Summoner of the Fairy Tail

Chapter 263: Curse of Anxelam

Walking into the tavern, Calvin's friends were making noises like madmen, and they actually put the board on the barrel to play surfing. It is difficult to maintain balance and it is easy to fall.

But even so, Elisa in her short skirt fell desperately and she seemed to be playing very happily. After the fall, she was still excited and planned to do it again.

Moreover, she tried to bring Ashka, the youngest girl. Ashka smiled happily, but her mother Beska obviously didn't think so, for fear that she would fall.

Calvin had just seen the wonderful scenery under Elisa's skirt, and immediately quietly came to Mira's side, and said softly: "Don't be as heroic as Elisa."

"I won't, don't think of me as a little girl." Milla puffed her cheeks and retorted a little bulgingly.

"Yes, yes, I have something to look for the first generation, have you seen her?" Calvin said, his tone sounded a little perfunctory.

"I'm not very clear, but she seems to have left with the president and Laxus." Mira said uncertainly after thinking about it, not paying attention to Calvin's perfunctory tone.

"I'll go out and look for them. Don't play too far." Calvin nodded and wanted to turn around and leave.

However, Mila pulled his sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Calvin asked.

"It's okay, I seem to be rushing to see you." Mira asked slightly worried.

Calvin paused after hearing the words, and immediately showed a consistent gentle smile, and smiled: "It's okay, but there is something to ask the first generation. You know, I'm learning the three magic tricks of fairies from her."

"Oh..." Milla let go of her hand, but the charming eyes still fixed on Calvin's eyes, and said seriously: "Don't carry anything by yourself. You can tell me if you have any troubles. We are partners. , Also a couple!"

Calvin nodded seriously and said, "Of course."

When Calvin left the tavern, he followed the magic of Makarov and Laxus, and it didn't take long to see the two grandsons and Mebis in a quiet place.

It's just that he seems to be here at the wrong time.

As soon as they saw Calvin, Makarov and Laxus seemed to have found a savior. They waved enthusiastically to ask him to come over, and of course they were coaxing Mebis.

God knows what they were talking about just now, anyway, when Calvin arrived, Mebis happened to be crying.

It can be seen that she has been patient, trying to withdraw the tears, but the tear duct is always uncontrollable. The more she does not want to cry, the faster the tears flow.

Calvin was so frightened that he almost ran away, but Laxus was a step faster, and after the crackling, he stopped behind Calvin.

"As for you." Calvin looked dull and couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"First generation, I beg you."

Pushing Calvin to the front of Mebis, Laxus immediately let go and backed away, seeing his appearance, if Makarov was still there, he would have run away.

Mebis was still choking and sobbing. Makarov was talking nonsense on the sidelines, but at first glance, he knew that he was getting more and more help. Calvin, who was pushed in front of Mebis, was dripping cold sweat, and the same was true. At a loss.

"Why, I didn't cry, I" Mebius sniffed and explained unhappily. Calvin decided to believe Mebius, she was not crying. But it's just cleaning the eyes.

After a round of comfort, Mebius finally stopped his tears, stared at a pair of red eyes, and asked Calvin what happened. As for Makarov and Laxus, they ran away a long time ago, and Calvin is there anyway, just leave it to him.

Makarov has long been used to throwing the pot to Calvin.

"What's the matter with me?"

You can hear from Mebis’s tone that she is still very upset. She has always been a wise and old-fashioned image in front of Calvin, but she is sure that no matter what her previous impressions, she must be an awkward little girl now. .

Calvin deliberately ignored Mebis' emotions, and solemnly said the words of Future Lucy completely.

After listening, the little emotions of Mebis had disappeared, replaced by a solemn face.

Immediately afterwards, Calvin reiterated his own considerations and concerns about Jeff.

After this, Mebis said slowly.

"It is indeed very difficult and convincing, but it cannot be denied that the reason is very convincing. Your consideration is sufficient, and I have nothing to add, but I can tell you something about Jeff."

Calvin's eyes lit up suddenly, listening expectantly.

"You are fundamentally wrong with Jeff's perception. He is not a big evil person, just a poor person."

"Poor man?" Calvin said differently.

"Yes, his immortal body, the correct way to say it is'The Curse of Anxelam', also known as the'Curse of Contradiction', in addition to being immortal, the more he respects his life, the more he will take his life. If he doesn’t respect all creatures, he won’t take anyone’s life."

The faint words came from Mebis's mouth, and Calvin was shocked the more he listened.

"In other words, he does not want to kill at all by killing people?! What about the demons in the Book of Jeff? No matter how you look at it, every demon in the Book of Jeff is an out-and-out disaster. !"

"I don't know much about the demons in the book of Jeff, but I guess that maybe he created these demons to kill him himself."

"That curse caused him to take too many lives, and his conscience was tortured and guilty all the time. He even took the life of his favorite person."

Mebis' tone was full of sorrow, and the feeling even infected Calvin and made him feel depressed.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if he killed Mira, would he collapse and go crazy?

"So, is he essentially a kind person?" Calvin asked.

"As far as I know him, it is. He loves life, so he can't touch any creatures, whether it's humans or animals, even flowers and plants can't be avoided."

After listening to this, Calvin felt heavier, and for a while, both of them were silent.

After a while, Calvin asked.

"You are very familiar with Jeff in the first generation, have you seen it?" Calvin was nervous and gossiped when he asked this.

Mebis raised his head to look at the moonlight in the sky, his eyes showed infinite sadness, and said quietly.

"Yes, before I built Fairy Tail, Magnolia was ruled by an evil guild. In order to defeat this guild, my partner and I had learned magic from Jeff, and the president of the devil's heart was also One of them."

"No wonder Hades is certain that Jeff is still alive..." Calvin thought secretly.

Suddenly, Mebis changed his grief, smiled at Calvin, and said.

"This incident should be nothing to do with Jeff, and why the eclipse is related to Jeff? It is estimated that the eclipse was originally the magic he created. After all, he is a genius that has never been seen before."

"I believe that your resourcefulness and strength are sufficient to deal with the future. I am optimistic about you, boy!"

A seemingly optimistic smile, but Calvin understood that it was just a forced smile and nodded seriously.

"According to your words, if there is any emergency, I will come to the first generation to advise you."

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