Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2261

Maria Hill, of course, can feel their relationship with each other, but for her, this is something she doesn’t need to care too much about.

She has been working as a politician for so many years, although she hasn’t made much progress in the means, but she has a cheeky knowledge on her face. After all, everyone knows that playing politicians can’t be ridiculous. Once you get started, you will naturally get used to it.

Maria didn’t care about Coulson’s expression on her face, but rather directly, she spoke to him.

“I need your help, Coulson. Find Frank and let him hand over the antidote to the virus. You should know that this is our only way!”

” What makes you think that you can find the antidote if you find Frank? At this time, do you think this virus really has something to do with Stark?”

Coulson frowned, he was essentially I think there is a problem with Maria’s idea. What does it mean to ask Frank to hand over the antidote? So far, except for some extreme politicians who believe that this is the consequence of Stark’s failure to study a certain virus, all the evidence only proves that Stark is only the first victim of the accident, that is, patient zero.

To let the patient hand over the antidote is as ridiculous as asking the victim to hand over the murderer. What is even more ridiculous is that someone actually has such an idea, and this person is still standing in front of the owner. This makes Coulson feel that this World has become absurd.

“I didn’t mean that.” Maybe I felt that the words of own had lost some sense, and Maria frowned also made a remedy. “I mean, he is a very critical existence. Finding him will help us find the key to solving this virus. Don’t tell me that you don’t care about this, you should know that this is related to the fate of countless people and even this country. We can’t just sit on the sidelines!”

“Otherwise, what else?” Coulson asked rhetorically. “Can we do anything now? Don’t tell me, you don’t know our current situation. With the efforts of all of us, we can’t do anything now. Admit it, Hill. We have been kicked. It’s out. Isn’t it good to be an outsider obediently and honestly?”

“Being an outsider? It’s not like you would say something.”

Hear Coulson ‘S answer, Hill immediately hugged his chest, and looked at him condescendingly with a slight difference in height.

“Being an outsider, and then slowly waiting for death. It is incredible, you will accept such an arrangement. What made you say such a frustrated thing is because you are frustrated , To our failure? Or is it that you have found a solution to the problem?”

Even though Hill has indeed felt immersed in this kind of power game over the years, it does not mean that As a result, she will lose the keen sense of oneself. Don’t forget, she can play the role of mothership commander in SHIELD, and this is not based on the nepotism between him and Nick Fury.

In fact, I want to stay in this position only as a woman, so that others will not gossip. Level is the most indispensable. The key to this is tactical operation, also judgment.

She is always keenly aware of the intentions of some people and responds promptly. And right now, when Coulson just said some negative words, Hill had already noticed something wrong in his mind.

She knows Coulson too well. More than ten years of working experience has allowed her to know almost every move of Coulson. So when Coulson made it clear that she was playing a ghost, she immediately noticed it. And this is exactly what Coulson didn’t want to see.

Outside the knot, this is not a good thing for him. Especially under the premise that what he is going to do is very sensitive. So with a very embarrassed cough, Coulson got up in a hurry.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Hill. Sorry, I have a concert to listen to. So if you have nothing important…”

He hopes to dispel Hill’s curiosity, but obviously, Hill is not so easy to dismiss at this time. She stared at Coulson, guarding the door without moving a step. And after she made it obvious that oneself’s intention to block her, she immediately asked Coulson.

“I don’t remember how long you haven’t heard a big mention of Jean playing. Also, Phil, don’t show such a nonchalant look. I know you too well, you are not this way to the end People who will give up at the moment. Especially, it’s not just us that matters… Let’s talk, tell me. What did you find out. If possible, I might be able to help you too. Maybe?”


Hearing Hill’s this remark, Coulson’s face inevitably showed hesitation. He didn’t doubt Hill’s contacts. In fact, she, who has been monitoring the Superhero registration bill, can provide them with the best candidates at this time. What he cares about is Hill’s attitude. Because with Hill’s current mentality of wanting to make a difference in politics, it is difficult for him to be sure what kind of attitude she will be when oneself tells oneself’s plan.

If yes, then everything is fine, but if not, then he has to consider the risks.

From Hill’s point of view, he must first consider some of Hill’s probability of doing so. Because agreeing with his actions is equivalent to participating in it as the mastermind, which undoubtedly means that she will bear a major political responsibility. Coulson is naturally indifferent. He is not afraid of Death, let alone some political ups and downs. But Maria is different. Judging from the risk that a little carelessness may completely ruin her political future, the probability that she agrees with this behavior is really minimal.

And if she disagrees. So obviously, she will become the biggest obstacle in this series of plans.

It’s not that he has any special opinions about Hill, but he is too aware of how much a person will change when he is lost in power. He can say with certainty that the former Hill was absolutely loyal to this country, even in the face of Death, she will not hesitate on this issue. But the question is now, when the country itself has become the stage for her power struggle, whether she can still have the same consciousness as before, he really has no confidence at all.

This is embarrassing, especially for their friendship for so many years. However, he didn’t dare to gamble, and he couldn’t afford it.

