Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2239

The curse is tight into the flesh to take root, and it not only traps the flesh, but also binds the soul. At the same time, it is not only no stronghold one cannot overcome, but also indestructible. Imagine that a guy like a monkey can’t bear the attack of the curse, and has tried every means to remove such a small headband. This is enough to prove these two characteristics.

The Monkey’s Indestructible Vajra Body is real, and it is not comparable to a beginner like Strange. In the same way, Alexia is naturally more impossible when there is no similar method in this regard. Although her biological evolution method has potential to be tapped, in the final analysis, before the transformation into a system, it can’t compare with the two. Therefore, it was inevitable that when the Curse of the Tight Hood fell on her, she was unable to resist.

The dazzling golden aperture bound her tightly from the middle of Alexia, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn’t break oneself out of it. At the same time, a force of also acted on the body of this curse, causing it to pull Alexia directly into the interior of Earth.

This is a very violent process, because falling without any protection will only make Alexia rubbed down from the atmosphere like a meteor. Although his broken body does not mean that he could not bear such a small twist, in the end, it would not be a pleasant experience. Especially, this is just an appetizer.

The curse that seemed to have taken off the brakes actually led Alexia to accelerate. From the height of hundreds of thousands down, coupled with the influence of Earth’s own gravity, the speed will only get faster and faster. And when the end point is the horizon, the kinetic energy accumulated by this series of movements will inevitably be released in an instant. There are only two directions, one is Earth’s long and thick floor block that has gone through countless years. And the other nature is Alexia itself.

No one would think that Alexia could be harder than the earth of a planet. Even Alexia oneself would not think so. So it is obvious who will be the victim of this series of actions. Naturally, it is Alexia. And for such a result, she will certainly resist.

Struggle, resist. All efforts are in vain. Facing the shackles of the hoops, even in her heyday, she was not easy to break free, let alone the current situation of five labors and seven injuries. Therefore, the end result can only be that she falls on the surface like a meteor.

The release of huge kinetic energy made the entire earthquake tremble, like an earthquake burst, but also caused her to receive an unbearable blow once again.

The heavy blow this time caused her to feel a little slack. Although it is said that she will never die because of God’s power. But this feeling of lingering on the edge of dying is real.

She has difficulty getting up for a while, let alone trying to break free from oneself’s shackles. In the face of her current this situation, Frank and the others, who have already plotted everything against and laid out a whole set of plans, will not stop so easily.

The tall silhouette suddenly flashed from the flying dust, holding the Fudo Myoshi Dharma body that looked like a giant iron pillar at this time and gave Alexia a huge surprise.

His majestic and terrifying face first showed a playful expression, and then, the mockery from Strange was clear to Alexia’s ears.

“Is it a pleasant surprise, bitch! I’ve been waiting here for a long time!”

As soon as he finished speaking, it was Ruthless’s hands Everyone. And after he didn’t know what components were used, the whole thick giant device, which looked like a big iron block, immediately resembled a blooming flower. A square-shaped shell was separated from the outer top, and then the neat and dense inside was revealed. It’s like Hive’s general pipeline.

The bright blue radiance began to surge in the depths of these pipes, and with this radiance one after another, it became more and more intense. one after another orange light beams emerged in a flash, instantly like a pouring rain, and shot past Alexia’s position.

Linked electromagnetic machine gun. This is the name Frank gave to this special custom weapon. On the surface, this is a large iron lump. In fact, it is based on electromagnetic weapons and is a special weapon specially developed for the huge monster of Strange’s Dharmakaya.

To put it simply, it is a handheld electromagnetic orbital Gatling. Of course, this one hundred percent is a special case that is beyond the norm. After all, such weapons simply cannot be used by ordinary people. Even if it can be used as a secondary gun on the Prometheus, of course it is not universal.

That is, the Three Heads Six Arms of Fudo Mingwang Fashen, with a height of several hundred meters, can be so easily used as an individual weapon. Of course, to some extent, once this kind of weapon becomes an individual weapon, its destructive power will not be under certain divine tools.

Just like now, the orange radiance in the sky turns into a beam of hiding the sky and covering the earth, shooting towards a target. It is really like a mountain opening a mountain and a stone passing through a stone. The whole land was shuddered and cracked by the impact of this continuous rainstorm, and a deep enough and huge tunnel was almost formed in the blink of an eye.

In it, Alexia, who had endured it all, was even more bruised and bruised, and his whole person was almost torn apart.

It is never a problem to use all split up and in pieces to describe her current situation. It can be said that if it weren’t for the gold-like divinity that adhered to her body like a glue, so that her body would not be completely broken, then what Strange saw now was a pile of minced meat. That’s right.

And it is precisely because of divinity, this powerful force that Alexia has not been completely defeated. She still retains her sanity, even saying that because of the critical situation at the moment, her sanity has been stimulated to the limit.

She is already aware of oneself’s problem at the moment. Out of self-confidence and recklessness, she plunged into a trap specially prepared for her, which directly led to the dilemma she is facing now. .

Very stupid behavior. This is her evaluation of oneself. But there is a question, that is, how can the other party be so good, and calculate each step that oneself needs to do?

