Sun God Marvel

Chapter 170

An ancient castle hidden in the mountains in Europe.

“Sir, it has been determined that the targets are all inside. Are you going to capture the targets immediately!” Alice crouched in a hidden Kun-style fighter plane, staring at her. A big house hidden in the outskirts in the distance. From the look in her eyes, all you can see is the deep hatred.

Her biggest enemy is staying in that mansion now. She was very restrained by being able to hold down oneself and not rush forward. But with the ebbing of time and hatred brewing, it might be possible that Alice will be so calm.

“Alice, wait a minute. We still need more information, you will have a chance for revenge. I promise!” Coulson’s voice penetrated Alice’s ears, reluctantly Tethered the wild beast called hatred in her heart.

“Yes, sir.” Alice responded calmly, but still stared at her target unblinkingly. She not at all gave up, but became a Viper waiting for an opportunity, quietly lurking in the shadows. Always prepare for the deadliest attack.

Except for the person who put down this Viper, no one has discovered the existence of this Viper. Including the owner of the castle and also the visitors of the castle.

Albert Wilson spent countless energy and finally found this ancient castle where Oswell E. Spencer lived.

When Wilson pushed open the gate of the castle and walked into Spencer’s study. He thought the old man would be surprised at his sudden arrival, but Spencer just raised his godless eyes and said calmly to him.

“You are here…”

Albert Wilson was about to speak, but his sentence was interrupted by a sudden laugh with a cough .

“You are finally here, you are finally here. After all, my efforts were not in vain. Although Umbrella is gone, but since you are still there, I am not a loser.”


If Wilson had some doubts about own’s visit and Spencer before, then it is still the same now, and even this question has become deeper.

The only thing he understands at this moment is that this seemingly dying old man clearly grasps and manipulates all his actions. Everything he suspected must also have a huge connection with him. He is the source of the anxiety that oneself has been with over the past few years, and the answer he has been struggling to find.

As if he could guess Wilson’s mind, Spencer picked up a cup of hot tea and slowly opened the mouth and said.

“I know what you are wondering, since you have found here. I will naturally give you an answer. Sit down, this is a very long story.”

“A long time ago, when I was a youngster, a group of people and I discovered a mysterious virus from an ancient plant called the Sun Ladder. You should know that this virus is the prototype of the T virus. This is A magical thing, I don’t think you will deny it. It can bring countless money and terrifying rights. But in my eyes, it is the key to the road to evolution.”

“This World is too unfair for humans, Mutant, superhumans. Their abilities will make people jealous when I see them at the top of the world. Sometimes I even want to trade everything I have for health. Yes, a body that never ages. But as a human, this is just a fantasy.”

“So I thought of other ways to make humans evolve. As long as we can take this step of evolution, maybe this fantasy is It will become a reality. At exactly this time, US Military put their Super Soldier plan in front of me. With official support, this plan will soon enter the best state.”

“But with As the plan progressed, I found a very serious problem. I can’t wait for this dream to come true. Umbrella is not my company alone, although I have made every effort to maintain its research direction unchanged, but In the face of greed, these efforts were in vain. Therefore, I gave up everything I arranged in Umbrella and let them do things with the T virus. And I started a new plan.”

“I call him Project Wilson!”

Hearing this, Albert immediately clenched his fist. He knew that the really important thing was coming, so he calmed down and continued to listen.

“Before this project started, I thought about it. Since I can’t wait for this moment, but I can’t let my life’s hard work be wasted. Anyway, mankind will end, why am I not the mankind now In terms of form, what about the birth of a new high-quality race? And when these new humans replaced humans as the controller of the world, wouldn’t I, the person who created them, become God? As long as this is possible, even if I die Enough.”

This is a madman who does everything to dream, even he has turned his own dream into a terrifying delusion. Wilson gritted his teeth, one of his hearts has sunk to the bottom.

“I mobilized a huge amount of manpower and restarted a project. This project was named after the lead researcher at the time. It was called the Wilson project.”

