Sun God Marvel

Chapter 145

William Borken Court Academecian, an outstanding researcher at Umbrella, is so outstanding that he is almost outstanding. From a certain perspective, there are few people in Umbrella who can compare with him. Especially in this aspect of virus development.

He and his partner Albert Wilson have worked in Umbrella for many years, and they have also researched many results. He got what he wanted from Umbrella, money, status also his passion for science. And Umbrella gets more benefits from him. He is Umbrella’s cash cow, and not many people will deny this.

And now, it is time for them to say goodbye. Because William Court Academecian created a new type of terrifying virus, something more terrifying than the virus developed by Umbrella. If this is the case, their relationship should be closer. However, William did not want to give the virus to Umbrella. He thought it was a masterpiece of his own and wanted to use it for greater benefits. Because of this point of view, he attracted a killing disaster for oneself.

A research institute under the name of the Laken branch of Umbrella Company, the tall buildings are majestic and majestic, gold and jade in glorious splendor. At a glance, people can recognize the solid strength of multinational corporations. However, this is actually just a cover for the underground laboratory that’s all. What can be said to be a secret thing in the empty building not at all. The real secrets are hidden underground. This is the experimental base of William Court Academecian, where new viruses are developed. As Umbrella’s cash cow, William Court Academecian received the most thoughtful protection measures.

However, this careful security measure sometimes means the strictest monitoring. William Court Academecian did not know that his every move was being monitored, including his rebellion plan and his research results. At this time, he was still in the underground laboratory and devoted himself to his experiments. The newly developed virus has not been completely perfected yet, but it has already demonstrated its outstanding ability beyond the original virus.

The virus developed by Umbrella is named T virus. And he named the virus developed by oneself on the basis of T virus as G virus. Although not perfect yet, William believes that G will replace T soon and become the most powerful character in the history of the virus

Under the dim light, William Court Academecian picked up a test tube from the test bench. , The liquid inside has taken on a weird violet color, and it will even produce a mercury-like texture when shaken gently. The surface of the liquid has been tumbling, like it is boiling. Several large cell nuclei visible in naked eye float up and down inside.

Looking at this virus reagent, William sighed with emotion.

“Unfortunately, if you can get the perfect experimental product from Hive, G virus will be able to reach the final stage of perfection immediately. Fortunately, you can get her sample DNA. Just a few more If you make a clone by the end of the month, you can do this step too! I have surpassed everyone, even the so-called genius girl of the Asifford family!”

Think of William Bokin. The more excited, and the pale skin caused by excessive fatigue, under the dim laboratory light, it appeared more and more ferocious. However, he was fascinated by the ambition of oneself, but he did not notice that the danger was approaching.

While William Court Academecian was still sighing at the results of the own experiment, a group of soldiers wearing Umbrella’s commando costumes had arrived at the door of the laboratory. Then the door of the laboratory opened immediately after hearing a brushing sound. Soldiers rushed in and surrounded the William Court Academecian who had turned around abruptly after hearing the noise.

“William Court Academecian, the board member will ask to bring you and your new virus back. I hope you don’t resist, otherwise something very unpleasant may happen.” One of the soldiers said. Another soldier opened the safety gun and pointed at William. Their meaning is already obvious, cooperation, or death.

“Didn’t expect, you are finally here.” William coldly looked at the members of the Umbrella recovery force in front of him, and quietly took out a pistol with his left hand. Hold a virus sample tightly.

“Who sent you here, Raymond or Spencer?”

“Court Academecian, please hand in the virus in the take action, otherwise we will be welcome That’s it! You should know what it is like to violate the board member’s order!” The soldier not at all answered his question, but kept repeating the own command.

“I will not hand over the G virus. I will not give you the G virus. No one can take it away!” William grabbed the virus in his hand and slowly Retreating back, he raised his own pistol and aimed at the robbers. He backed away, and suddenly he accidentally hit the table behind, and the beaker crackled and fell to the ground.

The sound caused a nervous soldier to pull the trigger immediately, and dozens of bullets penetrated William’s body instantly. Although another soldier hurriedly called to stop when he saw this, it was too late. William Court Academecian fell into a pool of blood before he even had time to say anything.

“Damn! You will get a virus sample!”

