“At the time, I was still thinking, so a big kitchen knife, are you sure you didn’t play me, Buddy.” Zhou Yi, sitting at the main seat of the table, gestured with a wine glass , While making a weird face to several Young Lady.

“didn’t expect that Chinese chef really used such a big guy to cut out all the bones of a whole chicken, and then the chef told me in bad English, see, It’s not as difficult as you think.”

“And then?” Unlike some students who gobbled up, Ororo responded to Zhou Yi’s topic with restraint, while fiddling with his knife and fork carefully, trying to get out of the chicken soup It’s not easy to make dumplings with knives and forks.

“Then I told him, Buddy, can you give me a day to practice. That guy agreed.”

“Half a day, you succeeded?” Jean Grey, who has been conquered by Zhou Yi’s Chinese cuisine, clearly stands on Zhou Yi’s position. In his opinion, Zhou Yi, a skill comparable to a chef, can definitely complete this impossible challenge. The young girls and boys in the surrounding circle obviously also have this attitude. In their eyes, Zhou Yi’s form may not be taller. “

Of course not!” Zhou Yi sighed strangely.

“I asked him to bring two turkeys as fast as possible, and then I found the chef and asked him, Buddy, I have no idea about this thing. Can you demonstrate it again? ?”

“Oh. Bad luck Mr. Chef, one more guy was knocked down by you with Mr. Franklin.” Clarice held the big fried dumplings in his mouth, seriously tsukkomi his own big brother.

“Thank you for your compliment, my dear younger sister. I hope you can get the experience of your big brother. Mr. Franklin is the most popular gentleman in the world, and a Mr. Franklin can stand it Twenty Lincolns, or 100 Washingtons. So take him with you, and you’re sure you are right.” Talking to the younger sister, this kind of thing is too easy for Zhou Yi.

Clarice, who generally can’t have the upper hand in this kind of bickering, wisely stopped this behavior and instead focused on food.

As a good female friend of Clarice, Kitty squeezed shrimp dumplings into her mouth while squeezing out a little space and murmured to Clarice.


For tsukkomi, a good female friend, Clarice, who has stretched his wicked hands to the big lobster, chose to express his dissatisfaction with his eyes, and then remember this It’s on the account and will be calculated later.

Everyone talked happily while enjoying Zhou Yi’s Chinese cuisine. For both parties, this was a dinner for both the host and the guest. After dinner, because Clarice and the others will have class tomorrow, and Ororo and the others did not agree with the students returning late, the guests had to ask the host to resign.

Although Zhou Yi really wanted to keep Ororo behind, in front of Clarice and Jean Grey, he was not stupid enough to say such psychological words. So he could only smile and watch the two big beauties leave with a group of children, while silently giving Ororo a regretfully look. Ororo naturally noticed the look, but she just rolled her eyes back with a smile, and then drove away directly.

Jean Grey, who was stimulated by Zhou Yi’s behavior, drove the car out of Zhou Yi’s manor house early. For a time, only Zhou Yi was left in a large manor house, which made Zhou Yi feel extremely uncomfortable. Especially after seeing the mess on the dining table, he felt more and more empty and lonely.

However, it may be more uncomfortable with hard work. Maybe a steward and a few servants should really be found. Thinking of the servants with attendants crowding round in the Osborn Family Mansion that he had seen before, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but think of this kind of thought, but he quickly dismissed the attention. The servants in the Osborn Family have served the Osborn Family for several generations. They don’t care about their loyalty and so on, and they can keep the secrets of their masters 100%. But Zhou Yi does not have such talent resources.

Not only him, even guys like Stark don’t have such manpower. After all, this thing relies on the heritage of a family, but it is a pity that neither Stark nor Zhou Yi has it. Therefore, Zhou Yi can only give up this idea, because there is really no way. The secrets in this manor villa are not accessible to ordinary people.

For the reality that oneself doesn’t even have a helper, Zhou Yi pinched the bridge of his nose, poured a glass of wine for oneself, and lay down directly on the sofa. Then he fumbled and took out a flat black framed eye from the coffee table next to him, and put it on the bridge of his own nose.

This is a tool for communicating with Medusa, and the only way to contact Medusa without entering the basement. Zhou Yi, who didn’t want to move at all, contacted Medusa softly and began to search the database. As for the mess on the table, he had already completely ignored it.

“Medusa, search data, Adamantium!”

“Dr. Myron MacLain was invited by the United States Government to develop a super alloy in the early 1940s, according to Mr. Stark The information provided shows that the main components of this alloy are outer space metal elements named Vibranium and Adamantium. The currently known finished product is the shield of Captain America Steve Rogers. The material of this shield is the hardest metal known. And It can absorb free kinetic energy, thereby increasing its hardness. Unfortunately, this production formula called original Adamantium has been lost, even Dr. Myron MacLain, as the producer, has not replicated successfully.”

