Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2247

Maria’s condition is getting worse. This can be seen from her performance. If she was able to maintain a more sober sane before, then she is already starting to talk nonsense.

The names of Tony and Frank continued to pop up from her mouth. It was obvious that he was by her side, but Maria acted like she was crying if she lost him. This is similar to the situation of reunion It only made him feel flustered.

He desperately needs help now, but he doesn’t dare to ask for modern medicine anymore. Because facts have proved that modern medicine will not help him. The limited level and complicated procedures will only drag down Maria’s body and make him lose her. He had to find another way, and there were only two options before him, the implantation of the Nano Guard and the power of turning to the mysterious side.

In theory, Nanoguard is the most convenient way. For cell-level cleaning, theoretically, it can kill all viruses.

However, Frank must have such concerns. That is, considering the methods Alexia once demonstrated in Europe, he has to worry that similar things will appear on oneself mother. And if Maria turned into such a distorted and terrifying monster because of the random use of the Nanoguard, he would be even more unable to forgive the fault of own.

This is something that needs careful verification, and he doesn’t have the time to verify it. Even more how, with Alexia’s usual very ruthless temperament, this must be an inevitable thing. Therefore, without much consideration, this plan has already been passed.

Only two options are lost and one is passed, so turning to mysterious power is his only hope.

In this regard, he is not an idiot who knows nothing but trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis. He knows very well that the people who can help oneself in this regard are very Is limited.

If Ancient One sorcerer was still alive, she might be considered one. After all, she has countless knowledge of spells, and at the same time possesses great magical power to a certain level, there is really no reason why she can’t deal with a small virus. However, she was dead.

As for Strange, although he is the successor of Ancient One sorcerer, he lacks so much heat.

Frank knows Strange level. If we can give Strange ten years or 20 years of development time, he may indeed be called a qualified Paragon sorcerer, and there is no doubt that he has the ability to help oneself. But unfortunately, neither he nor oneself have this time. Therefore, Frank does not think about this, he can only target another person.

His another cheap Teacher, who just worshipped Guanshiyin Bodhisattva who went to the entrance.

Avalokitesvara has the title of great mercy and relief. Regardless of how much water there is in this title, it is certain that she does have the ability to treat diseases like this.

There is a record in Kamar-Taj’s classics that there is a willow branch in the Clean Jade Bottle in Guanshiyin’s hand, and the nectar formed on it has the power of life and death. If all this is true, then as long as Avalokitesvara is willing to take action, the own mother may also hope to survive.

He realized this and set off immediately without further ado. And when he just opened the Teleportation Portal, a silhouette has already come out of the Teleportation Portal.

The person here is not someone else, but the Guanyin he was still muttering in his heart. Looking at the white clothes lightly, the graceful Guan Shiyin walked in front of the owner. Frank no longer hesitated, so he bowed to her.

“Bodhisattva! Please save my mother!”

After all, there is a Master’s name hanging on his body, even if Guanshiyin’s trip is not for this purpose, in Frank She couldn’t remain indifferent under the pleading of.

Yang Zhi’s nectar is very precious, even with her mana nurturing, it only takes a hundred years to form a drop. But this did not constitute a reason for her not to give Frank.

Whether Frank is worshipping her Sect’s Disciples, this kind of introductory dísciple’s request is still to be satisfied. Moreover, even if she doesn’t think about it from this aspect, from not for the monk’s sake, but for the Buddha’s, considering the relationship between Zhou Shang and him, she has reason to pay such a price.

I didn’t say much, took out the willow branches covered with nectar and swept at Maria. Yangzhi Ganlu, which is known to be able to live and die, has already been integrated into Maria’s body.

In theory, this should be very effective. However, Frank only saw that the oneself mother’s face was slightly flushed, and then it seemed to change from cloudy to sunny in an instant, pale again.

Such a situation can only be said to be slightly alleviated, and it is not even a symptom. Facing this kind of weird thing, Frank also trembled in his heart, and immediately asked Guan Shiyin.

“Bodhisattva, my mother? What the hell is going on?”

Avalokitesvara is also at a loss, this kind of thing can be regarded as the only thing she has seen in her life. But after taking a closer look at Maria’s situation, she already had the answer.

“Before the Ability God died, he turned himself into a grievance, and the remaining divine force changed as a result, engulfing the poisonous resentment into her own disease, the changes were absolutely thousands of them , The wickedness is unusual, it is beyond ordinary means to solve…This is what I can do!”

The monks don’t talk about it, and there is nothing to cover up even more how. Guan Shiyin admitted that oneself was powerless, so I am afraid it was really powerless. Faced with her frankness, Frank was extremely unacceptable.

“This…how is this possible? Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva! You possess great magical power, and there is life power back to life. Please, must save my mother! dísciple Please, please Now!”

He was already losing one’s head out of fear to the extreme, so much so that he voluntarily abandoned his dignity at this moment and bowed to Guanyin again and again.

It was a complete bow. The ground was cracked by him, and blood was knocked out on his forehead. In terms of filial piety alone, Frank must be impeccable. And it was because he witnessed his filial piety that Guan Shiyin said with more regret.

“Don’t do more of this useless act, Frank, I really can’t do anything. To save your mother, do you need a god who is more brilliant than the Ability God to take action? . And the Ability God and I are only almost on par, and the means to dispel her dying fight is beyond the power…You shouldn’t beg me, and I can’t help you!”

