Just then, some strange smells filled. It was a sweet smell like rust, and with this smell, the scene that made the three girls scream.

Blood, countless blood gushing from the ceiling of the bar like a fountain, pouring on the passionate men and women in the bar, and some of them scream like Clarice and others, but more It is facing the blood, gaped, showing a hideous face.

The people who were still kissing passionately turned into real bites. They showed their sharp fangs, bathed in blood. Embracing the lost lambs, enjoying their feast.

For them, this is the hall of feast, and for the lambs, this is the real hell.

Clarice pulled several sisters, weakly leaning on the bar, this is the only place here that is not bathed in blood.

Beside her, the woman’s cold lips were already on the edge of her face. She was whispering to her, telling her. “I warned you, don’t leave me too far!”

At this time, at a distance of 1,000,000 feet from the surface, Zhou Yi quietly hovered in the endless space, watching the ground under oneself’s feet. The endless sunlight shone on him without any cover, giving him a feeling that the cells all over his body are breathing and growing.

This is not the first time Zhou Yi has come to a place so far away from Earth. Standing in this position, he can see the distant sun across the shadow of Earth, and can clearly see oneself’s feet. Everything, super vision allows him to see everyone, even every minute thing clearly through the distance of several millions feet.

One step further, his vision can even see all the things he wants to see through layers of obstacles, the existences that are familiar to his spiritual sense due to the long time together. For example, his younger sister or his mother are all within this range.

Here, against the unfiltered sunlight, Zhou Yi’s eyes seem to have become golden-yellow. In these golden eyes, countless things are in his eyes.

Whether it is an orbiting satellite outside Earth, a Helicarrier suspended in the atmosphere, or several millions of humans living in New York. And even those targets that are deep in the ground.

The endless sunlight is providing him with power, and this power supports his endless vision. Even every cell in his body has a feeling of breathing and growing.

Here, Zhou Yi sometimes feels like being a star. There is no need for food, water, or even air. It can survive for a long time just by relying on the countless radiation that escapes in the universe.

Of course, this kind of existence is too boring for Zhou Yi. In contrast, he prefers human life.

And in God’s eyes, Clarice’s trail has been noticed by Zhou Yi and locked on the own target, Zhou Yi gallops away faster than before.

“Sir, our satellite has captured a strange heat source image. We are leaving the satellite’s surveillance at the speed of Mach 25.”

On the Helicarrier, the technician who has been monitoring the instrument The cold beauty commander reported the own discovery.

“Move all the satellites in our hands to monitor it, report its location, also, and immediately capture the target image for me!” cold beauty commander calmly gave orders, and she didn’t want this target to appear again. Let it escape from the palm of own.

“The target image has been captured and is being transmitted to the main monitor. But the target has been lost.”

The cold beauty commander stared straight at the three-dimensional image in front of him. The above blurred picture is being calibrated little by little, and it becomes clear.

After a while, cold beauty commander issued the own command again.

“Notify the director, also today’s affairs will be immediately sealed in the file, with the authority level, Level 7!”

The staff mechanically completed the commander’s order, and the commander’s In the three-dimensional image, a figure that rubbed countless flames in the atmosphere clearly appeared.

“hong long” There was a loud noise, and the guys enjoying the oneself carnival suddenly felt that the whole underground bar was trembling, a fiery fire pierced the thick cement and concrete, and fell on Into this dark underground lair. Countless smoke and blood surged and flew, quieting the whole bar, leaving only the monotonous world-renowned music.

A few bad luck guys who were just below the fire ball were instantly turned to ashes by the terrifying temperature. A guy who was a little far away just wanted to go a little further, a hand suddenly appeared behind him , Grabbed his neck and lifted him in midair.

“Clarice, the three of you are behind me!” Zhou Yi, who seemed to be holding a little chicken, scanned the bar with golden eyes, and said to the three girls behind oneself .

“Yi, why are you?” Clarice, who did not expect oneself big brother to appear in front of oneself in this way, suddenly felt that his whole brain was not enough. The performance of the two friends around her was not much different.

After all, this way of playing is really shocking, because not everyone plays with the special effects of a cannon on earth.

At this time, facing Zhou Yi who was revealing his true body, the creatures who had been enjoying the feast became impatient and restless. They began to show their own fangs towards Zhou Yi, sending out terrifying lows. Roar. It looks like a begin to stir.

And Zhou Yi turned a blind eye to these monsters, just curiously looked at the guy in oneself’s hand, even opened his mouth, and carefully looked at his fangs.

“What are you guys, Vampire? This is really interesting!” After making this comment, Zhou Yi exerted a slight force on his hand, and suddenly Vampire’s neck was twisted into a terrifying angle , And that Vampire didn’t even scream, but turned to ashes in a bright flame.

This kind of action is like a drop of water falling into the tumbling hot oil, which immediately caused countless boiling. Those creatures like Vampire could no longer hold back the animality in oneself’s heart, and rushed towards Zhou Yi in groups.

The blood-stained face and the brutal and terrifying animal roar, this hell-like scene made Clarice and the others scream.