“In this experiment We have carefully selected hundreds of children born to parents with high IQ. Although these children cannot inherit the knowledge, logic and character of their parents. But in the talent, they have already led the ordinary person by a big step. I have I tried my best to turn these children into orphans, put them under Umbrella’s name, and changed their surnames to Wilson!”

At this moment, Albert Wilson The canthus was about to split, and the two eyes under the sunglasses immediately became blood red. His life experience has been torn apart bloody.

But Spencer doesn’t care about his feelings, he just silently tells everything that oneself planned, as if to explain the funeral.

“We control this group of children and instill in them the values ​​and ideas that belong to me. Then, I use Umbrella’s relationships and connections to place these children in every corner of the world The environment is arranged for them.”

“Of course, these children don’t know that oneself is being watched. But I hide in the dark to help them accept the best they can get in their environment. Good education. They are just seeds, and I have to look for the best seedling among these seeds. This wait is for several years.”

“A few years later, I found out that one of the children showed Human abilities, in order to stimulate his potential. I arranged for a little accident to send him to Umbrella’s training facility in Laken. At the same time, I named this Wilson child, Albert. That is the name of my child who died young.”

“This child not at all disappointed me, and what he did made me very satisfied. If there are other Wilsons similar to him, Then I will have a group of individuals of sufficient quality to build the cornerstone of the new human needs. Next, when Umbrella’s development of the T virus has reached the time when my second condition can be met. I chose to proceed with the plan “

“I injected a special virus into all Wilson within the body. This virus screen will select the more talented Wilson. Only the best Wilson can survive, and only He can represent the new humans I created.”

“Well, William, is William also the one you arranged?” Albert asked quickly. He had voluntarily injected the virus, but it was done at the instigation of his friend William Borkin. But now in Spencer’s mouth, it seems that he arranged all this. He must figure out what is going on in this matter.

Spencer lightly glanced at Albert, then used the cruelest reality with no difficulty to break all his psychological defenses.

“William was originally the undercover agent I arranged for Marcus. As for the virus he gave you, I told him to do so. However, William could not control his own ambitions, so unfortunately he could only be abandoned. .”

“So, everything about me happened under your control. Including, I came here to find you?”

Albert said fiercely. Hatred has burst out in his heart. As a proud and conceited person, when someone suddenly tells him that your life is under my direction and arrangement, he will inevitably have unimaginable hatred for this person. The reason why he was still patient, just wanted to see how Spencer told the story that’s all.

Spencer didn’t seem to see Albert’s anger, or he saw it but already didn’t notice it. He continued to tell.

“The development of things made me very dissatisfied because I found that Wilson seemed to have some other ideas. This made me have to start a backup plan to inform this Wilson of my existence. And he He did not disappoint me, he found this place.”

“My hard work finally bears fruit, although I have lost everything for him. Fame, status, and money. But for a dying person, you In terms of it, it doesn’t matter. Because my ideal was realized, and at the end of my life, he stood in front of me.”

“You actually know that oneself is going to die?” Albert left. Two steps forward, he fell down abruptly, he almost put his face in front of Spencer, and shouted word by word. “You played my whole life, and now I have finally found this place. You actually told me you are going to die?”

This is the first time in Albert’s life that he lost self-control like this. He had always thought he was perfect, and he couldn’t maintain his self in the face of the facts told by the old man. The hatred distorted his heart and gave him the desire to tear this guy to pieces with his own hands.

“Of course I’m going to die!” Spencer gave him a faint look, and the cold eyes even made Albert take two steps back. “What’s the difference between dying in your hands or dying in SHIELD’s hands. I have fulfilled my ideal. Death may not be a relief for me.”

“Freedom, you Still wanting to be free. You ruined everything about me, and now you actually told me that you are going to be free.” Albert was furious again, he yanked the old man up, and fiercely strangled his throat.

Spencer coughed, and he could see that Albert made him very painful. But his expression was still flat.

“Kill me, anyway, I have nothing, no desires and no desires. As long as you can live, it means my ideals come true. Albert, you must become the future Ruler , You must remember that I created you. In the future that you dominate, I am God.”

“The power to become a god is now mine.”

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