She had a feeling of being led by her nose, and she recalled the reason why oneself made up her mind hastily in the first place. She was shocked immediately and questioned Strange.

“Those guys are with you? When did you start plotting against all of this?”

At this moment, because of her broken body, her voice has long ceased The original sweetness. It can be said that it is like an old owl’s voice, making her feel like have one’s hair stand on end when she speaks.

Of course, Strange doesn’t care about this change in voice. He just put down the weapon that was a little damaged by overheating, and then trampled on Alexia.

Alexia is unable to dodge, she can’t even do a roll at the moment. For this reason, she could only be stomped on by Strange, relying on a divine force to support his almost insulting blow.

And Strange continued to compete with her so much. He could feel that, compared with the strength of at first, Alexia at this moment was already weakened to a certain limit. And in line with the idea of ​​taking advantage of his illness to kill him, he wouldn’t give her a chance to breathe out of sympathy or fairness.

Justice and fairness, that is special treatment for certain people, and she is not worthy.

He didn’t care at all about the hardest blow to her when he was weakest. Whether it’s physical or spiritual. Therefore, while slowly exerting force on his feet, he began to mock her at the same time.

“When did you start? This is really an interesting question. Where does your confidence come from? What you do will not lead to betrayal by others?”

“I gave them a second life, their life and death are between my thoughts! Without me, they are just a pile of dead bones. And without me, they only have dead end!”

Alexia retorted in a stern voice, this was not just a retort to Strange. It is also a warning to those who betrayed. She had to let those guys understand, no matter what the situation, whether she was like a dog in the water. Their lives are in the hands of oneself.

If she wants to, they will die. And betraying her under this premise is definitely the most wrong thing. The implication is that it may not be too late to regret. At the moment that oneself is trapped in a tight joint, she really hopes to see a backstab from a teammate appear on Strange.

Unfortunately, not everyone is so stupid. So that the two ends of the first mouse reach such a point. Smart people know that it’s best not to hesitate to make a choice. Even if you say a thing to the death, it’s better than choosing to betray at a critical time.

That is self-destruction in the true sense. It is a choice to put oneself on the opposite side of everyone. From ancient times to the present, no such betrayer can get any good fate.

Although Alexander is an out-and-out ancient man, who told him to have an assistant who talks about ancient times? Coupled with the temper of Alexander proud and arrogant, it is impossible to do something similar to betrayal. So at this time, he had already retorted to Alexia.

“My Goddess, you seem to have made a mistake. That is that you are holding our lives and deaths, and you can’t keep us obedient to you. Even saying that because of this, we are more I need to rebel against you. Because, no matter who it is, no matter who it is, no matter if it is a king like me or down to every ordinary citizen. Who of us will not be willing to let the so-called gods control our lives and deaths! You have committed A taboo that shouldn’t be committed, so this is the end you deserve.”

It’s not surprising that Alexander is here. Because he wants to get the truth about Alexia’s ending immediately. Success, so of course everyone is happy. And if there are twists and turns that are not planned, he can also immediately let his occultists give the greatest assistance.

Speaking of resistance, he still hopes to be able to contribute himself. It’s like the kind of thing that just made an idea and left everything to fate to decide. He didn’t want to, and couldn’t do it.

“Alexander, you despicable dog, you dare to appear in front of me!”

When I heard Alexander’s voice, even if I didn’t see him, It was enough to make Alexia burst out of the strongest hatred.

She knows one thing very well, that is, this kind of trap that is closely linked with one another, almost every step will plot him against, which is by no means what most people can think of. Only the kind of people who play with this method all the year round can do this kind of thing so concealed and so silently. And considering the identities of the opponents, there is no doubt that Alexander, who is known as invincible on the battlefield, is the most likely character.

She resurrected Alexander and promoted Alexander to where he is today. Then she received such betrayal and treatment, which really made her feel like digging her own grave.

Of course, she will never attribute all the reasons to own. So Alexander is the only way for her to vent. As far as the feeling at the moment is concerned, she has the mind to eat her flesh. Only limited by the predicament at the moment, she can only bite this malicious in that’s all.

This does not mean that she has given up fighting. In fact, her struggle has never stopped. This can be seen from the reactions of the occultists who control the curse.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, groups of occultists formed an array, working side by side to remotely control the divine tool through magic. Obviously, they did what they did to Alexia before. It is precisely because of their help that Tighten Curse can exert such formidable power.

The ancient goddess sorcerer, even if it is not comparable to a character like God or Strange, it will definitely not be worse. And when they fought for the life of their own, as it should be, they should also create a little miracle.

God, of course, was the role of Supreme in their era. But don’t forget, along with the spread of God’s great story, there is still the myth of killing God.

God is also going to die. The key is whether you have the ability to do it, and whether you are willing to do that’s all.

They have reasons, and they are not lacking in ability. So they have also become part of this series of plans. As for how the plan is going, for now, the situation is still moving towards the direction they expected.

They have suppressed Alexia now, although only temporarily. Alexia’s resistance is always acting on them, and they have obviously felt the difficulty. However, there is still some time left to buy.

These time is enough for Strange and the others to make a decision, that is, what method should be used to really kill her, a god who controls Death.

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