Sun God Marvel

Chapter 153

“Let me in, let me in!”

“Damn, I am a citizen of United States, you have no right to treat us like this!”

“I will sue you, and I will definitely sue you in the court.”

“I am a government official, you have no right to stop me.”

Such voices erupted, some were crying and begging, some were threatening, and some were persecuting by power. These methods may be useful in normal times, but now, here, they will only cause trouble.

Especially for Raymond’s deputy. Having been tortured by various psychological pressures, he became nervous all over after he heard these voices, immediately grabbed the guy beside oneself and shouted at him.

“Let these guys shut up for me, shut up for me. I don’t want to hear this nonsense. Let them roll me back to the city, or I will kill you. You know!”

Where did the guy dragged by him have seen such a formation, and he waved his hands indiscriminately and said: “Sir, sir. We can open fire and we can disperse them immediately.”

” Then open for me fire, no matter how many people you kill. As long as you can expel them, you can open fire anyway.” The deputy’s sullen face was terrifying and his heart was completely distorted.

“Yes, sir.” The soldier who was frightened by his hideous appearance quickly responded, and then began to convey his orders.

Soon, the soldiers on the fence received crazy orders. They opened the insurance silently, waiting for the last order.

“Give you one last chance, look back. Otherwise, I will order you to shoot you immediately.” The hoarse voice of the deputy reached everyone’s ears via the radio. The gloomy tone made the survivors burst out again.

Everyone thinks he is crazy, even he himself thinks so. So he gritted his teeth, fiercely ordered fiercely.

“Fire, fire. Kill all those close to the line of defense. It’s better to die in our hands than under a nuclear bomb. Didn’t you hear that? Fire me immediately.”

However, no matter how he yelled, the herald next to him did not respond to him. It was as if he hadn’t heard him at all.

Or it’s not like I didn’t hear it, but I can’t hear it anymore.

When Raymond’s adjutant turned his head angrily and wanted to see what the hell is happening the guy next to oneself, he saw only one arrow pierced through his head Guy.

He just wanted to yell loudly, but the wind is already ringing in his ears. A sharp arrow had penetrated his throat long before the sound of the wind entered his ears. Blood choked into the trachea and esophagus, blocking all his voices. It took away his consciousness even more. He desperately stretched out a take action to catch something, but he couldn’t catch anything. As soon as it went dark, this lunatic who had just been released completely left this World.

In the shadows in the distance, a guy who looked very ordinary and only had very sharp eyes quietly put down the recurve bow in his hand, and pressed the headset next to his own ear.

“The action begins, clean up all the targets!”

As soon as he finished speaking, one after another well-equipped soldiers emerged from the shadow on the fence. These soldiers either cut their throats, shot them, or directly pushed people under the wall. In just a few seconds, Umbrella soldiers above the wall were cleaned up.

And the gunship hovering in the sky suffered the same fate. Various attacks that did not know where they came from directly penetrated the cockpit of the plane, causing these planes to fall from the sky one after another like large fireballs.

In almost a few breaths, Umbrella’s armed forces have been cleaned up. Except for a few civilians, all the guys with guns were quietly eliminated.

In this situation, let alone the survivors below, even Umbrella did not think of it. And while everyone was still in the clouds and fog, a group of very strange looking planes appeared in midair.

These airplanes seem to appear out of thin air. There is no sound at all, and there is no warning. When people look up, they are already hovering in midair. Blink on the camouflage armor has subtle arcs and mosaic-like lights and shadows, making everyone feel like they have seen a ghost.

“What kind of airplane is this?” This is the thinking of ordinary people.

And those elite police and UBCS think so.

“Optical camouflage technology? Special forces?”

And soon someone will respond to their thoughts. Coulson, whose hairline was seriously delayed, stood on the open door of the plane and spoke to everyone with a huge microphone.

“Everyone, this is the Delta Special Forces and the CIA Joint Rescue Force. You are safe, please stay where you are. We will set up rescue and medical camps soon. Medical items and food will be distributed. We will check your body and make sure that everything is safe and arrange for you to leave. I hope you can cooperate with our actions. To repeat, we have formed…”

Survivors of the ups and downs After being rescued, all of them accepted Coulson’s arrangement very honestly. Under Coulson’s arrangement, SHIELD members under the names of other troops began to set up camps with great efficiency.

