Open the trunk, watch Barbara Morse put the ingredients that oneself wants to buy into the trunk, then close the door amid the violent crash, sit in the passenger seat. Zhou Yi shrugged, drove back to the road.

He shouldn’t care what kind of mood the agents around him feel. At this level, both sides know that Zhou Yi is playing tricks on the female agents. But for both sides, this is already the slightest move. Zhou Yi is willing to use this kind of joke to resolve the relationship between the two parties, and the group behind the agent is naturally willing to accept this kind of good behavior. As for the female agent’s mood after being played, it does not matter under this major premise.

So the self-aware Agent Morse just submit to humiliation, waiting for the moment of being released from Zhou Yi. As for why she didn’t escape, she had been instructed by Commander Hill to follow the target’s requirements. Under this order, running away is naturally unnecessary.

Drive the female agent back to the place where she got in the car, Zhou Yi stopped the car. Facing Agent Barbara Morse, he made an inviting gesture.

“Well, Mrs. Agent, I think I can give you my freedom.”

Agent Morse opened the door and looked back at Zhou Yi.

“Mr. Zhou, there is no hostile relationship between us, maybe we have the probability of cooperation..”

Zhou Yi waved his hand directly and interrupted her Speak.

“I’m still saying that, find someone who can take the initiative to talk to me. Also, tell your boss, stop monitoring me, also my family. If they have something, I miss us There may be some bad relationships between them. After all, now only you know who I am!”

After saying this, Zhou Yi drove directly into his villa and watched slowly The closed wall gate, Agent Barbara Morse sighed, said with ears.

“Sir, I think you should have heard what he said.” As a professional-level agent, there is naturally not only one way to contact.

“I received it, Barbara, you can come back. I will contact the target separately.” Commander Hill’s voice came from the headset.

Barbara Morse received the order and replied with an understanding, and drove away from the place. As for the other agents around, they also evacuated as she left.

All this was seen by Zhou Yi. He kept watching until the agents had left for a long time and there was no sign of returning. Zhou Yi turned off the super vision and put the fresh ingredients in his hand. Into the vacant refrigerator.

The only problem is that in order to play on the female agent, I bought a little more this time.

Looking at the blue lobster and the lively fish and shrimp who are still facing oneself making threatening gestures. Zhou Yi snapped his fingers and thought of a good solution.

He first got through Clarice’s cellphone. At this time, she should have finished a day of class.

“Asshole Yi. You still think of me?” Clarice said angrily as soon as he got on the phone. Since she was caught last time, she has received a severe Penalty and was banned for a week. , And superpower is not allowed. Today, just a week has passed.

“Of course, my dear younger sister!” Zhou Yi tilted his head and clamped the cellphone, while rolling up his sleeves, wrapped oneself in an apron. “I always remember your time of punishment.”

“I knew you wouldn’t say anything good!” Clarice complained heartily. “Also what you want to say, just finish it!”

“Okay, Little Brat. Come back in the evening, we have not eaten together for a long time, I have cooked a little Chinese cuisine. Of course, if you want to, it’s okay to call your friends and let me know about it.”

“I really want to go back, but I’m worried that the teacher in the school is not willing.” There was a burst from the cellphone. It took a while for the girl to make a noise, and Clarice replied.

“If you are worried about this, I will invite the teacher in the school to go with you.” Zhou Yi, who had made up his mind a long time ago, said his own idea to his younger sister.

“Well, I knew it would be like this. If your ghost idea works, I will naturally have no problem.” Clarice complained slightly. Since knowing the relationship between Zhou Yi and Ororo, she has guessed that there will be such a day sooner or later, but Clarice, who has a good sense of Ororo, hasn’t made any extraordinary moves.

“Let’s do it, you can invite your own friends now. Let’s talk about something tonight.” After finishing the call with Clarice, Zhou Yi got through Ororo again.

“Hello?” Zhou Yi responded with a smile as he heard Ororo’s voice on the phone.

“My dear, I think we can have dinner together at my house in the evening?”

“Easy? Oh no! I don’t think we are so good. In fact, it is like this. Listen to me, I think we are progressing, how can I say, is it a bit too fast. You know, I must have drunk a little last time, also…”

Listening to Ororo’s incoherent response, Zhou Yi laughed.

“Hey, baby. Calm down, I just cracked a joke. It’s just a family dinner. I think you and Jean will come with Clarice and her friends. I have prepared some Chinese dishes. I want you to taste it, and thank you for taking care of Clarice.”

“Are you sure?” Ororo’s tone was full of doubts about Zhou Yi. After having known him for so long, she knew quite well. What kind of person is Zhou Yi. Like the famous Stark, he is a nasty guy,

“Of course, you can ask Clarice, I have already told her about inviting oneself friends.” Zhou Yi’s tone is very sincere.

“Well, if that’s the case. I will be there at night.” Ororo responded like this, and then added another sentence. “Are you sure you didn’t have any bad ideas?”

Zhou Yi didn’t know whether to cry or laugh by this sentence.

“Hey, my dear. Am I that bad?”

Ororo naturally recalled the various misconducts and tricks of Zhou Yi and Scott over the years, grinning Happy said with a smile.

“I think of bad luck’s Scott, also the way you played him in the fight last time.”

Also recalled the last time only one sound was used to complete the fatal Zhou Yi, who had broken the egg, also had a weird smile.