Seeing this, the leading soldier slapped the guy who fired the gun. But that’s it. Then the guy squatted down and took the virus sample he was holding tightly from the dying William’s hand.

“The mission is complete, all the teams are closed!” With an order, this group of soldiers left here silently and quickly just like when they came. Only William Court Academecian was left lying on the ground, feeling his own body getting cold little by little.

Looking at the leaving Umbrella Special Forces, William felt that his own consciousness gradually became thinner, and he used the last of his strength and tremblingly took out something from his arms.

That is a syringe filled with purple liquid. Through the wall of the syringe, you can clearly see the huge cell nucleus inside. And William at this time, almost without any hesitation, injected the contents of the syringe through his own neck vein.

A mutation has begun.

Time is slowly passing by. He has closed his eyes, and William suddenly opened his eyes as if he was dead. Almost instantly, his eyes became bright scarlet. A powerful impulse and crazy idea began to impact his fragile consciousness. Before he completely lost consciousness, he opened his mouth, exhausted all his strength, and shouted with resentment: “Ambray Pull! You will pay the price!”

Soon, the terrifying voice rang. The instruments and tools in the laboratory were knocked over to the ground one after another, and a weird terrifying big foot that couldn’t tell what it was slammed on it, and the heavy sound crushed these things one after another. The roar sounded, and a huge silhouette began to gallop.

“Headquarters, call the headquarters, we have successfully recovered the virus, and the target has been Death. Now we need a helicopter to receive, repeat, the mission is complete, we need a helicopter to receive.” An Umbrella’s The special soldier took the walkie-talkie and said, suddenly an ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of his heart. He looked up and immediately issued an incredible cry out in surprise: “Damn it! What is that!!!”

His exclamation caught the attention of all the soldiers, and they immediately found the target that caused the exclamation. Without hesitation, the special forces immediately raised the MP5 in their hands and shot at the terrifying creatures they saw, but the bullets seemed useless at all.

A powerful claw patted over, and under the giant claw, a soldier’s body was instantly torn into pieces.

“Damn it! Samuel!”

Another special soldier looked at oneself and the best brother was divided into countless fragments of corpses in front of him, and immediately shouted He raised his gun and pulled the trigger desperately at the culprit who caused it all. The bullets poured out, and suddenly his gun sounded ka ka.

“Damn! There are no bullets!” He panicked and took out a magazine from his arms. He just wanted to install it. A strange premonition made him raise his head, and then a terrifying His big eyes immediately appeared in front of him. Severe pain and fear followed.

“Oh!! Don’t! Ah…” There were continuously desperate shouts in the secluded alley. Then it quieted down quickly.

This weird situation did not attract anyone’s attention. These days, Laken City has become more and more strange. People are vigilant about everything around them, and never want to detect any strange things. Many people have paid a huge price for this. And this lesson is enough for the rest to learn something.

A fear is gradually spreading, as if hell is gradually opening up. Almost everyone started to notice something was wrong, as evidenced by the growing number of lunatic patients in Laken. These lunatics almost bite whoever they see. A witness solemnly vowed promised that he had seen with his own eyes a passerby who was bitten by a lunatic patient in his neck arteries, and the blood flow continued.

Everyone realizes that the city is becoming more and more weird. Many people start to buy guns and ammunition at gun shops for self-protection. The weapons and ammunition in the gun store suddenly became popular, which made the boss of the weapon store Ledi always smile.

And today is the strangest. Before night, the city’s radio began to broadcast some notices, informing all citizens to try not to go out at night. It is said that a lot of weird incidents happened at night, and many people disappeared because of this. Some even said that they saw alien creatures. Or weird animals. Although this was just a rumor, it caused every citizen to panic.

Almost all police calls are busy, and the lack of police force makes the police station have to ask for help from the biggest local tyrant here.

And Umbrella is very happy to send their civil mercenary organization UBCS to protect the citizens. This move made many citizens grateful to this well-known large enterprise. Over the years, Umbrella Company has brought people a lot of job opportunities. He created and prospered this city. It can be said that Umbrella created the city of Laken today, and Umbrella gave this city life.

The citizens all have deep feelings for this big company, but they don’t know it. Just today, this city will be destroyed under Umbrella’s hands.

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