Sun God Marvel

Chapter 167

“Is Charles there?” After a long silence, it was Zhou Yi who opened the deadlock first. It is better to say something at this time than to say nothing.

After a long silence on the other end of the phone, Ororo came over with a strong nasal voice.

“The professor is not here, he went out with an old friend.”

“Then when he comes back, I will contact him when the time comes!”

“You are so unfeeling, don’t you even want to say a word to me?” Ororo confided to him with a faint sigh. Until now, she also has a feeling of being in a nightmare, why things have developed to this step, she can’t understand at all.

Obviously at first is developing in a good direction, why does it become like this just because of a small matter. She tossed and turned for many nights, but did not understand the problem. Until today, she finally couldn’t bear to ask it in front of the person involved.

“I’m sorry, Ororo!” She waited for a long time, but only for such words. “We are not suitable for being together, the longer the time, the greater the harm caused. I don’t want to wait until the big mistake is made to regret it, so I have to cut everything now.”

“Why, why?”

Ororo couldn’t make a sound of tears. Hearing her whimpering voice, Zhou Yi’s heart was also irritated and blocked. He gritted his teeth and barely kept calm and said.

“Ororo, the most important thing in your heart will always be your Mutant compatriots. And the most important thing in my heart is my family. If one day, I want you to be one of these two If you choose, what will you do?”

“This is impossible. You can’t treat me just because of an impossible thing. It’s not fair to me! Easy! It’s not fair to me “

Ororo cried and said, every sound cut through Zhou Yi’s heart like a sharp knife. He desperately tried to filter this sound out of own’s mind, but he couldn’t do it. He is not an emotional powerhouse, never has been.

“No, Ororo. This is not impossible. Mutant is too messy, I have seen you look like you. Most of you are no different from crazy people. Magneto is crazy and even his own compatriots will not let go , Even the own children can give up. What is the difference between his subordinates? It used to be Rogue also those poor people, what should I do if it is Clarice in the future?”

“And you, Ororo . Charles’ beliefs affect you too deeply, I know what you will choose in front of me and your compatriots. The last time you chose your compatriots, the next time you will still be like this. I can bear your hurt to me, but I Can’t stand you hurting my family.”

“Ororo, I love you. I have never denied this. But I love my family even more. I have to make choices in advance, and I have done You have a choice. I’m sorry, Ororo. If hating me makes you feel better, hate me.”

After saying this, Zhou Yi fell silent. Even if the next thing is howling wind and torrential rain, thunderbolt lightning. He will endure it too. Family is the most important thing in his heart, for them he can bear everything.

After waiting for a long time, all he waited was a sigh. The sigh did not come from Ororo, but from Charles.

“Ororo has fallen asleep, she has had a bad time these days!”

Charles’ voice contains accusations and regrets, but Zhou Yi doesn’t want to deepen him. Discuss this issue. This is their problem and has nothing to do with Charles. So when Professor Charles replaced Ororo to talk to him, he had become the man with only plans in his heart.

“Professor, you came just right. I want to tell you that my plan has already begun.”

The professor on the other end of the phone sighed again, this time he was not for oneself students The bumpy emotions are for Mutant’s future. He frowned deeply, and his old wrinkles were full of his hesitation and worry.

“Zhou Yi, I think you should be more cautious. This time your plan may not be the best time to implement it!”

“Wait, wait, you have been Wait. Charles, it’s been so many years, you’ve waited for most of your life, but you haven’t waited for the best time you think. Charles, it’s not that there is no such time, it’s that you don’t have the courage to seize this Timing.”

“But you know that sometimes the opportunities you think will bring more terrifying crises, Zhou Yi. I don’t know if your plan is appropriate, maybe this World not at all is ready Accept us!”

Charles is still expressing his rejection euphemistically. What he has insisted for decades is not something Zhou Yi can change overnight.

“Charles, you can only dominate you yourself, you cannot dominate other people’s thoughts. I don’t want my younger sister to live outside of this world like you. I tell myself that I will do everything for her to create a beautiful For the future. I have worked hard that many, and will not stop because of your refusal.”

Professor Charles closed his eyes, and he asked after a long time.

“In that case, why are you telling me?”

