Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2254

The sudden questioning obviously exceeded the expectations of everyone present. They didn’t expect that Frank would react like this when he was obviously autistic.

I want to excuse, but it is obviously too late. Frank is autistic and has no problems in his mind. As long as he looked at the white phosphorous bombs held by the soldiers, he could immediately perceive the original intentions of these soldiers. And this is obviously not something he can accept.

“get out of my sight!”

He couldn’t accept that the corpse of oneself mother was desecrated by them, so he immediately made a radical move. Obviously, the dotback king who had been staying beside him became the first target to be attacked.

Although he is not known for his body’s strength, Frank is also half of the Iron Body. Therefore, a trifling handcuffs cannot form any effective restraint on him. It is no more difficult than breaking a biscuit. He has already freed himself from the shackles, and then grabbed the bad luck egg beside him, like throwing out an inflatable doll. , Threw him at the guy holding the white phosphorous bomb.

The two tangled together and fell a donkey roll. The white phosphorous bombs also got out of their hands and burned directly in the room under the stimulation of normal temperature. Thousands of degrees of high temperature ignited almost everything it touched at once. The raging fire was almost assaults the senses, and the scene fell into absolute chaos in an instant.

“Damn it!”

It can be said that in an instant, the situation is beyond everyone’s control. In the face of Frank who suddenly appeared offensive, even if the officer behind the scenes desperately shouted calmly, do not shoot words like this, but in the face of Frank who has already threatened their lives, no one dared to take his This kind of bullshit taking seriously.

They are grandsons because it is related to their lives and their interests. But there is always a prerequisite for this, that is, their life is still on the owner. And if you can’t even save your life, who can have the mind to be a licking dog for you?

The soldiers are realistic, so they act decisively. Almost immediately, they aimed their guns at Frank, and then pulled the trigger in their hands without the slightest hesitation.

The bullet shot in front of Frank and was immediately blocked by an invisible force field like a bog. That is the mana shield commonly used by sorcerers. It is a portable weapon that is engraved on the clothes.

Of course, it is simple and practical for the sorcerers, but it is a bit disgusting for the soldiers now.

Fortunately, it is not the first time they have encountered such a disgusting opponent. Replaced directly with a set of bullets that have been lighted and sprinkled with chicken blood, and the mana shield immediately becomes a bubble that looks impressive but is worthless, which is the result of a single poke.

Frank didn’t think of this situation either, and when he wanted to dodge, it was already too late. He only had time to make a curling motion, and the bullets that came from him were already swept away at him. That is to say, the structure of his body is different. Otherwise, if he changes to an ordinary person, he will be swept into a sieve at this time. Even if he was not so miserable, these bullets still caused him enough damage.

His Iron Body is not as strong as Superman in the movie. Even if the bullet could not penetrate his body, it was not a problem to leave many holes on the body surface. And he is such a big person after all, sweeping down layers of bullets like this, not to mention cutting off a layer of meat, peeling off a layer of skin alive, but it is not a problem.

Pain, of course. But Frank only felt this pain not worth mentioning. The suffering he endured in his heart was much stronger than this physical pain, so when this pain came, he actually felt a kind of comfort.

The feeling of depression and despair in his heart seems to be contained, and this feeling is as important to him as a drowning person suddenly inhaled a breath of fresh air.

He suddenly laughed loudly, in the rain of bullets. And with his venting emotions, his good magic power is already mixed with his complex to the extreme emotions, turned into a strange and substantive energy, and suddenly radiated out. .

The first person who came into contact with this kind of energy only felt that oneself seemed to be hit by a cold wave. While the strong power smashed almost every bone in his body, it also made his whole body cold. Stiff, and then numb, it seemed that he couldn’t help himself.

He consciously wanted to break free, but he was obviously powerless. And before others had time to reach out to him, his entire body floating in the air that was impacted by this power seemed to be stuffed into a bomb, and collapsed silently into blood foam in the sky.

The tragic death method shocked all the soldiers. No one thought that a mission that originally seemed simple would eventually develop to such a point.

The death of Paoze greatly stimulated their nerves. This seemed to break the string of reason in their brains, making them scream crazy, and at the same time they began to exert all means. Attacked Frank.

Bullets, grenades, and even someone threw out C4. Faced with the threat of Death, everyone tried their best, and the result was that a small war like a sudden broke out in this room. Countless gunpowder and flames buried them almost instantly.

Frank certainly has awakened a new ability, but this is not enough for him to resist this crazy attack. This kind of power that mixes magic and personal emotions and reflects the nature of superpower may have extraordinary potential, but under the premise that it was originally born on Frank, its role is really limited.

The previous performance is already a certain limit. It is almost impossible to protect Frank’s safety under such crazy attacks at this time. Even more how, Frank himself does not intend to do any protection.

From the hurt he felt before, he experienced the feeling of depression in his heart, and this feeling seemed to point out a way out for him, that is, if he wants to completely follow To get out of this torture, maybe Death would be a good choice.

