Sun God Marvel

Chapter 194

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Don’t look at Obadiah wailing like a defeated dog and think that Tony has the upper hand. Actually otherwise, Nanominium repair requires a huge amount of energy as support. This kind of energy consumption is a burden even for Tony’s latest model of Mini Ark Reactor, even more how is this old-fashioned reactor that is about to run out of energy.

So only Tony oneself knows how embarrassing oneself’s face behind the mask is now.

“Sir, the energy is only 8% left, I suggest that it is better to stop the repair work.” Jarvis’ timely reminder made Tony’s face even more ugly. He really didn’t expect the energy to be consumed so quickly, it was almost impossible to maintain it.

He is very worried that if this continues, Obadiah will see the weak spot, because he knows in his heart that once the energy is exhausted, Mark One is a harder walnut. As long as Obadiah has patience, with his Iron Monger, he can definitely peel off the shell of Mark One. At that time, he was completely lost.

And just when he was upset, Jarvis’ voice rang again.

“Sir, there is an external communication from Mr. Zhou Yi.”

“Come in, Jarvis.”

Jarvis completed it seriously Tony’s command, Zhou Yi’s voice soon appeared in his ears.

“Tony, you can’t go on like this anymore. You guys are already big enough.”

“What do you mean, Buddy!” Tony asked a little unhappy. The immediate predicament made his temper worse.

“Bring Obadiah to the sky and solve your grievances there. Here because you are already messed up enough, if you don’t want me to intervene, please go up and fight obediently and honestly!”

“Damn it, what if he can’t fly?”

“Then move your mind and take him to a place where there is no one. Do you want me to help you Throw all of you up?” Zhou Yi’s tone became worse. He never liked to put the finishing touches on for others, especially the unfinished ones.

Tony, who didn’t want Zhou Yi to intervene, gritted his teeth and shouted at Obadiah.

“Obadiah, don’t you think you are a powerhouse? How can this be all you can do? It’s ridiculous to the extreme.”

I was in a dilemma. Obadiah heard this mocking sound, and the circuit called sanity in his mind was immediately broken. He stared at Tony fiercely, and squeezed his hands firmly. This is reflected on the outside that Iron Monger is like a crazy giant beast, violently knocking on the ground in front of oneself.

The powerful force has caused not shallow potholes and densely packed cracks on the hard ground. This let Tony immediately know that the own radical general method has worked.

“If you are still a man, come to a real duel with me to end the grievances between you and Stark.”

|Let it go. In a word, Tony immediately rose into the sky. He was betting whether Obadiah would fly, and he was also betting whether he would catch up. In his heart, Obadiah is a proud person and a person who can bear it. So he was not sure that Obadiah would act according to his plan. But he still needs to take a gamble, because only if he has gambled can he hope to win.

In fact, Obadiah’s mind has become a little sober after venting for a while. Seeing the silhouette of Mark One getting smaller and smaller, he suddenly had the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to escape. As long as he can escape, with his energy it may not be impossible to continue to live. Even if the United States Government starts to want him, he can still rely on outside allies to continue his own life.

For a moment, he really wanted to implement this idea. For this reason he even began to find a way to escape. But before he took his own footsteps, a discovery made him put all his previous thoughts into water.

He saw Zhou Yi in a place where only he could see. Zhou Yi stood there, and his body was quickly covered with a layer of black armor. Seeing him change into another appearance, Obadiah dispelled all his previous ideas and thoughts.

In the face of absolute power, everything is just vain. This is the most powerful sentence of Obadiah of power supremacy. And now he had to taste the cruel reality in front of the most powerful force.

He knows what Dawn Knight means. It is a force capable of resisting natural disasters and can be called a mythical hero. In front of him, running away naturally becomes meaningless. He doesn’t believe that oneself can escape in front of Dawn Knight, especially when Dawn Knight is still Zhou Yi.

So at this moment, he has only one choice left. Obadiah, who was forced to make this choice, gritted his teeth and put all the unwillingness and hatred on Tony.

In his opinion, all of this is Tony’s fault. Even Zhou Yi blocked his escape route, and it was Tony’s backhand to force him to fight oneself. As for the reason, he could guess it, but it was just to avenge his father also he himself.

“Since you want revenge so much, come on. Tony, let me see your ability and see if you can beat me head-on.” Men are bloody, even more how. Obadiah is such a ruthless formidable person. With no hope of survival, he resolutely chose to fight. For him, it was a dead end anyway, not as spectacular as death and vigor.

