.

This is indeed the only room available in the small wood house.

There are a total of three rooms in the Forest House, one belongs to Luo Zhen, one belongs to Asuna, and the remaining one is here. Luo Zhen is used as a guest room. If Kirito comes here to borrow, then He will give him this room.

Now, this room just happens to be used as an emergency.

Luo Zhen let the girl on her back lie on the bed, and put a quilt on her, covering her body, leaving only one head exposed.

Until now, the whole picture of the girl is revealed to everyone.

At first glance, the girl’s appearance is the same as her appearance. She is very young and tender. She is even younger than Silica. It is estimated that she is not more than ten years old.

However, the correct facial features and the right tender cheeks are telling others that this is a perfectly beautiful woman in the making, and she is really cute.

However, such a cute girl gives people a sense of unreality.

At least, the appearance of her sleeping quietly on the bed, not so much a human little girl, but rather a fairy who seems to be young but has survived for so many years, skinny The color is also close to the delicate and pure white of alabaster, the long black hair shines with gorgeous rays of light, the face also has an exotic flavor, and the outline is quite clear.



Saichou and Hanachou seem to like the incredible atmosphere of girls, as if they are Like the same kind, one left and the other fell on the head of his bed, making a worried voice at him.

Luo Zhen and Asuna watched the girl the same, and did not speak for a long time.

Until soon…

“This child…” Asuna whispered uncertainly: “Should it be the player?”

Asuna Just hesitating about such a thing.

In this regard, Luo Zhen’s answer is this.

“At least it won’t be an NPC.”

If it is an NPC, it will not leave the set range of activities, and it will not be able to move arbitrarily by the player. If you do something like touching an NPC with your hands, within a few seconds, the window of harassment warning will pop up, and you will be blown away by an unpleasant shock.

This is to prevent male players from doing rude things to female NPCs.

But Luo Zhen easily carried the other party to his home, which was obviously not an allowable behavior.

So, Luo Zhen can conclude that this girl is not an NPC.

Asuna is somewhat skeptical.

“don’t tell me it’s not any special NPC? For example, the type of responsibilities assigned to tasks?”

There are also some special NPCs in SAO The role is given a special setting for special reasons, and thus has a code of conduct that exceeds the general NPC.

For example, some players have triggered quests that can ask powerful NPCs for help, and they can take this NPC to act together. Before Quest Completed, the NPC will assist the player in the battle until the end of the quest. So far, will only announce his departure.

Asuna thinks that the girl is likely to be this type of NPC, and the thing that fell in the forest is likely to be a fixed event that triggers a certain task, and the player can bring her comatose back to his residence. , Wake him up before he can continue his mission.

In this case, because of the allowed relationship in the setting, players can take the NPC away, or even bring it back to their residence.


“If this is the case, our task list window will be updated when we find her fainted.” Luo Zhen shook the head, Negatively said: “For example, “A mysterious young girl who lost consciousness was found in the forest, there seems to be a story” will definitely appear in the task list window when we come into contact with her, as our trigger Tips for the task.”

This is the normal task flow.

However, the task list window of Rozen and Asuna has not been updated, which proves that this girl is not the key to triggering a certain task.

Asuna impossible without knowing this point.

However, this rapier wielder still does not want to believe that this girl is a player.

The reason is simple.

“She seems to be less than ten years old, maybe only about eight years old, right?” Asuna said while not daring to believe: “How could there be such a small player?”

This is because “NerveGear” as a game console helmet has age restrictions in principle. Unless it is a legal citizen over thirteen years old, there will be no factory Chamber of Commerce to sell helmets.

Of course, this is just one of the reasons.

If it’s just a helmet problem, you can still misrepresent your age or other means to get the right to use the helmet.

The really serious problem is that a player who is only eight years old, no matter what he thinks, will appear in the forest outside the circle on the 22nd Floor.

That is too dangerous.

“Even if there are such small players, they should stay in 1st Floor’s Town of Beginnings.”

Asuna holds this idea.

This time, Luo Zhen nodded agreed.

“Even if you come to 22nd Floor through Teleport Gate, once you get out of the circle, as long as you encounter a monster, you will never survive.”

From this point of view, say the other party It’s the player, that’s also suspicious.

To sum up, Asuna can’t determine whether the girl is an NPC or a player.

Even Luo Zhen can’t be sure.

The reason is simple.

“Have you noticed?” Luo Zhen stared at the top of the sleeping girl on the bed, and said: “There is no cursor on her head.”

“Huh? “Asuna dumbfounded all of a sudden, and it finally discovered this shortly afterwards.


There is no cursor like an arrow on the girl’s head.

“Whether it is a player, an NPC or a monster, there should be a cursor on the head, but the color is different. The general player is the green cursor, the criminal player is the orange cursor, the NPC is the yellow cursor, and the monster is There are no exceptions to the red cursor.”

Luo Zhen just said.

“But this child has no cursor at all.”

What does this show?

“She is neither a player, nor an NPC, nor even a monster, but some kind of existence that we don’t even know.”

The words Luo Zhen said calmly made her The air became a little cold.

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