Death can make people ignorant, and Death is also the return of everything. If Death can end his inner pain and prompt him to reunite with his own parents in another country, then what reason does he have to refuse to embrace Death?

He couldn’t think of any reason for rejection, so at this time he was willing to let go to meet Death. However, even though he had made such a realization and put aside all means of resistance, Death did not come as expected. Because at this moment, a silhouette is already protecting him.

Maria! Or it’s a copy of Maria. She changed her previous look as if she was ignorant of a baby. At this moment, she looked like a beast protecting her cubs. Her eyes were fierce, and her complexion was hideous, but she clung to Frank in her arms and used her back forcibly. Undertake all the damage.

It is different from Frank’s half-hearted, flesh-and-blood Iron Body. The body of the replica Maria was constructed with Adamantium’s Nanominium after Frank invested a lot of effort. The almost indestructible characteristics displayed vividly and thoroughly at this moment, even with such a fierce attack, it did not leave even a half mark on her body.

She doesn’t even have much loss, and her bionic body still retains a lot of vitality. This allowed her to grin and grin after the storm was over, making a fiercely look at the soldiers. And seeing her performance like this, Frank’s heart was obviously surprised and surprised.


He couldn’t help but asked excitedly, because in his opinion, he could react to him at this time and remove him from Being rescued from the crisis undoubtedly means that Maria’s consciousness has been awakened in this body. He doesn’t care about the rhetoric that violates social ethics, he only knows that if all this is as he thinks, then the person in front of him is his mother, and is his only pillar in this world.

He desperately wants all of this to be true. However, in the face of his ardent inquiry and extremely anticipation, the replica Maria just glanced at him in confusion, and then, like an instinctive reaction, she tightly protected him behind her.

Compared with her mother, the current copy looks more like a wild beast. This is a conclusion Frank came to after careful observation. Whether it was the action of the replica guarding him behind him, or the way she bowed to the soldiers, grinning threateningly, it almost proved this point.

And this made Frank feel depressed. But they have to pull yourself together. Because he felt that all this might not be without a chance.

Since the replica Maria can make this kind of action right now, there is no doubt that Maria’s own consciousness or memory is having an impact on her. And since there is such an influence, then maybe one day, she will remember the identity of own, so that his mother will come back to him again.

This may be a bit self-deceiving, but at this moment, this is Frank’s only hope. He is like a drowning man who has grabbed the last straw. Even if he knows that this kind of thing may be minimal, he is still willing to try and take a gamble.

Anyway, he has nothing to lose. Since this is the case, why should he hesitate?

This idea has been born in his mind, and Frank’s attitude is naturally different from before. If he was just looking for death before, and wanted to ask for relief, then he undoubtedly has a reason to live now. With this, the situation is naturally different. At the very least, he wants to go, no one here can keep him.

The soldiers didn’t realize this yet, so they could only watch Frank pull up a Teleportation Portal, and then took a copy of Maria into it without looking back. . And they haven’t had time to make any response, the Teleportation Portal is like a bubble that has been blown through, just disappearing there out of thin air.

The goal just disappeared? Only then did they react, but the reaction that was already a bit late made them look at each other in blank dismay one by one, with innocence written on their faces. And the officer behind the scenes could only be incompetent and furious through the camera, yelling at them.

“Idiots, a bunch of idiots! You bastards, see what you all did. You screwed up completely, you screwed up everything! Damn, why am I not there. If I’m there, I swear, you have each one, I will put the muzzle in your arms, let you know what is the difference between your brain and your intestines! Waste, all waste !”

He scolded sharply, of course, the soldiers were also heavy in their hearts. It’s not that they really have that sense of responsibility and feel guilty for the negligence of their own. But they know very well how serious this mission is under the premise that the goal is Stark.

Success is naturally easy to say, promotion and salary increase are one-stop, even if it is to win socialites and move towards the peak of life, it is not something that you can’t think of. But if it fails, then the problem is not simple, it is so easy to be scolded by that idiot.

This is related to the political game. It is very likely that all of them will be involved. Once they are abandoned as abandoned, then the military court will be a good one, and more It may be that all people will be completely wiped out as disappear from the face of the earth, without even leaving a name.

In all fairness, none of the soldiers who are completely reduced to wage earners wants to cause such a result. Facing the constant chatter of the chief oneself, they glanced at each other tacitly, and immediately yelled.

“Shut up, idiot. I have this kung fu to curse here. Why don’t you think about how to solve this problem. Don’t forget, you are the host of this mission. , Do you think you can escape!”


This is a real problem. The chief behind the scenes is obviously aware of the crisis oneself has to face. And he is not the kind of complete wine skin and rice bag. Perhaps in the first line of fighting, he is a soft guy. But being able to be placed in such a position as the backbone of the capital forces itself proved that there is still something desirable in him. And just after he almost racked his brains, in the end, he also came up with a way.

“Perhaps, we can use Madame Maria’s body to make a fuss!”

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