With this thought, he roared and activated the Iron Monger boost system. The strong thrust made him gradually raised like a rocket, and he was chasing up Tony in the sky with extremely fast acceleration. As Tony had imagined, it would fly and fight Tony to the death in the sky.

“Sir, our enemy can fly. And is catching up at a very fast speed. Our distance is shrinking.”

Jarvis wants Tony to report on the current situation. Tony couldn’t help but sighed in relief. Because things finally developed according to his vision.

“How much is our distance also, and how much energy is left!”

“The distance is also 1400 meters, but this distance is rapidly decreasing. There is still a percent of energy left Six.”

After hearing Jarvis’ answer, Tony’s face showed a weird smile. Anyone who knows him knows that this is his usual smile before he started going crazy.

When the respect for Obadiah turns into a hatred to the bone, when all the truth is before him. Tony Stark has a realization that he must solve Obadiah Stane with his own hands, and put an end to everything for him and Stark’s family.

But everything in front of him is not enough for him to complete this enlightenment. Mark 1 with insufficient energy cannot defeat Iron Monger, and today, he has no chance even more. This made him feel depressed and irritable for a while, but soon his wisdom made him find a way, a crazy way.

However, although this method is crazy, it is already the method with the highest success rate in Tony’s eyes. He didn’t want to use the power of others, as long as he could kill Obadiah, he was willing to take the risk and bet with this crazy method.

“Jarvis, transfer all the energy to the booster and hand launcher.”

“Sir, I must remind you that this is 161,000 meters high in the sky . Doing this you will quickly use up all the energy and fall.”

“Do as I say, Jarvis. I know what oneself is doing!”

As an intelligent system, Jarvis has no right to oppose Tony. He had to follow Tony’s orders. Soon, all the energy of Mark One was mobilized. At this moment, Tony turned around resolutely, raising his hands and rushing downward. He wants to have a meet force with force collision in the air with Obadiah’s Iron Monger.

“Is this what you want, Tony. Very good, then I will give you this!” Obadiah apparently also found Tony’s intentions, and this was just what he wanted. For him, he was dead anyway. If he could take Tony this genius before he died, Zhou Yi, who was a friend, would not be comfortable.

Thinking of this, he immediately increased the power of oneself’s propulsion, and rushed straight up against Tony’s Mark One.

Under the crazy acceleration of two people, 1400 meters is only a short distance away. And just when the two bodies made of steel touched. Tony yelled suddenly.

“It’s now, Jarvis.”

All the remaining energy is instantly supplied to the high-energy beam emitting device of the hand, and the high-energy beam with far more power than normal is used at this moment. Unexpected effect. It was like a sharp arrow, tearing open the shell of Iron Monger. Although after tearing open the shell, the high-energy beam disappeared completely because of subsequent weakness. But for Tony, it was enough.

Because next, his own impact is the most fatal blow.

“no!” In Obadiah’s final roar, Mark One ran into Iron Monger’s broken body at a speed exceeding the speed of sound along the crack torn by the high-energy beam. The terrifying kinetic energy created by the strong impact completely distorted Iron Monger’s body in an instant. It became a pile of unrecognizable air trash.

The Obadiah who is in it is naturally impossible to survive. This is a clear answer from the blood seeping through the countless twisted metals.

Obadiah is completely finished, but for Tony. He was also uncomfortable, the violent impact was beyond his imagination and beyond the tolerance of Mark One. As I said before, Nanominium has an upper limit, and it is obvious. This impact almost exceeded its upper limit.

Large pieces of metal particles peeled off Mark One like dust. Inside the exposed armor, you can even see the outer skeleton structure that has been distorted. Mark 1 was so miserable, Tony wouldn’t be any better.

His arm has been completely distorted, and there are many deformities on his body. The most critical problem is that he is in a coma. And he was in a coma at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters. The Mark 1’s energy has been completely exhausted, and even if some energy remains, the current state of the Mark 1 cannot guarantee a safe landing.

Tony was in a huge crisis unconsciously. He started a free fall on ten thousand meters. Seeing him getting closer and closer to the ground, bystanders finally couldn’t stand by without arms.

A silhouette appeared in the air and caught Tony who was falling. He glanced at the remains of Iron Monger, who was also falling, and his eyes immediately exploded with bright rays. The heat rays, much more terrifying than Tony’s high-energy beam, completely turned the remains of Iron Monger into ashes in an instant.

Zhou Yi doesn’t want this thing to fall into the hands of the interested, so destroying it on the spot is the best choice.

After finishing all this, Zhou Yi took Tony and disappeared into the air. As a friend, you can’t die in any way. So Tony this guy really annoyed him.

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