“All you know is Scott, okay, okay. Whatever you want, see you tonight, my dear.” Listening to the unbridled laughter from the other side, Zhou Yi shrugged hung up the phone. Then he called Jean Grey.

The phone rang for a while before being connected. There was Jean Grey’s peaceful and intellectual voice.

“Hello, I am Jean Grey?”

“I am Zhou Yi.” In response to Jean Grey, who was obviously very busy. Zhou Yi said with a smile. “I want to ask, the beautiful Jean, can I take a look at my family dinner?”

“Uh? I think you should invite Ororo more, right?” Jean Grey responded obviously hesitantly .

“It’s just a family dinner, not just you, I also invited Ororo and Clarice’s friends. Of course, if you want, I would love to be alone with you for dinner and so on.”

“You know, I’m very busy and I don’t necessarily have time.” Jean Grey evaded subconsciously. Since the last time she knew that Ororo was staying with Zhou Yi, she didn’t want to have a deeper contact with Zhou Yi.

“Is there an appointment with Scott? If it is, I will be sad, but I will not stop you.”

“Of course not, it’s just a work problem. You know, I have been very busy with things in the laboratory.” Jean Grey retorted subconsciously when he heard Zhou Yi’s words.

“Then, in that case, why not? I think the relationship between us shouldn’t be your rejection of me.”

Although I really want to talk about oneself and Zhou Yi Not at all What kind of relationship, but Jean Grey couldn’t say anything when the words came to his lips.

She is a person who desires passion but suppresses it. The unspeakable emotion with Zhou Yi made her scared and eager. On the one hand, Scott, a long-time lover and Ororo, a good sister, on the other hand, is a spiritually unspeakable temptation. This kind of betrayal and emotional thirst made her feel addicted.

Every time she wants to suppress it with reason, but every time she can’t succeed. Zhou Yi is like an ancient snake, always tempting her to eat the forbidden fruit. And this time is no exception.

“Well, I will go back.” Jean Grey said with a sigh. Then he hung up the phone.

After hearing the answer oneself wanted, Zhou Yi smiled with satisfaction. He and Stark are essentially the same person. The difference is that Stark is about to find his true destiny, and Zhou Yi is still too early.

So, he really likes this kind of hopelessly muddled feeling with beauty. Especially those beauties who were quite famous in his original memory, which made him even more pleasant to conquer.

Love may not be said. For these women who have a lot to do with oneself, the only things in his heart are appreciation and possessive desire. Only under the premise of having power, he can give more than those who only talk about love. For him, feelings can be divided.

The invitation has been sent, and Zhou Yi also began to prepare dinner.

Generally speaking, this kind of family banquet will be one or two days in advance if you invite others. One is to give the organizer the time to prepare, and the other is to not let the guests rush, so as to leave room.

But for people like Zhou Yi, this kind of thing can generally be ignored. Because the person invited basically has a deep relationship with oneself, and will not hurt feelings because of such small etiquette issues. On the other hand, there is a superpower that is hard for ordinary people to reach, when the ingredients are ready. Cooking is too simple.

Pour out the flour and add water. Under the control of Telekinesis, the absorption of moisture by the flour is guaranteed. Then countless hits and kneadings in one second, the flour turns into a chewy dough at an amazing speed, and then Zhou Yi’s precise division and slaps will turn into exactly the same noodles one after another.

This is the kung fu I have cultivated over the years, and it is the connection and practice of the deep control of the oneself super ability. Zhou Yi loves to eat, and naturally applies his ability to eating. In order to eat better, he naturally puts a lot of hard work on eating. What he sees is just one of the abilities he has cultivated over the years.

In a short while, the thick dough became three stacks of high dough. A stack of noodles is big and thick, it is used to make potstickers fried dumplings, a small and thin stack is used to make small dumplings, also a stack of normal size, thinner, is used to make steamed dumplings .

Three dumplings are the staple food Zhou Yi prepared for the family dinner tonight.

After making the dough, Zhou Yi picked up a kitchen knife and fished out the New Zealand crayfish in the water. This kind of crayfish tastes fresh and sweet, the meat is tender, and even has a gentle and delicate sweet fragrance. For Zhou Yi, this crayfish is a good choice for shrimp dumplings.

With one knife, the crayfish’s carapace was cut open from the back, and the shrimp thread was twisted out of the knife. Cut the prawns obliquely with the knife, while retaining the prawn brains. Finally, use the back of the knife to squeeze the knife, and directly crush the shrimp while retaining the shape of the shrimp.

Zhou Yi’s speed is very fast, the kitchen knife in his hand is so fast that people can’t see the shadow at all, and at this unscientific speed, only 5 pounds of crayfish are quickly killed.

After solving the lobster, Zhou Yi picked up the marbled A Grade premium beef. This type of beef is usually only a few months old veal, with tender meat and excellent taste. After cutting out part of the fat beef with a knife, Zhou Yi chopped it directly and mixed it with the shrimp.

Take the washed Sichuan bamboo shoots and cut them into finely chopped diced bamboo shoots. Stir them with the shrimp and fat beef. Sprinkle with ginger powder to remove the fishy. Add cooking wine, pepper, salt and Use a little olive oil and rub it with Telekinesis until it is firm.

At this level, the filling of the shrimp dumplings is basically the same, but because the shrimp dumplings are steamed in less than ten minutes, all Zhou Yi just put the shrimp fillings in the refrigerator. Made additional preparations.

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