Sun God Marvel

Chapter 181

(QQ group 233361711Strategic Scientific Reserve, the password is the Grand Admiral of the Red Sea. Everyone is welcome to join. Whether you have comments, ideas, or want to make friends, you are welcome here. We welcome every A friend who loves Marvel and welcomes everyone who has an idea about this book.)

“Hey, this is where I work. I need it to be bright. You’d better open for me a skylight . Anyway, the light must be good.” The empty cave is now full of busy silhouettes, and Tony directs these terrorists to place what oneself needs on the designated place. And also drastically changed the environment here.

He really didn’t expect this group of terrorists to have this energy, and even various test equipment can be obtained in just one night. Although they are ordinary and even incomplete goods. But being able to get this thing in this kind of ghost place is already a big ability.

Although all the things oneself needs have been obtained, Tony still tossed these terrorists with harboring malicious intentions. Nothing else, just to make oneself happy.

“Put this thing in the corner, right there. no no no, the missiles are piled aside for me, do you want me to blow it up when I do the experiment? Skylight and so on It’s better to go a little bit bigger when you open it up.”

Tony was tossing these terrorists hard, and Yinsen kept helping him translate his own needs. The bearded man listened to the side while instructing his subordinates. Even though Tony talked fast and messy, and often turned things upside down, the bearded group of men still had no complaints. Completing his instructions obediently and honestly.

So soon Tony lost interest. He wanted to see what these guys fluxered and exasperated looked like. Since he couldn’t achieve his own goal, he naturally chose to give up.

“Get me welding tools, either acetylene or propane. Also helmets, protective glasses, crucibles. How much energy can you get to come, forget it, let me come. I’ll get two cleaners here. Don’t give me these rags. You’ve given enough rags. I want more than standard.”

Bearded obediently and honestly wrote down what Tony needs. Something, when Tony closed his mouth, he asked worriedly.

“Is this enough? What else is needed? You’d better make it clear all at once.”

“When you get everything for me, I Those who need you are staying away from my laboratory. What a hell, there is not even a guy who has a degree in engineering among so many people!”

Listening to Yinsen’s translation, bearded face The meat on the top twitched. It was the first time that he heard people bury their terrorists with insufficient education. But thinking of what Tony could do, he endured this breath.

The terrorists acted very quickly. They fulfilled all the conditions Tony requested in just one morning. After putting down the two cleaning devices he specifically requested, the beard walked up to Tony and stared at him.

“You can start working, as long as you have completed what we want. We will give you freedom.”

Speaking, he stretched out his hand.

“He said he would give you freedom, but to be honest, I don’t believe what he said.” Yinsen said to Tony with a smile. And Tony responded with a smile on his face.

“I don’t believe it either!” With that said, Tony took the bearded hand and shook it solemnly twice.

The bearded face immediately showed a bright smile. He didn’t know what the two men said, but he had filled the conversation between them with own imagination and thoughts about the content. He is very satisfied.

Looking at the bearded man, he took the initiative to leave, and blocked the door from the outside. Yinsen rubbed his hands and asked.

“What shall we do now?”

“Do whatever you want, as long as you don’t stop! Don’t forget, aim at the shots above. As for me, I We need to see if the equipment that can help us escape is not complete.” Tony threw away and got into the middle of the pile of missiles.

He is a typical loner, especially in research and development. Many times, he likes to do it alone, or just rely on the mechanical equipment developed by oneself. This may be because he is too genius in this area. Ordinary scientific researchers will delay his progress even if he lays hands on him. So he has developed such a habit.

However, Yinsen obviously couldn’t accept Tony’s arrangement, especially if he was left alone at the surveillance camera above, it made him feel at a loss.

“Hey, Buddy, I have no idea what to do. Can you tell me how you usually work in the lab?”

Tony is thinking of a way to move Move a missile, although it is usually considered exercise. But it is still too much trouble for him to move this big guy with his own strength. So after hearing Yinsen’s call for help, he sighed.

“Forget it, I guess you don’t have this talent either. Come and help me and lift this thing to the table. If we go back, must remember to remind me that we must make things smaller. Forget it , I guess I won’t do this thing again.”

It took a long time for two people to lift the missile to the table. Tony put a bag of tools directly into Yinsen’s arms. I took out a screwdriver and started toss the missile in front of me.

His movements are very skillful, because he invented all the current high-end weapons of Steck, including the missile in front of him. Therefore, he knows the structure inside, and knows exactly which part of oneself needs, and what can be used to deceive this group of terrorists who are generally not educated.

Yinsen’s eyelids watched as Tony removed the bullet and threw it on the ground. A lot of seemingly complicated machines were taken out of the missile. Can’t help but ask curiously.

“What are you doing, don’t you really want to make something for them.”