“After that, Dr. Myron MacLain attempted to copy the original Adamantium, but due to the scarcity of Vibranium and other factors, he did not complete this plan at all. Instead, he created another Adamantium, which is mainly composed of Adamantium. The degree of hardness cannot be measured. According to Mr. Stark’s experimental records, this alloy can only be shaped at 1500 degrees Celsius for the first time. After that, even if the temperature is heated to 500000 degrees Celsius, it cannot be changed. According to experiments, this alloy Only the molecular rearrangement device can be used for secondary processing. Since then, due to military interference, this metal was officially named Adamantium and was kept in the record.”

“The main constituent material of Adamantium is Adamantium, carbon, titanium, and iron can be copied according to our production conditions, but the main materials are currently lacking. At the same time, according to Mr. Stark’s subsidiary materials, this alloy formula is a military secret, please use it with caution “

“Medusa, can you buy Adamantium?”

“Adamantium is mainly distributed in Africa, and most of them are carried by meteorites to Earth. The currently recorded Adamantium belongs to military supplies. , Cannot be acquired on the market.” Medusa’s answer was simple and quick, but her answer was not what Zhou Yi wanted.

Adamantium, Zhou Yi has seen it. In Tony Stark, there is an Adamantium dagger left by his father Howard Stark. It is said that it was originally intended for Captain America self-protection. However, they were skilled and chose a shield as a weapon, so this object was left as a memorial by the old Stark. Zhou Yi thought of searching for this thing because Adamantium weapons are rare things in this world that can hurt him.

But when he had deep contact with Jean Grey today, it suddenly made him think of a future rival in love. Unlike the quirky Scott, this future love rival is full of Adamantium, a guy who can cause harm to oneself. In this regard, he is much better than Scott. Although Zhou Yi doesn’t think this upcoming guy will pose any threat to oneself, this threat comes in various senses.

But if he does not threaten, it does not mean that others are not threatened, such as the famous mental illness. Teleportation plus Adamantium Katana, even Zhou Yi’s superhero, which can be called the top abilities, will have a feeling of fear. Zhou Yi’s super neural response may be able to capture the location of the guy’s teleportation, but this may be full of uncertainty. If you make a mistake and get slashed by Adamantium, it is not fun.

So, Zhou Yi has to be certain that the mental illness with broken mouth is too troublesome. In order to deal with his abilities, the best way is to wear Adamantium Armor, but this method is troublesome and wasteful. After all, the investment in Nanominium is not small. Even if it is just a toy, Zhou Yi does not want to give up this technology.

The second method is to come up with a handy weapon. Although the mental illness is a Grandmaster Rank figure who is proficient in katana, Zhou Yi does not think that his own weapon skills are worse than him. With an Adamantium weapon in hand, he will not fall into a passive position in the confrontation. But here comes the crux of the problem. Adamantium is really hard to find.

Zhou Yi contacted several large scientific research institutions and wanted to obtain some Adamantium from them, but the response they received was disappointing. The military’s control over this is not so strict, so that his contacts will not get this thing for a while. Squeezing his knuckles irritably, Zhou Yi contacted Tony Stark to see if this good friend of the owner could get oneself some Adamantium based on his position in the military.

Soon, the call was made, but Jarvis answered it. Looking at the time, at 9:40, Zhou Yi didn’t believe Tony would take a break so early, so he asked straight to the point.

“Jarvis, where is Tony, I have an urgent matter to contact him.”

“Mr. Stark went to a banquet held by Universal, according to his schedule. I will discuss investment and female protagonist candidates with a director. As some personal issues are involved. He shut down the cellphone and prohibits all contact transfers. Mr. Zhou Yi, if necessary, I can contact Mr. Hogan for you, Let him contact Mr. Stark for you.”

As soon as he heard this, Zhou Yi instantly felt a female lead migration. What about negotiating investment with a female protagonist? Which attractive female celebrity succumbed and then carried out some in-depth discussions. Zhou Yi can only silently criticize Tony Stark’s behavior in his heart. The reason for the criticism on the surface is Tony’s private life. In fact, there is such a good thing that he did not call him. How did you become a friend? But for sure, it’s useless to say anything now. So Zhou Yi could only reply.

“Forget it, Jarvis. Give Tony a message for me. When he comes back, tell him I want to get some Adamantium to make some small objects. This thing is controlled by the military too tightly. Nothing. Ask him if he can get some for me. That’s it!”

“Okay, Mr. Zhou Yi, I will convey it for you. I wish you a happy life and goodbye!”

“Happy life?” Zhou Yi raised his glass.

“In this dangerous world, it is not easy to live a happy life!” After speaking, he drank.

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