Trust this thing is sometimes so fragile, even if it is the person you are most familiar with, you dare not say that you will just share the heaviest burden that oneself bears. Not only was he afraid of crushing him, but also worried that he would become oneself.

So, Coulson can only be silent. And this silence seemed to break Hill’s heart, so much so that she immediately raised her eyebrows and questioned Coulson.

“Don’t you dare to tell me? Or, do you think I am not trustworthy?”

Such a question almost forced Coulson into a dead end and made him feel uncomfortable. Do not answer. On the one hand is the friendship of more than ten years, on the other is the hope and bottom line that he holds most firmly in his heart. This led him to make a choice no matter what kind of answer he was.

Obviously, he is impossible to give up oneself’s last hope. So after the difficult nodded, he said.

“I don’t want to take unnecessary risks.”

“Unnecessary risks?” Hill raised her voice, and at the same time, her face turned red from anger. Up.

“I have worked with you for how many years, Coulson! It has been almost 20 years since I started serving as an adjutant to Director Fury! How many years have we fought together in this almost 20 years? How many times, how many births and deaths, have you forgotten?”

“You forgot, but I can’t. How many times did you save the life of this bastard by me, you yourself I know it! If it weren’t for me, your guy would have been lying in which coffin, waiting for someone to offer you flowers! Now it’s good, you actually said to me unnecessary risks, suspecting that I would betray you? Okay, really good!”

This is an expression of irritation, and looking at her appearance, Coulson is also unavoidable to feel a little guilty.

To be honest, does oneself really have to do this to her? This is of course a difficult question to answer correctly. And there is no doubt that from the present point of view, his approach is biased. At the very least, he was sorry for the friendship between them born in blood and fire over the years.

Aware of this, of course he feels a little sorry. But this does not mean that he is going to compromise, he is not so unprincipled. So he was just embarrassed, and then in this embarrassing situation, he had to explain to Hill again.

“Sorry, Hill. I simply don’t want to drag you in. It’s dangerous. Whether it’s for you or me…”

“Danger? It’s funny. So, are you afraid of danger, or am I afraid of danger? When did people like us start to avoid danger?”

Using danger as an excuse, It is really a ridiculous reason. You must know that no matter what their status is now, in the past, they were all agents. It’s the kind of person who fought hard from the front line a little bit, and it is bluntly to say that he really got out of the pile of corpses. Such people, even Death, are almost with them. If they are afraid of danger, it is simply the biggest joke in the world. Their work is inherently dangerous.

This does not constitute a reason. Coulson oneself knew this too, but he didn’t plan to change his words. Because the danger itself can be expounded from many aspects, such as the point he wants to state.

“I know you don’t care about this, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore everything. I can only tell you that what I’m going to do next is likely to be very bad If you fail, everyone will die together. And even if it succeeds, it is very likely that our country has suffered very severe hostility and blows.” “In this case, if you participate Come in, the best result is to say goodbye to your political career completely. Worse, the situation is simply unimaginable. Of course I can ignore all this, because I have already prepared for the worst. But you , Hill. Can you really have this kind of consciousness?”

Coulson is not the kind of person who is aimless. Although, as an agent, he certainly would say some nice lie when necessary, but when faced with really serious problems and very serious matters, he has always been very serious.

Hill knows this very well. That’s why she was even more stunned, a little unbelievable, wondering what kind of plan Coulson was brewing at this time.

“Damn it, my God, Coulson, what do you want to do?”

“You give me a positive answer before I can tell you, what am I What do you want to do!”

Coulson threw the question back, and for his question, Hill was also rare to fall into silence.

Say goodbye to own political career, this is really bad enough. But this is not the worst. Worst of all, everything she knew before no longer existed.

When Stark died, she hadn’t paid much attention to this issue, but when Nick Fury also passed away, she was already clearly aware that the world oneself was familiar with had clearly passed away.

They can no longer change, or even stop the drastic changes of this World. Facing the decline of this country, she and Coulson can only watch.

Of course she is not reconciled at this point, but even if she is not reconciled, she is completely powerless. She can’t stop these, and she can’t even rely on own means to take away from the cunning politicians the power that belongs to them and can be used to save the country.

Compared with how much she could still play a little bit in the past, she is completely irrelevant at this moment. And this, of course, made her depressed and painful.

As a woman, she has a perceptual element in her nature. In her most essential thoughts, she really didn’t want to see such a scene.

She didn’t want to wake up one morning, the Stars and Stripes became meaningless rags, and the noisy city and even the country fell into dead silence. She didn’t want to eyes opened anymore, she could only face a barrenness and dying, and her eyes were only white bones.

She just wants to keep all this, even if everything in front of her is very bad. So simply didn’t hesitate too much, she had already called out to Coulson.

“Tell me, what is your plan? And I, what can I help you in?”

“You have to think clearly, this If you really join in, there is really no room for relaxation.”

Coulson routinely gives one last warning, and this naturally cannot scare Hill, who has made up his mind.

“Stop talking nonsense, tell me what you plan to do!”

“It’s actually very simple. I just want to dig the corner of Europe that’s all.”

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