Sun God Marvel

Chapter 131

As a compassionate old man, a truly kind-hearted person, Zhou Yi considers a contemporary Sage-like existence. He fell deeply into self-blame at this moment.

To save him, for his ability, for the ambition and hatred of some people. Is it really necessary to pay such a high price? And even if it pays the price, why should these innocent people bear the ultimate harm?

This is a question he has thought about, but as before, he still can’t get the correct answer. He can only attribute all this to the owner, making the guilt heavier. Maybe it will make him feel better for him.

“To blame, you can only blame you for having great power, but you can’t deter the evil thoughts and greed in people’s hearts, and can’t suppress people’s hatred and viciousness. Charles, you are wrong, you have always been. You I have only watched Mutant get hurt and wanted to heal their wounds. But I have never thought about how much they are eager for revenge, and never thought about how much pain their revenge will cause.”

Seeing Charles’ pain, Zhou Yi spoke calmly. He has seen too much hatred. This is an Eternity theme that runs through almost all lives. And the destruction it brings is enough to make a huge monster collapse, Vampire is the same, Mutant is the same.

“Charles, you must make changes. Otherwise, all the price paid at this time is meaningless. If there can be one Stryker, why not have a second one. As long as you don’t Change, these people will emerge in endlessly!”

Zhou Yi’s words caused Charles to fall into thinking. Before he had time to think about it, the sound of the alarm from the lakeside town interrupted his thinking. Residents in the small town have noticed the rushing flood, and they sounded the alarm to warn all the residents of the small town. But apart from this, they have no way to stop it.

Whether it is the National Guard or the local firefighters, in the face of this sudden natural disaster, they seem too weak. The residents of the small town began to flee. They hid in the own house, hoping that the own house would survive the flood.

But in fact, they know very well oneself, this is just an unrealistic fantasy. The wooden houses in the town are impossible to withstand this flood. They are just comforting themselves.

Someone began to pray, either to the emptiness of God, or to the true heroes. God will naturally not respond to them, but heroes will.

Hearing some people’s prayers, Zhou Yi first took Charles and Jean to the top of the church in the town, where they were settled. Then he rushed towards the flood with full strength.

His silhouette is pulling out layers of air in the sky, as if the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses is charging. Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of those who are still fleeing. They stared at the black Knight in the middle, making different sounds.

Some people who don’t know this hero are asking people around oneself. They want to know who this guy is, whether it’s a human or a monster. And those who knew him cheered at this time. A Superhero who can save Paris from an attack that is almost destroying heaven extinguishing earth is bound to save them from this kind of natural disaster. This may be just their wishful thinking, but at this time, even if it is a life-saving straw, they will desperately hold on to it.

Zhou Yi naturally doesn’t know what these humans think, and to his level, he already doesn’t care what these people think. Saving lives has become his nature and duty, and it has long been not Hobby’s interest for a while.

The value of life is so high that it is no longer suitable to perfuse him with interest this thing.

The powerful gravitational force has become a drill bit that no stronghold one cannot overcome, leading the surging air wave to tear the line of defense from the flood in an instant, under the dual action of extreme speed and powerful ability. The rush of the flood was contained in an instant.

Like a quilt with a rein, they can no longer rush forward. Even, a more peculiar sight appeared in front of everyone.

The surging flood began to flow backwards. Under the influence of the black silhouette, the endless stream of water flows back to the place where oneself rushed. There are countless giant trees and mudslides floating in the water, winding like a yellow python, with a shocking and spectacular momentum.

However, no matter how terrifying the momentum at this moment, it is only a momentary prestige. No matter how great Zhou Yi’s power is, it is impossible to reverse the laws of nature. If the flood impossible flows back forever, it will inevitably return to normal.

This is, even if it’s only for a while, it’s enough. Because the destruction of the dam will allow the flood to have a chance to dominate, then if you want to tame this beast, you only need to rebuild another beast cage. This is Zhou Yi’s plan.

The force field began to distort, and it moved at high speed. The highly cohesive force field even affected the movement of the water flow, causing the water flow to be distorted again into a large vortex that could tear everything apart. The vortex of this water scraped the soaked soil, crushing layers of rock, and digging deep into the middle of the mountains toward the depths of the earth.

