Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2257

The confidence of politicians is built on falsehood. Their believe oneself infallible cannot replace reality.

It’s like a virus. They thought it was a small mess, not worth mentioning. Compared with the political competition they are now facing, it is completely irrelevant. However, the reality is that they will slap them at this time, so that they clearly realize that, compared with the cruel reality, their so-called political games are really not worth mentioning.

After a short period of spread and evolution, the virus has already experienced an incubation period. And it is precisely because of this incubation period that these blind politicians take it lightly and directly drag oneself into the bottomless abyss.

This bad luck congressman is the first to have this kind of illness reaction. Of course, he will never be the last. Accompanying his terrifying symptoms is his Death, and this kind of Death, as it should be by rights, touches the hearts of many people.

Not out of pity and sympathy, they don’t have time to take care of these things now. Rather, it is because of the intersection between politicians, whether it’s meetings on the surface or in private. As a result, every person who has directly or indirectly touched Maria’s body has become a potential carrier of the virus.

How many people have been in contact with these people, no one knows, and how many people they have directly and indirectly contacted, this is almost impossible to verify. These high-ranking guys will not be so easy to reveal the people that oneself has contacted, because none of these old foxes want to reveal oneself’s political bias because of this.

Interests, especially personal interests, this is a question they will first consider at any time. And of course they are more concerned about this than the Death threat caused by this virus. It sounds ridiculous, as if they don’t even want their lives, they just want to ask for money. But in fact, this is just a fluke that’s all that exists in human nature.

Of course they are also frightened, but they say that while frightening, the fluke in their hearts makes them feel that no matter who the infection is, as long as oneself can avoid it.

Many people are self-reliant on their health, and coupled with the close contact with Mrs. Maria who did not die, they feel that they should be the one who can be spared. After all, they are the so-called elites. Although there is no essential difference between an elite and an ordinary person, the environment in which they live and the protection their wealth can provide them can greatly widen the gap between the two parties.

For example, they can build an underground fortress that is sufficient to defend against nuclear war and spend decades in it. Ordinary persons can only resign themselves to fate, even if they are lucky to survive a nuclear explosion, they have to pick up the broken life in the wasteland. This is the gap.

At the moment, the elites can enjoy complete medical protection and let the doctors of cream of the crop serve oneself. Ordinary person, even if it has medical insurance, there is only one option of queuing obediently and honestly. And under the premise that this virus does not have any countermeasures, and has such terrifying infectivity and lethality, what is the difference between going to the hospital and waiting to die?

Of course, this is not something that bureaucrats will worry about. What they worry about is only oneself, and at most it extends to the allies of oneself’s interests. They don’t care too much about the life and death of the low-level civilians, and this has led to the fact that the bureaucratic group has not heard of the news, and has made sufficient preparations for own safety. In the civilian world, they still don’t know anything about it.

Everyone’s impression of this storm is that the Stark family disappeared and Frank was expelled. As for the congressman who was bleeding to death in front of the camera and seemed to be possessed by a ghost, the official explanation to him was that he was cursed from a certain mysterious power, and this curse most likely came from Frank.

If you have more debts, don’t worry about it. Anyway, enough dirty water was poured on Frank, and I didn’t care about adding such a sum. Of course, in order to win people’s trust, they are not completely open their mouths. After all, the entire United States is also impossible as fools, and no one will stand up and question whether they talk nonsense. So in order to make the statement of oneself more true, they even moved out the fact that Frank is the dísciple of Paragon sorcerer.

Judging from the cooperation between the Stark family and Paragon sorcerer, this does not seem to be impossible. So, according to their thoughts, things seem to become so real.

Just say that Frank can’t accept that bad luck congressman desecrated his mother’s body in that way, and then cursed him with the magic he learned from Paragon sorcerer. I believe that fooling overwhelming majority is still Not a problem. Even if someone is questioning, you should come up with evidence first.

This in itself is a matter of dead men tell no tales. Even if Frank stood up to refute the rumors, they could say that the child was lying. Judging by Frank’s reputation today, very few people are willing to believe him. So it doesn’t matter how the truth of the matter is. The official conclusion has already been made.

It is difficult for the public to distinguish between official cover-ups and lies. Although the information channels in modern society are extensive, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Especially under the premise that the United States Government, which can reverse right and wrong and confuse black and white, will lead public opinion in person, the truth simply does not have the ability to surface.

Ordinary people in the United States are aware of the existence of such an infectious disease from limited channels at best, and have certain concerns about the existence of this infectious disease. But without anyone telling them where this infectious disease will appear, spread in the who group, and what they should do to prevent and treat this disease, they are simply powerless.

The smarter people are at best hoarding supplies, and stay away from those who seem to be wrong. Those guys who don’t even realize the problem can only continue to enjoy Hehe every day and live their normal and boring lives.

