Sun God Marvel

Chapter 129

Feeling the weakness of Zhou Yi’s mind and will, Jean Grey or Dark Phoenix exploded with terrifying killing intent. Jean Grey may care about the identity of Professor Charles, but Dark Phoenix does not have such scruples. Furthermore, she had nothing but hatred and disgust for Charles, who had imprisoned her for more than ten years.

When she perceives that the source of Zhou Yi’s weakness is Professor Charles and Illusion Master Jason, she suddenly has a huge desire to attack these two people. It is really a better choice for her to be able to understand both public and private grievances.

However, feeling the terrifying desire of Dark Phoenix to attack, Professor Charles once again used his own psychic ability. Through his eyes, the invisible Spiritual Fluctuation began to invade Dark Phoenix’s brain. He didn’t want to control her, so he didn’t need to confront her spirit directly. When it comes to mental ghost tricks, Dark Phoenix is ​​far from the opponent of Professor Charles.

Dark Phoenix manipulated the Psionic Storm and began to sweep towards Charles and Jason. But this almost all-destroying storm seemed to have eyes long, deliberately avoiding Charles and them. Even though their all around has become a mess, but their feet are still intact.

Even if Dark Phoenix has repeatedly strengthened its own power, cutting down almost the entire underground layer by one layer, this fact cannot be changed.

This is the terrifying point of Professor Charles. He can unnoticeable influence to change a person’s mind without using much force, but even a little bit can play a twelve-point role. Moreover, it is impossible to defend, resist, or even eliminate.

Dark Phoenix’s mouth uttered a terrifying cry, and the mind storm became more and more terrifying. Even the monstrous flood behind her was stopped. Thousands of tons of water were disassembled into the most original atomic state under her psychic storm. No matter how terrifying the flood is under pressure, no matter how powerful the impact is, it can’t go one step beyond the thunder pool. This is already the Absolute Domain of Dark Phoenix.

But this is still useless. Even her psychic storm also provided Charles with a special layer of protection to protect them from all external interference. On the contrary, Wanda and Logan seemed a bit miserable.

Wanda supported a huge shield in the psychic storm of Dark Phoenix and protected all the guys around him. There are not only Quicksilver, Logan and Aretha in this group. Even also Magneto, as well as Lingdie and Yuriko.

Under the influence of the Dark Phoenix Psionic Storm, the mind control of the phantom master can no longer be maintained on these two puppets. Because the Spiritual Fluctuation distributed by Dark Phoenix itself greatly disturbed the hearts of these puppets. The hearts that had frozen them were reinfused with vitality. Although it was strong and hurtful to a certain extent, Jason had to abandon them.

He doesn’t have the energy to erode Zhou Yi’s spiritual world and at the same time increase his strength to retain oneself’s control over the two puppets. That will not only outweigh the loss, but also unnecessary.

So these two extremely special, and also considered the last puppets, finally got their freedom. This is why Wanda will save them. They are no longer enemies when they are free. They have a common enemy. Although the biggest enemy is dead.

“Wanda, this look is too dangerous. Let’s get out of here soon.”

Quicksilver saw Dark Phoenix’s posture almost destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and shrank his neck in shock. Up. He now has some doubts whether this World is the world it originally lived in. Until now he thinks that in this world impossible there are that many abnormalities, even if it is Professor Charles and Magneto plus his elder sister, there are only a few powerhouses that can stand in front of him.

But today he discovered that this World is very deep, and his original idea is really naive. With the special case of Dawn Knight, it is not enough, and there is another Jean Grey who runs away. Looking at the power of Jean Grey, he even suspected that oneself would not be able to leave a whole body if he rushed up.

So in this case, he decisively counseled. And began to persuade the own elder sister to go first.

Wanda glanced at his own younger brother, also Magneto who has almost lost his mobility. Despite her helplessness, she had to admit that it was indeed not suitable for them to stay here. No matter what Zhou Yi’s final result is, they will not have any effect. Even if the worst happens, all of them may be left in this place forever.

Seems to see her entanglement, Logan also followed persuaded.

“Although I really don’t want to admit it, we have no other effect if we stay here. Instead of this, it’s not equal to me. They retreat first, if there is a chance. It will not delay them. Hind legs!”

After thinking and thinking, Wanda still accepted their opinions. She opened up a huge red mist, and the mist filled all of them. Soon, they disappeared in place.

Wanda and their disappearance not at all attracted the attention of these people present. In their hearts, these all are irrelevant roles. Whether it’s Jason, the controlled Charles or Jean Grey who is incarnation of Dark Phoenix, they have only one concern in their hearts, that is Zhou Yi who is caught in the illusion.