When the flexible water becomes hard, it has unimaginable destructive power. The earth makes a hong long long sound under the impact of the flood. As the force field with huge gravity sinks, the water flow even The mountainous land full of rock geology was torn apart, and a river valley was reshaped in this place.

Geology has undergone tremendous changes because of the strength of one person. He let the flood tame, separate the mountains and let the big sink.

People looked at everything in front of them in amazement. The flood disappeared completely. They were trapped in the valley that was just opened up. Only the water like a creek was still flowing on the street. Tell people they just wreaked havoc.

A terrifying crisis was turned into invisible in the hands of the so-called Superhero. He defeated the terrifying natural disasters and even changed the world they live in.

Many people have ignored the turbid water under oneself’s feet, and knelt on the ground religiously. Some of them may believe in God, but at this moment they only believe in God in front of them. A God who lives in reality and is far more real than God.

Those who know the existence of Dawn Knight become more excited. Superhero in this world is already extremely popular, and fans like fans are definitely not less than so-called stars. After all, celebrities and so on rely on false heroic behaviors to gain recognition, while Superhero’s behaviors are true. As it should be by rights, they have even greater supporters.

These Dawn Knight supporters cheered loudly, shouting Dawn Knight’s name, and didn’t care that oneself had just experienced the threat of natural disasters, and the atmosphere was as warm as an important holiday.

For a time, the same voice echoed throughout the town and even the mountains. This voice naturally reached the ears of Professor Charles. As the soul master, he heard more than just cheers, but also those voices from deep in one’s heart. This almost fanatical emotion made him fall into contemplation.

In all fairness, didn’t he do much for this World? In fact, he has made great contributions to mankind when he was young, and even prevented the outbreak of a nuclear war between the two giants. Without him, this World would have been the end of radiation spreading and human drag out an ignoble existence.

However, there are few people who know him, let alone cheering for him. Not only him, all Mutants do not have this treatment. If Superhero like Zhou Yi are celebrities and nobles who enjoy the top life, they are simply inferior trash than beggar and vagrant.

If this difference in treatment is due to the difference in ability, maybe he has no other thoughts. But their abilities are not bad, even if they are not as good as this almost God-like Superhero, but their huge base can completely smooth the gap between them, and they have an advantage compared to Zhou Yi who is alone.

However, reality does not approve of their existence. Dawn Knight can enjoy the cheers from human beings in the sun, but these Mutants have to shiver under the human decree and struggle.

Envy inevitably appeared in Charles’s heart. Although he quickly eliminated this negative emotion, he still had some regrets in his heart. What he regrets is what Mutant calls the future, something that, in his opinion, has not yet dawned.

He felt that oneself seemed to have to make a choice, but he did not have the courage to make such a choice. Mutant’s contradictions and misunderstandings with humans have long been very deep. They have bred countless hatreds because of these misunderstandings.

A wrong choice is likely to lead to the most terrifying consequences. He made such a mistake with Jason. He regarded Jason as the beginning of the easing of relations with humans, but he didn’t expect that it would almost cause the destruction of Mutant.

As the leader of Mutant, he dare not and cannot make any decisions at will.

At this time, Zhou Yi, who had solved everything, has returned to them. He glanced at Charles, who still had a wry smile, and asked flatly.

“Can you still make up your mind, Charles?”

“I can’t do this. I can’t risk the children to do those dangerous things. Zhou Yi, they Many of them are children, why can’t they be allowed to live peacefully like ordinary persons?” Charles answered bitterly, as wise as he naturally understood Zhou Yi’s meaning. But some decisions are not easy to make.

“It’s just your thoughts, not theirs. Don’t you, you just want them to live the life of an ordinary person, but you don’t think about what they think. You can’t stop them from making any The choice, even if you are their Teacher, is like everything you do to another existence in Jean’s body, which is actually your wishful thinking. Isn’t it?”

“Jean is different , The personality in her heart is very dangerous.” Charles tried to argue, but was interrupted roughly.

“I’m dangerous too! Charles, your heart has been restrained by timidity and countless scruples. I admit that you are an upright and kind person, but this kindness does not help them in any way. The world Always moving forward, Charles. So things that are not moving forward will be crushed to pieces by the current trend.”

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