Everything seems to be calm and tranquil. Ordinary persons are probably impossible to realize what kind of turbulence is behind this kind of calm and tranquil. They only feel that life is continuing, and life is indeed continuing. However, there is a difference between today and tomorrow. The difference is that every day, things start to get worse.

The United States Government’s general election is approaching. As politicians compete with each other more fiercely, they are gradually showing fierce appearances.

This is not in peacetime, and there is no real authoritative government restricting their actions. If in the past, everyone only made moves within the rules, now, all methods, including those that cannot be used outside the table, have been used to the extreme.

Assassinating political enemies is already a common and visible method. It’s not uncommon for people who hire big tickets to directly cause conflicts and riots.

In order to grab the top spot of the new government, the politicians have used all means. It can be said that they put almost all their energy on this. Not just them, but the same goes for capitalists.

After robbing Frank of the power of the Stark family business in a legal name, the capitalists are also busy starting their offensive, hoping to bite a big piece of flesh and blood on the giant beast, Stark. , To fill up their impossible hunger.

In the opinion of some people, the leaders of this country are already crazy. They are so immersed in own desire that almost everything they should see and hear is ignored by them.

Of course, just like some countries and nations, no matter how ignorant they are, there will be people of insight. Even at this time, not all politicians and capitalists are like them.

Is it because someone noticed some extraordinary changes? Is someone aware of the seriousness of the problem? Although these people may not be able to guide the trend of the mainstream, they can still do something oneself can do.

For example, the most real first-hand data is in the hands of own.

“These are all the cases sent by several major hospitals. Except for patients with past medical history, all new patients have been classified according to your requirements. Among them, the overwhelming majority are influenza patients. And less partly because of some other epidemic diseases…seriously, Coulson, I don’t think what we are doing is useful.”

As an old friend in a sense , Or more intimate than friends, almost similar to the existence of relatives, Quake is obviously difficult to reject Coulson. So after she got the request from Coulson, she immediately mobilized all the power in oneself’s hand to help him.

I want to explain here that Quake is no longer an agent at this time. After the mission accident and Harry Osbourne fell in love, she took the initiative to break away from the identity of the own agent. Of course, there is a little bit of help from Coulson, otherwise, based on her personal qualifications and situation, she wants to break away from her identity under the premise of violating discipline, which is simply impossible.

In short, thanks to Coulson’s almost father’s tolerance, Quake has the power to stand in the sun. And because of this, she has a brand new identity, and that is Mrs. Osborn.

As a beneficiary of the Stark government, Oscorp has achieved unprecedented development at that time, and has almost been promoted to the world Peak consortium level. And because of his birth, he is neither a traditional consortium power nor a supporter of the Stark government. This allows him to maintain his own development and size, whether in the past or now.

After all, United States has returned to the grasp of capitalists. As capitalists, they have no reason to oppose the Osborn Family, who are also capitalists. Therefore, Osborn is still alive and has grown stronger than when the Stark government was in.

After all, at this time, impossible someone will stand up to restrict the development of capital. With the savage development of capital itself, as long as it also develops, then he can devour everything in front of oneself with a rare beast attitude.

Take Osborn as an example, as the most sophisticated and largest multinational company in biotechnology. More than 90% of hospitals in the entire United States are impossible to avoid and Oscorp overlaps. And under this premise, Quake, Osborn’s hostess, wants to obtain some less important information from these intersecting and cooperative wishes, and it is simply a matter of frustration.

This is a trivial matter. For Quake, one call may be that someone is willing to saddle her up, so that she doesn’t even need to urge her, so someone will naturally put everything she wants in front of her. Come. It stands to reason that Coulson is more or less a senior figure in the United States Government. If he wants to, he should be able to do similar things easily.

However, the reality is that he must turn to Quake for help in order to get the information he wants.

The return of capitalists led to the complete collapse of the previous administrative system, and when his orders could not be transmitted to the own office, even if they were transmitted, it was one thing that people would not treat you as such. When your orders are only perfunctory and evasive, no matter how high your status is, it will not help.

Obviously, they made a very wrong choice at that time. The most direct result of this choice is that each of them has been squeezed to the edge of power.

Perhaps in the past, they could pat their chests and say that oneself values ​​power not at all. It can be said that power is like dirt. But today, they have to admit how much power is so cherished and precious.

People know to cherish only after they are lost. And this time is often too late. Coulson is like that, but he didn’t at all feel sorry for it, but did his best by doing everything he could.

Using Osborn’s network of relationships is the only way he can think of. For his approach, Quake can guess a bit. In addition, her location is also impossible. She doesn’t know some of the secrets, so at this time, she also said very simply.

“This is useless. If you really want to solve the problem, you must find the most fundamental source of the virus. Only in this way can I use Osborn’s power to help you!”

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