Sun God Marvel

Chapter 191

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“Finally, I can only say one word. Goodbye, Tony.” This is the last word Obadiah said to Tony After saying this, he took out a syringe and injected something into Tony’s body.

This is a hallucinogenic drug that is deadly enough. It contains some drug ingredients, but it is more of a powerful adrenaline, which will make people’s adrenaline exceed the threshold and stimulate people. The blood flow within the body and the heartbeat frequency Infinity accelerate until Death. Obadiah used this to Tony in order to create the illusion of Tony overdose.

Everyone knows that Tony has been unhappy recently, so taking drugs and so on is also understandable. This can’t deceive everyone, but it can fool the media. And this is enough for Obadiah.

With the injection of this medicament, Tony’s face became sickly blush. Obadiah didn’t pay attention to him anymore, he went over Tony’s body and went directly into Tony’s underground laboratory. Because Tony had not had time to modify his identity, Jarvis could not stop him from moving forward, so he entered the center of the laboratory unimpeded.

There, Tony’s Iron Man Armor stood quietly on a stand. The cold armor couldn’t attract Obadiah’s attention, he had a unique aesthetic of oneself. What really attracted him was the miniature Ark reactor in the center of Iron Man Armor.

They began to propose the idea of ​​shrinking the Ark reactor 30 years ago, but until now, the group of scientists under Stark have not completed the subject. And Tony, this true genius, did this step with broken copper and broken iron in a cave. This has to make Obadiah amazed, God is always unfair.

Take down the miniature Ark reactor in the center and enjoy it carefully. Obadiah once again admired Tony’s genius. This reactor is no longer the sample made in the cave, but the finished product built by Tony using the best resources on hand after returning. The dazzling blue radiance is dazzling, holding it in your hand like holding a shining star. Looking at this thing, even Obadiah, who was extremely deep in the city, couldn’t help but grinned.

But he did not continue to be intoxicated because he knew oneself also important things to do. In the deal with Ten Rings, he acquired Tony’s Combat Armor technology. These days, relying on Stark’s internal scientific researchers, he has completed the manufacture of another Iron Man Suit, and what he lacks is a suitable energy source. This is why he came to Tony present at the right time.

Because of this coincidence, he heard Tony’s plan and also knew that Pepper had been searching the company for evidence of his illegality. So he must respond.

And the Iron Man Armor named Iron Monger by him is his best weapon to fight back. As long as this weapon is shown to the world, whether it is a board member or the government, there will not be any courage. And ideas to target him. Because what he holds in his hand is a weapon that can dominate the future battlefield.

At that time, Tony was definitely already not in. He mastered the core technology and didn’t worry that these people would make decisions that would not benefit him. This is the advantage of monopoly, because it can break some inherent theorems.

Getting what oneself wanted, Obadiah naturally did not stay here for long. He drove directly to the military factory under Stark’s name, where there was a basic model of Iron Monger. Without a heart, it can come alive.

And not long after he left, Tony was finally free from the paralyzed state. At this time, because of the strong hallucinogen influence, not only all of his physiological functions were seriously disturbed, but even his thinking and senses became blurred. As a result, he could not control his own body at all, and could only feel the increasing pressure from within the body.

He even began to worry that the increasing pressure would burst his heart. But even worrying about it is of no use, because he has no solution at all. The only thing he can do is to do his best to regain oneself’s control over the body. Even if it is only a little bit, there may be a glimmer of survival.

His blood vessels began to swell and twist gradually, and thick black veins emerged one by one from his body. His eyes are getting redder and red, and the thin bloodshots almost cover the whites of his eyes. This is an unimaginable pain, and in its current form, it is difficult for Tony to continue. But he was still working hard, still fighting desperately for time with death. The paranoid nature of his nature makes him have to do this, and waiting to die is never his style.

And miracles often occur in this situation. When Tony’s eyes could no longer bear the huge internal pressure and blood began to flow. Tony’s efforts finally came to fruition, he regained the strength control of oneself’s Avatar body. That is his right to speak.

In this case, even the ordinary person can speak. It does not necessarily have any purpose. But Tony is different, he has a smart steward. With his orders, Jarvis can do most of the things he asks.

“Jarvis, contact Zhou Yi, help!” Tony, who was under pressure, couldn’t elaborate more, but this was enough for Jarvis. In an instant, he contacted Zhou Yi and forwarded Tony’s request for help.

Almost while breathing, Zhou Yi appeared before his eyes.

