Like Ohtomo Jin said, the main curriculum of the first grade freshman is to listen to lectures. There are not no practical courses, but they are not too many. There are only three or four sessions in a week. Sometimes it is even all day long. Without a section, it is generally easy.

In the classroom, the courses mentioned by the lecturers are not only about spells, but there are also ordinary courses in general schools.

After all, Onmyou Academy’s student age group is equivalent to high school, for a large number of academy students who only have a junior high school degree, they naturally continue to teach general courses, so as not to cause inadaptation to society.

These courses are not difficult for the academy students present.

Students who have passed Onmyou Academy’s entrance examination are very good, even most of them are prestigious families. They have been nurtured by the family since they were young. Even if they are not strong enough, no matter what they say, there is no problem in knowledge.

Even others are like this, Luo Zhen has no problem at all. He has learned the content of the course so many years ago that he was so dull that he seemed a little listless even in class. Just yawned.

No, in fact, Rozen’s did yawn, even accidentally fell asleep.

freshman representative, Onmyoudou’s ancestral family, that Tsuchimikado Yakou’s reincarnation actually fell asleep during class. This incident seemed to surprise the academy students, one by one, they were surprised.

Even the lecturer was puzzled by this, and finally awakened Luo Zhen and asked him to answer a series of questions straightforwardly.

As a result, Luo Zhen almost closed his eyes to answer the questions one by one, so that lecturers and academy students would not be able to speak for a long time, and at the same time, he no longer dared to underestimate him.

On the first day after enrollment, the end was announced in this situation.

Onmyou Academy’s class time and end time are no different from ordinary high school. It announced the end of school before the evening, allowing the academy students to leave.

Academy students left the school one by one, still discussing spiritedly along the way.

Although the beginning of school is only a short day, the topics that can become the topic of this day are one after another, so that the academy students will not get tired of it, and these signs are naturally formed.

Luo Zhenze as it should be by rights is the central figure of the topic. Even when he leaves the school, he is pointed fingers by others.

Fortunately, no one deliberately provoke Luo Zhen, so Luo Zhen can save a lot of trouble, take Natsume, and leave the school together.

It is worth mentioning that Kurahashi Kyouko left the classroom just after school.

This made Natsume, who thought that the other party would come to find fault immediately, felt relieved and regretful.

Luo Zhen is a little worried.

“Natsume won’t just go bad like this, right?”

With this unnecessary worry, Luo Zhen left with Natsume.

Onmyou Academy has prepared boarding dormitory, also known as the dormitory, for the academy students gathered from all over the country.

Boarding dormitory has two seats for boys and girls, and they are located in different places. Although they are in the same direction, they are not at all next to each other, and they are all at a distance from Onmyou Academy.

Among them, the boys’ room takes about ten minutes to walk away from the school, and the girls’ room is in another location.

Because of this, even if Rozen and Natsume are inseparable, they need to be separated at this time.

Natsume is not against this, even if it seems a little uneasy and reluctant, but at least without the common sense to request to live in the male students dormitory, and Luo Zhen After separation, it was almost one step and three times look back to go to the girls’ room, let Luo Zhen didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Anyway, there is a contractual connection between us. If something happens, I will call you immediately.”

Luo Zhen can only say this to Natsume .

Of course, Natsume is not a spiritual existence, but a human being with a physical body. Even if Luo Zhen calls her, she can’t come over instantly, but it is better than Luo Zhen knows nothing when he is in danger. Right?

“Just in case, this shikigami will be handed over to you, so that it will be convenient for you to hurry.”

Rozen handed over a talisman Natsume.

That is a very old one, and you can tell from some ages at a glance.

Seeing this talisman, Natsume immediately recognized the true face of Shijin, and immediately spoke to Luo Zhen.

“This is the shikigami who serves Tsuchimikado from generation to generation, although it’s not as precious and ancient as Hokuto, but it’s also a very rare shikigami. How can it be given to me?”

Natsume shrugged off.

Like Natsume said, Luo Zhen took out the shikigami to serve Tsuchimikado Family’s Shiki from generation to generation, even if the age and history can’t compare to Hokuto’s Big Dipper, it’s also not like Hokuto that kind of very powerful type, which can be extremely brilliant for special purposes, although its own history can’t compare to Hokuto’s millennium of inheritance, but it is also older than the time when the pan-style or even the imperial style appeared, and it can be said to be very rare Of shikigami.

Giving such a shikigami to Natsume, Natsume will naturally subconsciously shirk.

But Luo Zhen did not compromise this time.

“Let you hold it, you can hold it, otherwise, when I am really in danger, you will be too late even if you want to come over.”

Rozen strongly pressed Natsume to accept the ceremonial talisman.

Natsume unable to resist Rozen, can only accept it.

However, after obtaining this shikigami, Xia Ming’s expression also relaxed a lot, and then he left Luo Zhen with peace of mind and went to the girls’ residence.

“Really a simple girl…”

Luo Zhen watched Natsumi leave and shook the head with a smile before entering the boys’ room.

Compared with the school that was built last year, the boys’ room has a lot of history, and it has a sense of age that can be seen at a glance.

The outer wall is made of red bricks that have shown a brown color.

Next to the entrance is the canteen and recreation room.

The end of the deep corridor has been transformed into a shower room and a bathhouse.

After going up from the first floor, there will be a dormitory room specially for academy students.

Rozen’s room is on the top floor, and it is the innermost room.

This is to prevent Luo Zhen from incurring unwarranted troubles because of his special status, so he specially arranged a room away from the crowd.

The luggage was delivered yesterday. Before entering the school, that is, yesterday, Luo Zhen had already stayed here for one night, so he was not too unfamiliar with it.

And Rozen’s room is also very simple, with only a bed, a desk, a bookshelf, a cupboard, and a chair. There is a carpet on the floor. It is a very style room.

The most important thing is that on the desk, what is placed on the desk is not textbooks, nor pen and ink, but a laptop computer.

This is the new laptop computer Luo Zhen bought yesterday.

After coming to Tokyo, what Luo Zhen wanted to do most was to buy a computer.

At Tsuchimikado Family’s, due to the quaint family style, Luo Zhen did not get a computer for more than ten years.


“Finally, you can enjoy playing games.”

Those who are highly poisoned by online games finally get excited, nothing else. Ready to turn on the power.


Just when Luo Zhen was about to turn on the power, a little strange feeling made him stop, raised the head, looked towards the window.

It didn’t take long for Luo Zhen to sigh.

“I was too naive to think that something would happen today.”

Leaving such words, Luo Zhen turned around and left the room directly, even leaving the dormitory to Go somewhere else.

As for Natsume, Luo Zhen not at all calls her.

“Resolve it simply and neatly.”

With this thought, Luo Zhen walked towards the dim suburbs.

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