Zhou Yi’s situation is still getting worse, and the strength of Charles and Jason is increasing. Dark Phoenix perceives all this, but she can’t stop their actions. This is simply the biggest torment for her. Her feelings are so strong and real that she can’t even watch Zhou Yi get rid of her sense of self.

After losing his own existence, is he still the original Zhou Yi? The answer is obvious. And such an answer is totally unacceptable to Dark Phoenix.

As the most real perceptual personality, Dark Phoenix can be impulsive and reckless. In order to save Zhou Yi, she made the most dangerous move. Put the consciousness of own into the world woven by the two spiritual masters, and gamble with everything owned by own. If successful, Zhou Yi’s consciousness can be saved. If they fail, they will die together.

This is the craziest move, and the only move that can create miracles. Charles they can only watch, one of the biggest variables has entered the world they weave.

At this moment, in Zhou Yi’s spiritual world, that Eternity has finally undergone a different change.

The door of the room that had never been opened suddenly opened. A figure almost rushed in.

Zhou Yi clearly watched her rush to the side of own, grabbing oneself’s stiff palm, desperately telling oneself something.

Her white and beautiful face is full of horror and worry, Zhou Yi can tell from her lips that keep opening and closing that she keeps repeating one more word. But he could not hear clearly.

Countless days and nights of loneliness and loneliness have almost consumed all his senses. He was almost hearing nothing now.

The woman was still whispering while clutching his hand, seeing her feelings very sincere. But Zhou Yi stared at her face, but couldn’t find any existence of her from own memory. Not only her, no one exists in his memory. There, all he has is nothing but a blank.

He wants to ask who this woman is and what is the relationship between them. But there is nothing he can do. He can do nothing but watch.

But he is still very happy, he is no longer alone in this World. There is a person accompanying oneself, although she does not know who she is, but this is not important anymore. The important thing is that someone still cares about oneself, and someone is willing to accompany him. This injected a little strength into his heart again.

But this has attracted the attention of the people who weave this World. Zhou Yi’s ego has become stronger again. This is something they will never allow to happen. So they began to modify the world woven by oneself. For them, there is only one existence that needs to be corrected, and that is Jean Grey who broke in.

In this World, they are the ones who dominate and create the rules, so there is hardly any hesitation, they begin to clear Jean Grey’s will.

Dark Phoenix felt the purging power from this spiritual world itself, and she subconsciously wanted to resist. But there is no way to resist. This is the spiritual world, a spiritual world woven by the spiritual master of the cream of the crop in the two worlds of Charles and Jason to erase Zhou Yi’s self.

In this World, except for those things that are unchanged in Eternity in Zhou Yi’s eyes, nothing will not exist. The power of Dark Phoenix is ​​the same. Although she broke into here, it doesn’t mean she can change the rules here. Here, she is nothing, not a powerful Owner, not a Mutant, or even a real existence.

She is just a will, a will that can be erased. And she is being erased.

Time is still passing, Jean Grey, who is dressed in red-clothed, is still holding Zhou Yi’s hand and whispering something. This makes Zhou Yi feel satisfied, but also panic. Because he found that with the alternation of day and night, the silhouette of this woman who appeared suddenly was becoming blurred little by little. It was as if he was going to evaporate from this World.

This is proof that Jean Grey’s will has been wiped out little by little. Although she tried hard to fight, in this World, she didn’t have any strength to fight back. She can choose to leave, but he doesn’t do that, because it makes no sense to her. She chose to stay, although it meant death.

And all this, Zhou Yi did not know. He just watched her body fade and disappear little by little. It was as if her appearance was just an unreal dream.

However, he really didn’t want this to be a dream. Don’t believe this is a dream either. He desperately tried to hold on to him, but his rotten body made him unable to do anything. He could only watch that everything oneself had finally had to disappear from his world again.

This is the cruelest thing and the most painful thing. But he had to go through such a thing.

Finally, when the evening of the day comes again. Jean Grey’s thin silhouette, with only the outline left, finally disappeared in front of him, and the remaining temperature in his hands seemed to still tell him the existence of the woman. But he has lost her forever in his world.

Tears finally flowed from the seemingly dry body, and at this moment, he heard the woman’s repeated whispers.

“Wake up, my hero, my love!”

The pain penetrated into the deepest part of the soul in an instant, and it also awakened his true self in an instant . The raging fire began to burn this World, and countless radiance and golden flames shot out from his dry body.

The world is shattering, the world is collapsing. At this moment, even if the entire world is oppressed on him, it cannot stop his self-awakening.

A golden sun began to appear and began to destroy everything here.

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