“Bodhisattva!” Seeing Avalokitesvara made a silent wood-carving clay sculpture in front of his own face, Frank was panic-stricken in his heart.

He knows the teachings of Buddhism, and obedience is one of the core thoughts. What is the cycle of hell in this life and the afterlife? To put it bluntly, don’t think about resisting things that you cannot resist. Even if you have the ability to resist, you must learn to obey, persevere, and resign. No desires, no love, no thoughts and no thoughts, just treat this as a kind of cultivation. And when your cultivation arrives, you will naturally be blessed.

Frank can’t accept this kind of thinking, because he thinks it is simply an escape. Escape from the responsibilities that you were born with as a human being, and escape everything you carry in your life. And the most ridiculous thing is that after making this kind of escape, those who escaped actually want so-called blessings. Reward? What is blessing? Waiting for the pie to fall in your mouth?

Oneself doesn’t want the blessings obtained by personal struggle, but thinks about the beauty of the pie in the sky. This doctrine is sad and stupid no matter how you look at it.

Frank doesn’t want to be as insensitive as Guan Shiyin, he is also impossible to sit and wait for the most terrifying thing in his heart to be staged in front of own. So he immediately gritted his teeth and said to Guan Shiyin.

“Since the Bodhisattva can’t help me, then I will ask other people. True Martial emperor, your Celestial Emperor, there is always someone who can help me, there is always someone who can save me Mother’s!”

“Wait, Frank.”

A word called Frank, but Guan Shiyin moved directly, blocking his Teleportation Portal.

“Whether it is Yang Jian or Celestial Emperor, I won’t and cannot ignore you at this moment. So, stop here.”

With that said, Frank felt cold in his heart, and his whole body shuddered even more. This is tantamount to extinguishing all his hopes, and he never expected such a situation to happen anyway. He couldn’t accept it at all, so immediately, he hissed and questioned.


“You should know the reason for this.”

I gave Frank a very indifferent look, and Guanyin The answer is already very clear.

“This is naturally the price you need to pay after borrowing the power from me.”

The price? When Frank heard this, he startedled in his heart, and he was already a bit speechless.

Of course he knows what the price Guan Shiyin is talking about? That’s exactly the each step plan he had set up to deal with Alexia.

The key to his series of plans for Alexia is neither Strange, who is the forward, nor Alexander, who lures her into the pit, or even oneself who acts as an off-court aid. It was Yang Jian who played a decisive role in it, and Zhou Yi who prevented Smith Zhou from interfering outside the field.

If the efforts of their entire group are only used to eliminate Alexia, they have achieved four successes, then Yang Jian and Zhou Yi have undoubtedly played 60% or more in this operation. The key person of function.

Of course, anyway, these people are just part of his plan. They are all equivalent to his chess pieces, which are the existence used by him.

With his own information advantage, he understands the limit Yang Jian can tolerate. Although he may be able to accept that Strange and Alexia are fighting under the eyelids of his own, he will never allow the two to fight all the way into the city of Huiyao, destroying Zhou Yi’s presence in the world. So he could only take action at that time, and this is the key point for Frank to use him.

As for later, he dared to use such a way to humiliate and provoke Smith Zhou, and then kill Alexia, but also because he guessed that Smith Zhou and Zhou Yi were in a kind of mutual checks and balances. The possibility of being immobile.

He was bold enough to bet, and bet right, this is his ability, nothing wrong. Even the most rigid Yang Jian is impossible to say something about this, he can only admit that this is his ability.

However, one cannot be two. It is true that he can use the many loopholes and contradictions in the middle to play a trick, but this does not mean that he can play the trick a second time.

Let’s not talk about the status of Yang Jian, are you willing to be used so repeatedly by your yellow mouth child? Just say Smith Zhou, can he watch you use external force to turn Alexia’s last effort into invisible by means of almost cheating?

Don’t forget, it is Smith Zhou who is holding the key to Zhou Yi, not the other way around. Therefore, being able to stand firm against Smith Zhou and let him act on the sidelines before is already the limit Zhou Yi can do. It is simply unrealistic to expect him to come off the court personally now to rescue the problems Frank is facing at the moment. Unless, he is willing to take the risk of forcing Smith to the bottom line and hurting his family. And is it possible?

If you think about it calmly, Frank knows that this is absolutely impossible. The relationship between the two of them has not yet reached the point where life and death can be interchanged. Therefore, he is facing despair at the moment.

There is really no hope at all. He tried all the methods oneself could think of, but found nothing. This almost means that he can only watch his own mother die in front of his eyes. And this is what he would rather have happened to own than to see with his own eyes.

But what else can be done? Frank, who has tried all the methods, is inevitably a little frustrated, but his stubbornness in nature has his almost extreme love for the oneself family, so he can’t make the choice of giving up or even resigning.

He still wants to struggle, especially after he perceives that his own mother is getting weaker. At this time, he didn’t say that there was really no way. The only method also, the only difference is that it can no longer give her a perfect ending like the previous methods.

If that happens, he will no longer be able to let his own mother face him as a human being. And is this really what he or her mother wants? Seriously, he wasn’t sure, but he really had no other way.

He just wants his own mother to live. And this is his only luxury now!

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