Doctors, food, security personnel, and also a large number of medical equipment, all were transported by air. With the support of these materials, it didn’t take long for a huge camp of survivors to appear under the wall. Everything is in order, so many people see the hope of survival.

But Coulson knew that this was just the beginning of everything, and the real test was coming.

There were groups of howlings in the distance, which were the sounds of the zombies following the survivors. There are thousands of them, like raging waves. And it is the huge wave from Yellow Springs, once it is contaminated, it is the end of die without a burial site.

Coulson, who had obtained accurate information, naturally did not dare to let the raging tide of corpses approach this newly established camp. Once the line of defense was breached, almost no one could escape. So he ordered immediately.

“Barton, take the planes and combat troops to prevent this group of monsters from coming. You are allowed to use all the heavy weapons, but you must never let any monster break through your line of defense!”

“Leave it to me!” The sharp-eyed man nodded, greeted people and boarded the plane, flew in the direction of the corpse tide. In order to deal with Umbrella, they have made sufficient preparations. Whether it is a corpse tide or other monsters, they are nothing difficult to solve. Advanced weapons and adequate logistical support are the strength they are proud of.

As the most powerful espionage organization in the world, they have inherent advantages in handling such things. So Coulson was not worried about Button’s failure, he was worried about other issues.

He stared at the orderly camp, but his feet moved restlessly back and forth. When a heavy duty subordinate appeared in front of him, he immediately asked impatiently.

“How about it, can it be solved?”

“Sir, please see.” The hand holding the tablet put the contents in his hand in front of Coulson. Through this screen, Coulson You can clearly see a group of people sleeping in something like huge freezers. A faint cold mist lingered around them. The medical equipment next to them showed that they were in a low-consumption state of sleep.

“At present, we have controlled these more than 300 infected people. The virus in their body is not active in the ultra-low temperature environment, so there is no danger of transformation for the time being.” He explained. Then, he adjusted another cell map.

“This is the case of an infected person within the body. The virus slows down the erosion of cells and other tissues due to the effects of low temperature, but this erosion is not at all stopped, but is still going on. It’s just time It’s just getting longer. So, everything at the moment is temporary. We can only alleviate but not cure. We need more detailed virus information.”

“How long can you fight for me? “Everyone wants more detailed information, but Coulson can’t get this thing right now. Natasha still has no news. He must prepare for the worst.

|”Not many, sir. With our current technology, it can only last for 24 hours at most. After 24 hours, these infected people will be completely transformed. Mind You’d better be prepared!”

Of course, it goes without saying that SHIELD is an espionage organization after all, and few such organizations have never killed anyone. For now, the last resort must be to eliminate this group of infected people. SHIELD impossible allows these things to enter human society. If they do, their current efforts will be completely wasted.

“Do your best to delay this time for me.” Coulson didn’t express his own attitude clearly, he just repeated it over and over again. “I will get the information back. Before that, you must ensure that these people are alive, understand!”

“I will work hard, sir!”

“I want You try your best, this is an order!” Coulson increased his volume.

“Yes, sir!” The subordinate saluted and hurried back to the own position. Coulson asks him to try his best to save these people, then he naturally has to do his best to full strength. Race against time is an inevitable choice.

While watching his men leave, Coulson finally couldn’t help muttering to himself.

“Natasha, it really depends on you this time.”

At this time, in a hospital near the central elementary school in Laken, Natasha fell into trouble with a person. In a stalemate.

She pressed a blonde Little Luoli’s head with her hand, and shielded her behind the owner. One side leaned out quietly from the corner.

The gunshot sounded immediately, and there was a sudden pain in her arm. This made her quickly retracted. Rubbed it vigorously.

Because of putting on the Nanominium combat uniform, the shooting not only caused her a little pain, not at all played other roles. However, she still didn’t dare to move, as a battle suit didn’t protect her head, and she still couldn’t escape from a shot there. even more how, there is also a target by her side that needs protection.

She hasn’t encountered this stalemate for a long time. Looking at the time, she found that time was getting tighter and she decided to change the direction for breakthrough.

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