However, they soon discovered that the situation was completely different from what oneself imagined.

Faced with these Vampires, Zhou Yi not at all they were so unbearable. Even completely beyond their expectations.

I saw Zhou Yi standing there and punching the Vampire at the front. Suddenly the Vampire seemed to be hit by a speeding truck and flew back. . Dozens of Vampires behind him seemed to have been smashed into a terrifying storm, and were knocked to pieces.

At first glance, it looked like a fire snake suddenly appeared in these Vampires, but the people present knew that it was a scene where the flames of Vampire turned into ashes.

For a while, the whole bar became quiet again, even quietly a little ridiculous.

“Humans! Get out of here and take your friends. We can be treated as if you have never been here.” A mysterious woman who has been staring at him since Zhou Yi appeared here, but without any movement Vampire stood up and told Zhou Yi his own request.

Following the mysterious female Vampire’s words, all the Vampires present stepped back involuntarily, and then gave way to the outside world. Obviously, the status of this female Vampire is not generally high among these Vampires. Of course, this is also related to Zhou Yi’s violent performance.

Hearing what this female Vampire said, Zhou Yi turned around a little amused and walked towards her step by step.

“What gives you self-confidence, allows you to talk to me like this!” His pupils are burning like golden flames, and countless rubbles are suspended in the air every step of the way, and then disassembled Into countless dust. The entire bar seemed to vibrate with his steps. At this moment, he is like God-like, majestic and inviolable.

As Zhou Yi approached, the mysterious female Vampire felt a deep-seated fear. This fear did not come from reason or soul. It comes from an instinct hidden deep in the bloodline. As a member of the ancient Vampire, she has not felt this fear for a long time, and in the memory of her long life, the only thing that can bring her this fear is the sun that brings endless light.

Watching the approaching sun is terrifying for a Vampire. But the endless fear seemed to have taken away her ability to act, and she could only stare feebly, waiting for the end of her own. Until, a purple crystal screen appeared in front of her.

“Clarice, what are you doing?” Clarice’s sudden appearance blocked Zhou Yi’s actions, and Zhou Yi turned from a god to a mortal again in an instant.

Clarice not at all cares about Zhou Yi’s changes just now, she just raised her face and said to Zhou Yi very seriously: “Big brother, you can’t hurt her, she was protecting us just now!”

Zhou Yi looked at his own younger sister stiffly, and that terrifying expression made Kitty and the other girl beside Clarice hide behind her in fear. But Clarice still opened his hands and stood in front of Zhou Yi. From her eyes, Zhou Yi saw a precious spirit.

Seeing Zhou Yi with a stiff face raised his hand, Clarice closed his eyes subconsciously. For her, Zhou Yi is not just a big brother, but a role like father. And she naturally knew what mistake oneself made today. So when Zhou Yi raised her hand, she was ready to slap her face.

However, all she waited until she held her head with a big hand.

Clarice secretly opened his eyes, but only saw Zhou Yi showing an expression that didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Why, do you think I will slap you?”

“I thought I made you very angry, so I wanted to slap you to relieve my breath.” Clarice He whispered, that well-behaved look was nothing like two people in peacetime.

“I am very angry, but I will not vent my own younger sister. Moreover, we really have to talk about today’s matter, but after I have solved the problem here. Now, you Bring me your friend, and go home immediately and wait for me there.”

“Oh! I see!” Clarice lowered her head and opened the Crystal Screen Teleportation Portal, but she Still asked a little worriedly.

“Promise me, you won’t hurt her, right? I think she is a good person.”

“I promise you!” Zhou Yi waved his hand impatiently.

Hearing the desired answer, Clarice took her partner’s hand and got into the crystal screen, but immediately she held out another head.

“Yi, which home shall I go back to?”

“Of course it is the manor on Long Island. Get out of here, immediately!”

Until the crystal screen disappeared Before oneself, Zhou Yi let out a sigh of relief. To the mysterious female Vampire said: “It’s not really easy to have a younger sister who loves to trick or treat. I haven’t consulted yet, Miss Vampire!”

“Nyssa, Nyssa Damaskinos.” Nyssa’s female Vampire still looked at Zhou Yi with some fear, and this fear made her answer his questions involuntarily.

“Very well, I believe that as two different species, we have already started the first step of friendly communication. Then we continue the second step of friendly communication. What are you, Vampire or something else? “Zhou Yi came to the side of the bar and knocked on the table at the bartender, who was still sweating. “Buddy, give me a drink with ice, but I ran a long way, and I was almost dying of thirst.”

When the bartender was shaking his hands and began to mix Zhou Yi. Vampire Nyssa, who was next to Zhou Yi, also began to answer her questions according to Zhou Yi’s request. Compared to at first, she is calmer. Speak more clearly.

“As you can see, we are Vampire, a clan from Romania, Europe. Our ancestors came here hundreds of years ago and created the present situation!”

“The story of Vampire’s entrepreneurship doesn’t sound very interesting.” Zhou Yi’s eyes swept over those Vampire like evil spirits, and the expression of disgust exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech.

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