Looking at Tony who was battered and exhausted, Zhou Yi stretched out his hand and healed his body. The divine power easily dispelled the abnormalities in your body, and Tony finally took a breath.

He lay on the ground, and oneself got up after a long gasp. Said to Zhou Yi.

“Thank you, Buddy. You saved me once.”

“Who did it?” Zhou Yi didn’t care about his thanks. They didn’t care about this thing. He cared more about who was targeting Tony. This was a real death. If he came here a while late, he might only see Tony’s body. He didn’t know if oneself could rescue Tony in that situation, and he didn’t have the idea to try it.

“It’s Obadiah, damn it. He actually killed my father. I will make him pay!” Thinking of Obadiah’s confession before, Tony said fiercely. At this moment, all his feelings for Obadiah had vanished, and the rest was probably only hatred.

“Where is Obadiah, do you know where he is?” Zhou Yi glanced around, but found no trace of Obadiah. Obadiah is obviously not in this neighborhood anymore.

“Damn it, he knew that Pepper went to search for his behind-the-scenes deal. I was worried that Pepper was dangerous and Obadiah would not let her go.” Speaking of Obadiah, Tony immediately thought of asking him to find evidence. Pepper. According to the current situation, if Pepper meets Obadiah, the most terrifying thing is likely to happen.

At this time, Obadiah is like a mad dog approaching a corner. He will bite everyone who might threaten him, including Pepper.

“You should contact Pepper and tell her what happened. Let him pay attention to avoid Obadiah. Also, Pepper, where is she? I will protect her.” Zhou Yi squinted, very Such a decision was quickly issued. Under his protection, Obadiah was absolutely impossible to harm Pepper, and even said that as long as he dared to show up, there was only a dead end.

But Tony disagreed, he grabbed his clothes and said to Zhou Yi.

“Listen, I don’t allow you to intervene. Obadiah is mine. He can only die on my hand. Except me, I don’t allow any of you to move his finger. I want Let him pay the price.”

“Are you serious? Tony.”

“I’ve never been so serious as I am now, Zhou Yi. He killed my father , And now he wants to kill me, no matter how you say it, he has to give the Stark family an account.” Tony. Stark’s eyes were terrifying. At this moment, all the family hatred was on him. He had to do it with Obadiah. Only in this way can the family hatred come to an end.

“Well, this is the hatred of the Stark family. I have no right to intervene. I will only protect Pepper from harm. As for the rest, it depends on how much you yourself can do!”

After Zhou Yi said these words, just like when he came, he suddenly disappeared in front of Tony Stark. Tony, on the other hand, resolutely turned and walked towards the own laboratory, where he would put on his Iron Man Suit and rush to the battlefield to have a final duel with Obadiah.

On the other side, Pepper also made an unexpected discovery. She easily obtained evidence that Obadiah did a behind-the-scenes transaction, and also saw his design sketches for his Iron Man Suit, to some extent , She already knew Obadiah’s biggest secret.

This kind of excitement of getting to know the secret made Pepper couldn’t help but speed up and want to escape from the building, but she was stopped by someone as soon as she walked to the door.

“Hello! Miss Potts, I used to make an appointment with you to meet today. Do you remember me?”

“What kind of national strategy and logistics are you? Yes, I remember your name, Coulson, right?”

“Phil. Coulson, we are now renamed SHIELD, do you have time now? Miss Potts.” Coulson asked with a smile, he saw It’s out of Pepper’s current panic, but it’s a good opportunity for him to get closer to Stark. Everyone knows that Pepper’s relationship with Tony Stark. Helping Pepper is actually a favor of selling Stark. There is no difference.

“Of course, Mr. Coulson, please come with me, we can have a good chat now.”

Pepper has thought of Coulson’s true identity at this time, an independent Organizations other than CIA, FBI. This means that it must have certain powers, such as arresting Obadiah.

Obadiah’s alleged behind-the-scenes transaction has violated United States law. He sold his arms to the forces of a hostile country. Based on this alone, government organizations have the right to arrest him. But Pepper was still a little worried, she looked at Coulson and asked.

“Agent Coulson, can you call more people?”

“Of course, but can I know what you want to do? Miss Potts?”


“Let’s arrest people. I have evidence that Obadiah is involved in a very serious illegal arms transaction. I think you should have the right to arrest him!”

“Of course, this We have every right to decide on these things!” Coulson laughed and gave an affirmative answer.

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