“There are some things you must know. This is their decision. I just let you know, Charles. The right to choose Not in your hands!”

Speaking of which, Zhou Yi has hung up the phone. And listening to the blind tone on the phone, Charles froze for a long time before putting down his stiff arm. He knew that Mutant would be involved in another unpredictable storm, and this time he would no longer be the helm.

This situation inevitably made him feel a lot of worries. He didn’t know how Mutant should deal with himself this time, let alone what kind of decision oneself should make.

Pushing the wheelchair to the window, he looked at the rebuilt manor and fell into a long thought. He is deducing Zhou Yi’s actions step by step, hoping to see a hint of his plan from his behavior. But even if he has amazing wisdom, he can’t discern what he doesn’t know.

Zhou Yi’s caution at this time has shown its benefits. He has eliminated the probability of many people’s secret manipulation.

Charles was still thinking about it, when suddenly someone knocked on the door of the office.

“Please come in?” Charles raised his head questioningly, only then did he realize that a group of students had entered. The oldest group of students. He suddenly had a bad feeling. “Children, what are you doing here?”

The one who walked in the front of this group of students is Rogue. This student who joined halfway has never had a strong sense of belonging to the school, so he swayed with those I can’t say why compared to the student, she is the one who can let go.

“Professor, we want to leave school and go to work in the city!”

“Why do you have this idea? Is there anything the school can’t satisfy you?” Charles tightly Staring at this group of students, he had never been able to control oneself at this moment, who had never spied on the thoughts of oneself students. He is eager to know why, why this group of children will choose to leave at this time.

“Professor, the school is very good, everyone has a very happy life!” Rogue glanced at the students around her, looking at the hope in their eyes, she said with guilt. “But we are no longer little children, Professor. We are adults. We need to live an adult life instead of being protected in a cradle like a child.”

“I live outside It’s been a long time, and to be honest, it was a hard time, and it’s incomparable with life in school. But there is one thing that has never been in school, and that is freedom. Outside I can be free. Every day, but here I can only be locked in a cage.”

“Child, that is just your illusion. You should know how dangerous the outside world is for us, we I just want to protect you as much as possible. We never thought of taking your freedom.” Charles is still trying to persuade him. He hopes that these children are just impulsive and will soon put this impulse behind.

But he was disappointed. It was not an impulse choice. It is a long-planned plan.

“Professor, there is no difference between overprotection and deprivation of liberty. And this World is no longer as dangerous as you think.” Rogue said and put the two documents in front of Professor Charles.

“What is this?” Charles took it, but not at all opened it. He had guessed that this was part of Zhou Yi’s plan. So before watching, he would like to hear the thoughts of oneself students.

“Here is an employment agreement from NYPD. The New York City Police Department chief will hire us to join the police station and also the fire department and become a part of them. We will enjoy the same treatment as normal people. And the police station will also establish a positive image for us!”

“The other is a recruitment contract from the Huaiyao Suncoast Group. They need some people with special talents to clean up the remaining biochemicals. monster, they will give generous rewards as a price, and ask the local government to give these people the title of honorary citizen.”

As Rogue said this, Charles had already read the documents in his hand. . The content of the file is not much different from what Rogue said, and this is what Charles fears the most.

At this moment, how much he thinks this is a contract full of loopholes and desperately squeezing the value of these children. Because then he can just and honorable point it out and let these children stay.

But these documents are not. Zhou Yi gave the best and thicker conditions. These conditions will attract countless followers even in the society of normal people. even more how is the Mutant ethnic group that has been discriminated against. He thought and thought, and in the end he can only hope for the majesty of the owner and the blind obedience of the students.

“You should know that these things are very dangerous. Anytime, anywhere, you may be irreparably harmed by a small accident. Instead of taking such a risk, why don’t you choose How about staying in school? You can spend many years happily until you finish your studies. At that time, if you still want to work, you can be a Teacher in school! Even now, you can too Try to start as a teaching assistant.”

“Professor!” Rogue interrupted him. “We are already adults, unlike those children. They can enjoy a carefree time with peace of mind, but we prefer to use our own hands to earn oneself’s due benefit. You may not care about us. Spend money, but we care about being kept by others as minute insects. I’m sorry, Professor. I won’t stay, I have made a decision.”

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