After face to face, Luo Zhen can realize the difference between Phase 3 and Phase 4.

That is not a difference in strength, but a difference in scale.

If only by power, Phase 4 is not necessarily higher than Phase 3.

At best, the classification of the disaster is based on the physical damage it can cause and the size of the disaster itself, not the strength of the disaster.

No matter how strong, the spiritual disaster that cannot cause physical damage is Phase 1.

Even if it can cause physical damage, as long as it does not form a physical Mobile Spiritual Disaster, it will be Phase 2.

For the same reason, as long as you can’t cause a lot of spiritual disasters with yourself as the center, then no matter how strong it is, it is Phase 3.

On the contrary, even if you are not strong, if you can cause a lot of spiritual disasters centered on yourself, it will be classified as Phase 4.

So, even Phase 4 is not necessarily better than Phase 3.

Take Big Dipper as an example, as Miyachi Iwao said, it’s also a phase 3 catastrophe, but it has a self, and it has existed for thousands of years and has potential. Infinite, far from the average Mobile Spiritual Disaster can match.

And in this world, there are some ghost-type disasters that have not been eliminated after birth, and have developed a clear personality after hundreds or even thousands of years, thereby completely stabilizing them.

For example, Kakugyouki, who was subdued by the luminous light, is the Ghost King that has existed for thousands of years. Not only does he have a clear sense of reason, he can also perfectly control his own power, even if it is still Phase in terms of classification. The 3 Mobile Spiritual Disaster can be accumulated and strengthened for thousands of years, and its power can completely crush the Phase 4 in front of you, and it is still the one without suspense.

But the power is not strong, and if it is large in size, it is also enough to pose a threat.

if you compare an Oni formed long ago to a high-pressure water gun, the force during the eruption is definitely greater than the water that has not been compressed and injected, but if the water is too large, even if the gate is opened, it will be instantly The huge torrent of water is enough to wash away everything.

Phase 4 is the case.

The expansion of the scale makes it even more roaring to set off a storm-like miasma, and it becomes even more difficult for it to be eliminated.

In the face of such a disaster, the Exorcism Bureau needs the entire army to be dispatched.

not because it requires the Exorcism Bureau to gather the Exorcism Officer in the entire Exorcism Bureau to be able to match it, but if you want to eliminate it, it takes a lot of manpower and spell power, otherwise it will be difficult to succeed.

This is the situation now.

Even if Kogure Zenjirou and Kagami Reiji’s are both very superb, even if they face Chimera one-on-one, unless their spirit strength is exhausted, they can be matched evenly, maybe evenly matched does not mean that it is. Can divide Chimera.

If you only rely on Kogure Zenjirou and Kagami Reiji’s power, you can deal with Chimera and it will be difficult to get rid of each other.

So, in the end, it must be Kogure Zenjirou and Kagami Reiji spirit strength exhausted and defeated. Otherwise, they will have to wait for Exorcism Bureau’s reinforcements to come and take action together before they can be repaired.

Therefore, Luo Zhen doesn’t know, even if he adds himself, is it enough to repair Phase 4?


“———— Noumaku sarabatatagyateibyaku sarababokkeibyaku sarabatatarata sendamakaroshada kengyakigyaki ———— ”

Luo Zhen put his palms together and closed his eyes He ignored the reactions of everyone present and began to chant the spell of “Fire Realm Magic” intently.

That is far more focused, concentrated and comprehensive chanting than any previous chanting.

Under such chanting, with Luo Zhen as the center, the flames began to burn.

Seeing that scene, everyone present eyes opened wide.

Include Kogure Zenjirou.

Include Kagami Reiji.

Even, a group of junior high school students and lecturers, headed by Kurahashi Miyo, were watching the battle here in the audience.


Because, what appeared in front of everyone was “Fire Realm Magic” that no one had seen in the past.

in a nutshell, that is a huge and sacred flame.

The flame did not form a fire wave, let alone a blast, but as if it had gained life, sometimes it turned into a Flame Dragon, sometimes it turned into a fire snake, sometimes it turned into a flame lion, and sometimes it turned into a Searing Giant , Forming around Rozen’s body.

According to legend, Wisdom King Acala has eight servants.

The eight servants are mostly boys, but when fighting against evil and foreign enemies, the boys will transform into a variety of postures to represent killing and eradicate all evil.

At this moment, the “Fire Realm Magic” used by Luo Zhen is like the appearance of Wisdom King Acala’s servants one after another, burning Chimera’s miasma completely, even rushing forward. Attack Chimera.

In a moment, Flame Dragon roared, fire snakes danced wildly, flame lion leaped, giant charged, burning the miasma one after another, and attacked Chimera.


Chimera’s cry in this brief moment carries a sense of horror.

Not only Chimera, but seeing the power of “Fire Realm Magic” shown by Luo Zhen, Kogure Zenjirou and Kagami Reiji also changed their faces.

“How is it possible…!”

Kagami Reiji called out directly.

Kogure Zenjirou was also full of consternation.

“That’s Commander Miyachi’s…!”

Kogure Zenjirou’s tone was full of such vacillation.

Wisdom King Acala’s Exorcism Magic-“Fire Realm Magic”, which can burn all the magic army and turn Three Thousand Worlds into scorched earth.

This spell, originally a secret technique with formidable power that can burn everything.

Such a secret technique, originally it is a magic technique that can be used initially after years of harsh cultivation after a person who has not known whether he will be able to produce one outstanding talent in ten years.

And the talents who can show their true formidable power and make them have the power to burn everything, perhaps, it is difficult for a person to appear for hundreds of years.

If there is someone who can use this kind of “Fire Realm Magic,” then, even with this spell alone, it will be enough to burn all kinds of spells, shikigami, and enemies.

Such spells have been prepared in the pan-style, so that people can be launched more easily, but they are only launched, people who can exert their true power, from Onmyou Agency After the establishment, only one person can do it.

That is the Exorcism Bureau Commander of Rites Center called “Fire Demon” ———— Miyachi Iwao.

In other words, even the National First-Class Onmyouji of “Twelve Divine Generals” can bring “Fire Realm Magic” to the real realm, the only person in the world is Miyachi Iwao.

Because of this, Miyachi Iwao also has a title-Onmyouji, the strongest contemporary.

Now, although the “Fire Realm Magic” sung by Luo Zhen is not as good as Miyachi Iwao in formidable power, he has already involved the true essence of “Fire Realm Magic”.

The “Eye of the Mind” that can detect all phenomena in the world, perceive the changes in the microcosm, and perfectly control the magic power, penetrate the enemy’s weaknesses, and then make up for his own weaknesses, let Luo Zhen discover The essence of “Fire Realm Magic”, and then master it.

Perhaps, the general “Eye of the Mind” is far from achieving this effect.

However, after two transformations, Rozen’s “Eye of the Mind” has long been comparable to the legendary rank saints and eminent monks. Wisdom King Acala’s true meaning of surrender seems to be as it should. be by rights.

So, Luo Zhen devoted himself to singing the method of “Fire Realm Magic” with all his heart and soul, turning the flame into Wisdom King Acala’s eight servants, burning out the miasma, and covering the entire Magical Training Field.

The flames of terrifying raged like this, turning this space into a mythical world.

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