“As you can see, I’m dismantling the missile, and find out what we can use from it. Things. As for things, things must be done, but I can guarantee that what I do is definitely not what they want. Or it is what they least want.”

Tony said while holding The upper is moving non-stop. After he used tweezers to take out a small part from a seemingly complicated machine, he threw the machine away, and raised the tweezers in his hand to Yinsen.

“This big lump is useless. Can you see it, this little thing is what we need.”

“What is this?” Yinsen looked at that Small things, smaller than chips, he couldn’t think of any use for them to escape.

“This is metal palladium, equivalent to 0.15 grams. We need 1.6 grams, so all the missiles inside have to be removed.”

“Are you sure?” Looking at the missiles stacked up to be much larger than a car, Yinsen showed a wry smile on his face.

“Of course, hurry up and move. We have to hurry! I really don’t want to stay in this ghost place any more!”

“You said, what are they doing. Me I don’t understand at all.” On the other side, the two terrorists staring at the monitor began to chat in Persian. Hearing this question from Brother Oneself, another terrorist said with a disdainful mouth.

“Idiot, if you could understand, would you stare at this here?”

“Then what should I do?” the questioner asked again.

“You can go to the base to build a bomb, idiot.”

“It sounds reasonable.”

The watcher was chatting and fighting idly. Fart, the monitored person is desperately rushing for time. Tony worked efficiently and quickly. Soon they got the 1.6 grams of palladium that oneself wanted, and with the help of Yinsen, the precious 1.6 grams of metallic palladium was shaped into the shape Tony wanted.

This is also the rare thing that Yinsen can be proud of except language. A pair of steady hands that he has trained in surgery for many years allows him not to waste even 0.1 grams of materials. Although until now, he still didn’t know what Tony wanted this thing for.

And soon, he knew. It seems that he has completed the idea in his mind. Tony’s hands have become more efficient than any other instrument in the world. Copper wires, circuits, frames, and everything are assembled around the 1.6 grams of palladium. At the end of the day, a finished product was finally born from Tony’s hands.

Bright blue radiance blooms from this small finished product, crystal clear and translucent, turning the originally crude device into a large blue gemstone, and it is the kind of oneself that will shine Types of. A cable extends from this small device and connects to the electronic equipment in the cave. Let these originally lifeless equipment operate immediately.

Looking at this charming little thing, Yinsen couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Wow, this is so beautiful, but I don’t think this is Jericho Missile!”

“Of course not, this is a miniature Ark reactor. You can understand it as a miniature A nuclear reactor without radiation. This problem has plagued Stark Industries for 30 years, and now, in this ghost place, I finally uncovered it.”

“What is its power generation?” Yinsen continued to ask Dao, it is hard for him to imagine that such a small thing would be a nuclear reactor, and he can’t even imagine what effect it can play.

“If I didn’t calculate it wrong, I would normally not calculate it wrong. It should be 3,000,000,000 joules per second, which is the power consumption of a large machine for 15 minutes. You know what I’m talking about. , It’s a big one!”

“I still don’t understand, what do you do with this thing? Do you provide free energy to these guys?”

“See me Alright, I have been fired by at least 15 guns and also bombed by anti-tank missiles. Although not directly bombing me. But the result is the same, safe and sound.” Tony said while using a knife on own arm Stroking hard.

The blade brushed his skin, blocked by a layer of fine metal particles carrying electric light. And Tony said to Yinsen who was dumbfounded.

“This is a product of a friend of mine, Nanominium clothing. With it I can be invulnerable, but I can’t do more. So I was thinking, if there is a bigger one, the equipment is more advanced , Armor with more complete weapons, can I break through from here. And to do this, the problem I want to solve most is.”

“Energy!” Yinsen answered for him, Tony He has already achieved this level, and he can’t guess that it is an IQ problem.

“Yes, that’s it. Let me show you what I finished last night!”

As Tony said, he took out a bunch of messy designs . Yinsen took a look, and had no idea other than feeling confused.

“What is this?”

“Wow, be careful, don’t break it!” Taking back the design from Yinsen’s rumbling over, Tony Put them on a backlit table. The design drawings of as thin as cicada wing are stacked together to finally form a complete whole, an Iron Man Armor that looks mighty and domineering.

At last, Yinsen couldn’t help but admire the true face of Lushan.

“Amazing, Tony. I can only say that you are such a genius!”

“I have always been, and you don’t need to confirm it again!”

Disrupting the design drawings, Tony started working again. To complete this big iron bump is not an easy task.

(Repeat it again, don’t bring the performance of the movie into the novel. Except for the timeline and part of the plot, this book is based on the movie, most of which follow the comics also. So. Please don’t think that oneself knows everything after watching a movie.)

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